4 Designs of Above Ground Pipelines Coordination
4.0.1 The laying of above ground pipelines shall be determined based on comprehensive comparison of media attributes,operation safety,plant site topography,land conditions,construction,maintenance,transportation,production management and plant appearance.
4.0.2 The overall process and thermal piping should be laid above the ground,and the piping for liquefied hydrocarbon and inflammable gas shall be laid overhead or along the ground.
4.0.3 The piping laid along the ground surface or on the low supports must not be arranged around any process unit or tank group,and must not affect the access of fire engines.
4.0.4 The arrangement of above ground pipelines shall comply with the following requirements:
1 The height clearance and foundation position of pipe rack shall not affect the transportation,fire fighting operation and maintenance.
2 The piping for liquefied hydrocarbon,inflammable gas and inflammable liquid laid above ground surface shall be kept at certain safety distance from the process,storage and loading/unloading facilities with high fire hazard and high corrosivity,and from operation facilities with open fire,and their crossings with railroad shall be minimized.
3 The natural lighting and ventilation of architecture should not be affected.
4.0.5 The minimum height clearance for overhead pipeline and its truss crossing railroad and road shall comply with the specifications in Table 4.0.5.For the road with large item transportation requirement or with access of large lifting equipment during mainteinance,the height clearance shall be decided based upon the requirements.On the piping for liquefied hydrocarbon,inflammable gas and inflammable liquid,valves and piping fittings subject to leaking shall not be installed where the pipeline sections are crossing railroad or road.
Table 4.0.5 Minimum height clearance of overhead pipeline and its truss when crossing railroad and road

Notes:1 The minimum height clearance in the table:For pipeline it is calculated from the external edge of protection facility.for pipe rack it is calculated from the lowest position.
2 The number in the railroad column is not applicable for railroad of electric locomotive.
4.0.6 The piping for liquefied hydrocarbon,inflammable gas,inflammable liquid,corrosive and toxic media must not be supported on the architecture/structure except that the piping is related to the architecture/structure.
4.0.7 The minimum net horizontal distance between the pipe rack(except the pipe rack for piping of liquefied hydrocarbon,inflammable gas,inflammable liquid,corrosive and toxic media)and architecture/structure shall comply with the specifications in Table 4.0.7.
Table 4.0.7 Minimum net horizontal distance between pipe rack and architecture/structure

Notes:1 Unless specified in the table,the minimum net horizontal distance for pipe rack is calculated from the external edge.For urban road it is calculated from the edge of road surface.For highway road it is calculated from the edge of road shoulder.
2 This table is not applicable for ground paving type,pipe sleeper type,low support type and architecture support type.
4.0.8 The overhead electric power cable of 35kV(kilovolt)and above going into plant site shall be arranged along the edge of plant site,whose length in the plant site shall be minimized.
4.0.9 The overhead electric power cable must not cross the process units,architecture/structure with fire hazard in Class A/B/C and tank farm,warehouse that store inflammable and explosive materials,and must not cross roof built with inflammable materials.
4.0.10 The distance between overhead electric power cable and plant site process unit/facility,tank farm,workshop,warehouse,laydown area shall comply with the current applicable national standard GB 50160 Fire Prevention Code of Petrochemical Enterprise Design.
4.0.11 Except process unit/facilities,tank farm,workshop,warehouse and laydown area in Class A/B/C,the minimum net horizontal distance and minimum net verticle clearance between overhead electric power cable and architecture/structure,road,railroad,other piping shall comply with relevant the specifications in the current applicable national standards on design of overhead power transmission(distribution)cable.
4.0.12 When above ground pipelines are laid in parallel with road,the pipelines shall not be laid within the scope of highway road shoulder.The lighting poles and supports of above ground pipeline that crosses the road may be laid on the road shoulder of highway road.However,the requirements of transportation and safety shall be satisfied.The pipe rack supports,lighting poles,street trees or sign poles arranged on the road shoulder of highway road shall comply with the following specifications:
1 No less than 0.5m to the road surface edge of double lane road.
2 No less than 3.0m to the centerline of single lane road.