3 Basic Requirements
3.0.1 In the process of plan,engineering,construction and production management for pipelines coordination,the plant site pipelines shall be overally planned,appropriately arranged,scientifically constructed,and managed based upon standards to realize informationization and data sharing for the plant site pipelines coordination management.
3.0.2 The pipelines coordination shall be integrated with the general layout,vertical layout,road layout,railroad layout and greening layout at plant site for uniform plan and appropriate layout.Among different pipelines,and among pipelines and architectures/structures,roads,railroads,process units,utilities and storage & transportation facilities,the plane layout and vertical layout shall be coordinated,compact and appropriate,and help to improve the plant site topographic.The arrangement of pipelines coordination shall comply with the current applicable national standard GB 50160 Fire Prevention Code of Petrochemical Enterprise Design.
3.0.3 The arrangement and laying pattern of pipelines shall be decided according to the process requirements,attributes of media in pipelines,production safety,health and environment protection,transportation,plant site topograpy,engineering geology,hydrogeology,meteorology,construction,maintenance and process management.
3.0.4 Pipelines coordination shall be arranged properly and economically on land and at the same time should meet the requirement of process,production,safety,construction and maintenance.When it is economically and technically feasible,the pipelines shall be laid in common trench,on common pipe rack,in multiple levels or in the same piping ditch to fully utilize the above ground and underground space.However,the pipelines with interactive impact on safety,environmental protection,health and interference resistance shall not be laid in common pipe rack or trench.
3.0.5 In the engineering of pipelines coordination,attention shall be paid to the near-term construction plan,the current situation and the development requirement of the enterprise,and full consideration shall be given to the medium/long term construction.The land for construction and development shall be reserved and appropriately utilized.For the plant built in several construction phases,the layout of piping belt shall be overally planned and the following requirements shall be met:
1 Pipelines in near-term plan shall be centralized and shall consider the medium/long term plan.
2 In case that the pipelines of near-term plan need to run though the land for medium/long term plan,those pipelines shall be arranged at the edge of the land for medium/long term plan,and shall not impact the use of the those land.
3 Land for pipelines of medium-long term plan shall be reserved within the piping belt of new plant site,and the allowance should be 10%~20% or decided per plan.
3.0.6 The types of pipelines at petrochemical plant site include water supply piping,circulation water piping,fire fighting water piping,drainage water piping,thermal piping,utility or process piping,fuel gas piping,chemicals piping and catalyst piping,electric power cable,control/telecom cable and other piping.
The types of commonly used piping at petrochemical plant site shall meet the requirements in Appendix A.the pipeline associated facilities shall meet the requirements in Appendix B.the codes and colors of commonly used pipelines shall comply with the specifications in Table C.0.1 in Appendix C.the code of commonly used attachments of pipelines shall comply with the specifications in Table C.0.2 in Appendix C.
3.0.7 The design of pipelines coordination shall include the following:
1 Decide the laying patterns of pipelines.
2 Decide the sequence and position for above ground and underground laying of pipelines.
3 Decide the net horizontal distance between above ground/underground pipelines and architecture/structure,road,railroad,process units,utilities and storage & transportation facilities.
4 Decide the height clearance for above ground pipeline crossing architecture/structure,road and railroad.
5 Decide the net horizontal distance and the net verticle clearance of adjacent underground pipelines.
3.0.8 The design of pipelines coordination shall meet the following requirements:
1 Meet the process requirements and comply with the requirements of smooth process flow,production facilitation,safety ensurance,health and environmental protection,energy saving,management convenience and profitability improvement.
2 Meet the requirements of transportation,fire fighting,construction,maintenance and natural condition.
3 The pipelines shall be arranged within the planned piping belt.The piping belt shall be arranged in short,convenient and smooth way,and shall be in parallel with the boundary line of road,railroad,architecture and the B/Ls(battery limits)of process units,utilities,storage & transportation facilities.
4 The main pipelines of different types should be arranged by both road sides,and the underground main pipelines should be arranged by the road side with more users.
5 The crossing between pipeline and road,railroad,other main pipeline shall be minimized.In case of crossing,the crossing angle of pipeline and road,rai,other main pipeline should be 90°.In some difficult case,the crossing angle shall be no less than 45°.
6 The pipe racks and underground pipelines going into or out of the process units,utilities and storage& transportation facilities shall be appropriately connected with plant-site main pipe racks and underground pipelines in plane layout and vertical layout.
3.0.9 The pipelines coordination should be arranged by the following sequence,and be arranged toward road direction from architecture boundary line or BL of process unit,utilities and storage & transportation facilities:
1 Control/telecom cable or optical cable.
2 Electric power cable.
3 Thermal piping.
4 Piping or pipe racks for compressed air,oxygen,nitrogen,fuel gas,chemical and catalyst and various process.
5 Domestic and production water supply piping,circulation water piping.
6 Industrial wastewater(production wastewater and production drainage)piping.
7 Sanitary drainage piping.
8 Fire fighting piping.
9 Rainwater drainage piping.
10 Lighting,control/telecom poles.
3.0.10 The permanent above ground and underground pipelines must not run through or cross any irrelevant process unit,utilities or tank farm.Piping containing inflammable/explosive hazard or toxic medium(media)must not run through or cross any irrelevant process unit,utilities,tank farm,architecture or storage facilities.
3.0.11 Sewage piping containing inflammable liquid and process pipelines shall not be laid on the road surface or above/below the road shoulder along the road.
3.0.12 The piping belt or pipeline arranged in parallel with road should not be turned from one side of the road to another.
3.0.13 For plant site located at mountainous area,the pipeline laying shall fully utilize the topography and avoid any hazards due to the flood,debris flow and other geological disaster(s).
3.0.14 The pipelines coordination in reconstruction or extension project shall not jeopardize the normal operation of existing pipelines.
3.0.15 In case of pipeline distance not complying with the specifications in this Code,the distance may be appropriately reduced after taking effective,safe and technical measure(s).However,the production safety shall be guaranteed and the construction and maintenance requirements shall be met.
3.0.16 Before the engineering and construction of project,the conditions of existing above ground and underground pipelines or other facilities shall be found out.The construction shall be operated according to design document requirements and relevant specifications in construction process,while the safety measures be taken for the existing above ground and underground pipelines or other facilities.
3.0.17 The enterprise shall conduct general surveys for the present condition of plant site underground pipelines according to the plan,engineering,construction and process management of the project,and shall timely revise the present condition of underground pipelines.
3.0.18 In pipeline as-built survey or exploration of underground pipelines,the attribute data,spatial data,topological relation and logic relation of underground pipelines and pipeline associated facilities shall be found out,and the connection relation between underground pipelines and above ground pipelines/facilities shall be found out.
3.0.19 In engineering for pipelines coordination,pipeline as-built survey and underground pipeline exploration,uniform coordinate system(architecture coordinate system or urban coordinate system)and height system shall be used for the plane position and elevation of pipelines.Conversion relation shall be established with urban coordinate system when architecture coordinate system is used.
3.0.20 The plant site pipeline as-built survey,underground pipeline exploration and compilation of relevant pipelines coordination as-built diagrams and underground pipeline exploration diagrams shall be based at the plant site present basic scale topographic map and shall meet the following requirements:
1 During the compilation of plant site pipelines coordination as-built diagrams and underground pipelines exploration diagrams,the scale,sheet dimension and subdivision of the discipline pipeline diagrams and pipelines coordination diagrams shall be consistent with those of the basic scale topographic map.
2 For computer mapping or establishment of pipelines coordination information management system,the basic scale topographic map shall use digitalized.
3 The scale of the basic scale topographic map used for plant site pipelines as-built survey and exploration should be 1∶500.
4 The scale of the topographic map for construction site pipeline as-built survey and exploration may be determined by actual conditions and should be 1∶200~1∶500.
3.0.21 Upon as-built survey or exploration of underground pipelines,the pipeline points should be set at the orthographic projection position of pipeline feature points on the ground.On pipeline section without feature points or considerable distance between them,the number of pipeline points shall be densified.The setup of pipeline points shall comply with the following specifications:
1 In pipeline as-built survey,the distance between pipeline points on the linear section of pipeline should not exceed 30m(meter).
2 In exploration for underground pipelines,the number of pipeline points shall be densified when the distance between two adjacent feature points on the linear section of pipeline exceeds 50m.
3 For underground pipeline as-built survey or underground pipeline exploration,the pipeline points should be set up where pipelines get in/out of the BLs of process units,utilities and storage &transportation facilities.The pipeline points shall be set up where pipelines get in/out of architecture and process facility.
4 In underground pipeline as-built survey or underground pipeline exploration,pipeline points should be set up where the topography and physiognomy features undergo apparent change.
5 In case of pipeline bending,the setup of pipeline points shall be capable of reflecting the bending feature of pipeline and those points should be no less than 3.
6 The pipeline points shall be provided with easily recognizable temporary ground marks including wooden pile,steel nail or paint,or permanent ground marks including prefabricated cement pile or stone marks on the ground.When pipeline runs though road or railroad,permanent ground marks should be set up by both sides of the road or railroad.The ground mark should show the name,routing or flow direction of pipeline on it.The permanent ground mark must not jeopardize the normal operation,maintenance,safety of pipeline and transportation.
3.0.22 The accuracy for exploration of underground pipeline shall comply with the following specifications:
1 Detecting accuracy for concealed pipeline points:Plane position tolerance δts(cm):0.10h.Burial depth tolerance δth(cm):0.15h.
Note:Where h is the center burial depth of underground pipeline whose unit is“cm(centimeter)”.When h≤100cm,h is substituted by 100cm for calculation.In case of special requirement of the exploration accuracy,it may be determined per project requirements.
2 The burial depth of underground pipeline shall be actually measured on site at distinct pipeline points with error not exceeding±5cm.
3 Survey accuracy of pipeline points:The root mean square error of plane position ms shall not exceed±5cm(adjacent control point),the root mean square error of height mh shall not exceed±3cm(adjacent vertical control point).
4 Survey/mapping accuracy for pipeline diagrams:The mean square error(mc)for the distance between pipeline point and adjacent architecture/structure,equipment,adjacent pipelines,centerline of road and railroad shall not exceed±0.5mm(millimeter)in the diagram.
5 This Code takes mean square error as the standard for weighing exploration accuracy,twice root mean square error serves as the limit error.
3.0.23 Upon exploration of underground pipeline,the operating contractor shall establish quality management system,implement the quality inspection system including“Three Level Inspection”,and submit the quality inspection reports of all procedures.
3.0.24 The digitalization and informationization of pipelines coordination management should be synchronized with engineering of pipelines coordination,as-built survey of pipeline or present exploration of underground pipelines.The information and results for engineering of pipelines coordination,as-built survey of pipeline or present exploration of underground pipelines shall meet the requirements for establishing,updating or improvement of the pipelines coordination information management system.