一九五〇年 五十六岁
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
大示敬悉。国会图书馆之款八十元,尚未寄到,望代一询。如尚未寄出,即请改寄费君收,附函乞代交。如已寄出,望示弟何时寄出?加州大学之百十元,已来函接洽,□已覆书,想下月可汇来,弟已请勿汇英镑。唐笙女士顷来函谓已迁居17 Prospect street, Great Neck, N. Y.,不知前承代寄衣服可转到否,念念。弟之四小女及五小儿均于年内来英,在赣湘粤展转半年,果可出险,至为庆幸。知注顺闻,尚请俪福。
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 4〕
L. C.所欠三百十一元,最好仍由美领馆转拨,否则请子明兄领了,存在Riggs银行生名下,但汇来北京更好。因生正在买一处房子,尚欠四五百元,愈快愈好,请代催。专此,即请钧安!
半月前上一信,称买定一所房子,亟需款。三年前售与L. C.书款,尚未领到,请代催。领出后,一可代存华府Nat. Riggs Bank生名下,则可在此间用支票支取。(每次只能支五十元)二请一直汇来北京。购房定钱已付,三月底非有钱不可,请千万代催为感。专此,即请旅安!
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 3〕
Memo Re Grant to the National Library of Peiping
At the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the China Foundation held in the fall of 1949, a grant of $5,000 was made to the National Library of Peiping.
It appeared that only the first installment of $1,250 had been made in the spring of 1949. According to Mr. C. M. Wang, the Acting Director, our subscriptions to American and British periodicals for 1949 have not yet been paid. Nor has he placed periodical subscriptions for 1950. A number of complaints have been received from the publishers.
It is hoped that the China Foundation will arrange to pay the other three installments of the grant of $5,000 made in 1949, so that a minimum number of periodical subscriptions can be continued by the Library without causing any serious break of its valuable file of scientific journals.
Respectfully submitted,
T. L. Yuan
February 4, 1950
按:“良才先生”即叶良才,广东梅县人,1925年岭南大学毕业,获商学士学位(1),后长期在中基会工作,时负责会中财务。胡适在落款处标注“$3,600.00 HS.”
Joseph F. Ford覆函先生,感谢帮助校阅凤凌日记译稿,并约晚饭。
8th February 1950
Dear Dr Yuan,
Thank you very much for your letter clearing up many points about my translation which had been obscure to me. You must wonder why I have not replied earlier. As a matter of fact, my office work has been rather heavy in the last month, but I have now taken up the translation again and am making progress little by little. In quite a short time I hope to be able to put the whole work in your hands. I do appreciate very much indeed your kind offer to read it through for me, as I am conscious that apart from the names which I have not identified there are also weaknesses in many passages of the translation. It is sometimes hard to grasp the meaning of the Chinese text.
If you have had any difficulty about consulting the English periodicals at the B. I. S. reading room, please let me know. I understand that the library has been transferred to the Embassy Annexe at 3100 Massachusetts Ave.
If you need an introduction there, I shall be glad to arrange to take you in at almost any time. It would be quite convenient for me since the Annexe is only a stone's throw from my office.
I have just read an article by Dr. Needham on scientific exchanges between Asia and the West and he has much to say in it about China. In case you have not read it I am sending you separately a copy of the number of “Asian Horizon” which contains the article.
If you should be free on Friday evening, 10th February, I shall appreciate it very much if you would have supper with me, possibly at the Peking restaurant, or any other place which would be more convenient to you. This would give me an opportunity to ask you about some difficult points in connection with Fung Ling's diary.
Yours sincerely
J. F. Ford
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
按:Joseph Francis Ford(1912-1993),英国外交官,本谱中译作“福特”,曾任英国驻华大使馆一等秘书,后将蒙古巴禹特氏凤凌日记(《游余仅志》)译成英文,题为An Account of England 1895-1896, by Fung Ling, Naval Attachéat the Imperial Chinese Legation in London, China Society Occasional Papers, No. 22 (London, 1983)。在序言中,福特提及先生对他的鼓励与帮助,尤其就日记中涉及清、英人士姓名多予辨识。该函为福特亲笔。
Feb. 9, 1950
现叶良才兄已来纽约。尊函已与他看了。他说,平馆去年第二期之$1,250已拨付平馆留京沪办事处同人,似是为“应变”之用?我检中基会Executive Committee六月三日会议录,果有纪录,云平馆连修理费共$5,400,已支付$2,900,尚保留$2,500。
尊函所提补助事,此时无人有权讨论,想能蒙原谅。我当留意此事,但现有机构只能administer the investment of the Endowment Fund,而无动用款项之权也。
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 7〕
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
孟邻兄已到,咏霓兄未到,故中基会董事仅到七人,故须改在美京开会,以便全体到司徒大使病室内开会几分钟,以足法定人数。我与叶良才兄拟三月六日下午到京,住Dupont Plaza(在Dupont Circle)。甚盼能与兄一谈。兄向罗氏基金之请求,最近有结果否?望兄留一字在Dupont Plaza(Hotel)见告,或打电话见告。至感至感!兄的原说帖及致我信,已交叶良才兄了。
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 7〕
毓铨夫妇已抵京,藉吾师已决定返国,极为欣慰,起程愈早愈好。寄L. C.善本书一百箱,若能带回,不知方便不方便。又前要美国官书、地图之类,想积压已不少?可否转运来,或带来?闻现在运费极贵,如能运回,共约需用运费若干?如能估计,请告知。虽说现在不一定能有这项运费,但我们可以试试看!
按:Eugene L. Delafield(1907-2001),美国善本书商,20世纪40年代曾与胡适同住纽约81街104号公寓,自此开始收集胡适在美国发表的文章、讲演稿,时住纽约82街1790号公寓704室,后与先生一同汇编《胡适先生西文著作目录》。该信附《潘衍桐列传》抄件两页,为先生亲笔。(2)
March 10, 1950
Dear Mr. Yip:
I have had two letters from Mr. C. M. Wang asking me to cable him as soon as the balance of $2,500 from the Foundation is credited to the account of the Library in the Chase National Bank.
I have had a talk a with Dr. Hu about this matter. He thought that the Treasurers can be authorized to issue the check. May I therefore request you to let me know after you have sent the check to the Chase National Bank, Park Avenue Branch, for the credit of the Library, so that I can cable to Mr. Wang to this effect.
When you come down to Washington again, please give me a ring (TR-1638), as we want to entertain you here.
Yours sincerely
T. L. Yuan
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 3〕
按:“加州大学圕”应指莫余敏卿所在之洛杉矶分校图书馆,该所似购入了熊式一所藏明活字本《锦绣万花谷》。“傅仲嘉”即傅种孙(1898—1962),字仲嘉,江西高安人,数学家、教育家,1920年毕业于北京高等师范学校并留校任教,1945年曾赴英考察,1947年回国担任北平师范学院数学系教授。熊德兰(1924—2009)为熊式一长女,1948年8月由牛津回国,时在北京师范大学任教。该函以航空信方式寄送,熊式一在信封背面注“牛津 海伏山房熊简”,其中“海伏山房”即Heyford Hill House。
谭卓垣覆函先生,就合作编纂A Comprehensive Bibliography on China for the Last 50 Years的范围、体例、时间跨度以及已完成期刊篇目情况、财力支持等方面给予意见和陈述。
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, T. H.
March 15, 1950
Dear Dr. Yuan:
Many thanks for your letter of March the 9th. It was read with great interest and enthusiasm. I am greatly impressed by what you have been doing. It seems like an excellent project. Perhaps if we put our heads together, we may produce something very useful. In the following lines I am trying to tell you my plan for the Bibliography and what I have been doing these years.
General plan: A COMPREHENSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY ON CHINA FOR THE LAST 50 YEARS. This includes books and periodical literature on China in all languages (Chinese and Japanese). But since Chinese and Japanese books are not fully available in this country, it seems logical to begin with Western materials first (At least we Chinese want to find out what other people have done in Chinese studies). This Bibliography will be arranged according to subject (I have worked out a definite scheme) with a general index of authors and sub-subject matter. Under each subject will be listed all books and important articles in chronological order with special emphasis on scholarly items indicated by book-review excerpts and annotations.
Period covered: The year 1921 was thought to be a good starting point for the reason that it could be a continuation of Cordier's Bibliotheca Sinica. But the arrangement in Cordier is so inconvenient that most of users prefer to have it revised. At the suggestion of William Hung, the years 1895-1945 was adopted (The ending of the first Sino-Japanese War to the ending of the Second Sino-Japanese War). However, there is sufficient good argument for the period starting with 1901 and ending in 1950. In fact, this seems to be a better choice for the reason that we can bring the material up-to-date.
What has been done: I started working on this Bibliography in 1947. Due to the fact that I have been tied up with both teaching and library work (with no full-time assistant), the progress is rather slow. So far, I have finished indexing 36 sets of periodicals in about 8,000 cards. There are quite a number of periodicals which I want to include but unfortunately the U. H. library does not have them. In addition to the above more than 2,500 titles of books have been listed with book-review excerpts on. This kind of work takes a lot of time. Averagely only 10 to 15 book reviews are read per day including copying. With the exception of reviews in German, I think I have covered 70 percent of the important book reviews. What remains to be done is the listing of titles, which is comparatively easy.
Financial Support: Personally, I don't think we have to worry about publisher. William Hung told me that Harvard-Yenching Institute would be willing to publish such bibliography. Or else we can approach either the American Council of Learned Societies or the Rockefeller Foundation. But our urgent need at present is financial backing for clerical help and typists. It would be an excellent idea to present our project to the International Conference on Bibliography and ask for appropriation of subsidies for this work.
Proposition: A Comprehensive Bibliography on China in all languages (1901-1950). This Bibliography will be comprised in 4 parts: (1) In English, French and German languages; (2) In other European and Central Asian languages; (3) in Chinese languages with English translations; (4) In Japanese with English translations. If financial support is assured, the first two parts will be ready for publication by the end of 1951. Then we can proceed with parts 3 & 4. This is only my personal view about this project and I should like to hear your opinion and plan. I know occidental scholars are greatly interested in Part 3, but you and I would like to make a complete bibliography. If both of us agree on general principles, we can discuss details later.
Mr. Ho To-yuan is still in Canton and seems to be doing well. In his letter to me recently he did not say much for the fear of censorship. I am trying to ask him to do some buying for the U. H. library.
I am sure you have seen Skachkov's Bibliography of Russian Books and Articles on China 1730-1930. Fairbank's work which I have examined in mimeographed form deals with materials concerning modern China for the Harvard Program of Regional Studies. His work will be included in ours. Sometime in the future I am going to ask him for permission to quote his annotations. The Harvard University press has announced that this bibliography will be out sometime in March. We have already ordered a copy.
With best regards to you and your family.
Yours very sincerely,
C. W. Taam
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 1〕
按:A Comprehensive Bibliography on China for the Last 50 Years即China in Western Literature(《西文汉学书目》)之最早题名,可惜谭卓垣1956年病故,未能完成计划中的期刊部分。Mr. Ho To-yuan即何多源;Bibliography of Russian Books and Articles on China 1730-1930即俄苏汉学家П.Е.Скачков(Petr E. Skachkov, 1892-1964),本谱译作“斯卡奇科夫”,编著的Bibliografiia Kitaia; sistematicheskyi ukazatel'knig i zhurnal'nykh statei o Kitaie na russkom yazyke, 1730-1930,1932年列宁格勒国家社会经济出版社初版,1948年美国学术团体理事会刊行影本。Fairbank's work即费正清与刘广京合编的Modern China: a bibliographical guide to Chinese works, 1898-1937,1950年初版。
陈 彝 光绪十七年
徐致祥 光绪二十年
陈学芬 光绪二十三年
唐景崇 光绪二十四年
文 治 光绪二十五年
March 23, 1950
Dear Professor D. Elia:
I am most grateful to you for your letter of March 3rd and for your kindness in sending vol 2 & 3 of Ricci's works to the National Library at Peiping.
After looking over these volumes, I must once more express my great admiration and respect for your scholastic achievements. You have said the last word on the life and times of Ricci.
I want to thank you in particular for the extracts which you had sent to me. They are extremely useful to me, as I have been compiling a bibliography of books and periodical articles on China, to supplement Cordier's. In my efforts to include Italian titles, I have to ask your help and assistance. May I ask you to give me a list of the names of authors of works in Italian on China? With such a list, I can check up the title in Italian Catalogues.
The greatest difficulty is to obtain information about articles in periodicals and scientific journals. Is there any periodical index in Italy?
For your own articles, I hope you will give me a list indicating where they are published. If you have copies of the extracts to spare, please send me the same.
I am asking our Office in Peiping to send you the Bulletin containing Chen's article and the work by Hsiang Ta. Since Siberian railways have been running regularly, I presume that it would take less time to correspond with friends in China. If you need further information concerning Ricci, you may write to Mr. Wang Chung-min, the Acting Director, who will be glad to help you in any way he can.
With many thanks and best wishes for your success,
Yours sincerely,
T. L. Yuan
Kindly forward the enclosed letter to Prof. Tucci.
按:vol 2 & 3应指Storia dell'introduzione del cristianesimo in Cina(《基督教入华史》),该件为录副。
先生致信Giuseppe Tucci,告知将编纂有关中国研究的书目,请其寄送著述清单尤其是期刊文章。
March 23, 1950
Dear Professor Tucci:
I have been on leave from my work in China and I have been engaged in compiling a bibliography on China. In this bibliography, I hope to include books and periodicals published since 1900.
For Italian titles and especially for your own writings to be included in the bibliography, I have to rely on your help. I shall be much obliged to you if you could give your advice and suggestions.
American libraries do not have a complete set of your writings. I enclose a list of them taken from the card catalogues of various libraries. Will you kindly add other titles, especially periodical articles, which are not listed there? I am most anxious to list as complete information as possible, and in this undertaking, I must ask for your assistance.
May I also trouble you to ask your publisher to send a complete prospectus concerning your monumental work Indo-Tibetica. How many volumes are there in the complete set? Are other volumes to appear in the future?
With sincere thanks for your assistance,
Yours sincerely,
T. L. Yuan
按:Giuseppe Tucci(1894-1984),通译为朱塞佩·图齐,意大利藏学家,1925年至1930年以意大利驻印度外交使团成员身份,在印度国家大学和加尔各答大学教授意大利文、中文,1929年当选意大利皇家学院院士,1930年被聘为那不勒斯东方大学中国语言文学首席教授,1932年起担任罗马大学文学与哲学系印度和远东宗教哲学教授。Indo-Tibetica今译作《梵天佛地》,分为4卷,分别于1932年、1933年、1935-36年和1941年出版。此件为录副。
March 24, 1950
Dear Dr. Creel:
Mr. Tsien wrote me recently that you expect to spend your furlough in Europe. I hope that on your way to New York, you will stop at Washington in order to let me have the pleasure of seeing you.
I have recently been engaged in compiling a bibliography on China to serve as supplement to Cordier's. I enclose herewith a list of your writings and if there are any omissions, please give me the additional titles. For periodical articles, I have to reply on your help. May I ask you to be good enough to send me a list of these articles, indicating where they were published.
I used to read your articles in the T'oung Pao and I have been wondering whether any index to the T'oung Pao has ever been published. As far as I know, there are at least three indexes being prepared.
When you go to Paris, may I ask you to find out from the Société Asiatique whether the index to the T'oung Pao is now completed? I met the lady who did the indexing in 1945, but I have not had any further news.
If you could make notes on young sinological scholars in Europe as well as their publications and let me look over them after your return, I shall be most grateful.
With best wishes for your continued success,
Yours sincerely,
T. L. Yuan
顾立雅教授助理June Work覆函先生,前信到时顾立雅已远赴欧洲,但已通过航空信联系,根据本人意愿请略过1934年以前的出版书籍,另外就期刊文章可根据实际需求拣选,并将在巴黎代先生询问《通报》索引是否完成。
April 4, 1950
Dear Dr. Yuan:
Your letter of March twenty-fourth to Dr. Creel, enclosed with one to Mr. Tsien, arrived after Dr. Creel left for Europe; so, since I am taking care of Dr. Creel's correspondence during his absence, Mr. Tsien gave it to me. I transmitted your requests to Dr. Creel by air mail and have now received his answer.
I have made for you a list of his publications, beginning with the year 1934, because he has said in his letter: “As for my publications, nothing earlier than 1934 is any good. I'd prefer to have the earlier ones omitted.” I suspect that some of the periodical articles included in my list may be useless for your purpose. You can probably tell from the titles if this is so. The two published in 1949 in People and United Nations World consist only of extracts from the book Confucius, the Man and the Myth.
Dr. Creel also says in his letter: “Please write Dr. Yuan that I'll do the best I can to get the information he wants in Paris.”
I hope that you are well, and wish you every success. It is good to know that you are engaged in compiling a work so much needed in Chinese bibliography, and I certainly hope that your work is going well.
Sincerely yours,
June Work
按:顾立雅1934年之前出版的书籍似只有一种,名为Sinism: a study of the evolution of the Chinese world-view,1929年芝加哥出版。June Work,钱存训教授在其回忆录中将此位女士记作琼华,言其为人和善,对钱存训一家甚为照顾。(3)
三月九日手谕,已由香港世圻兄转来,以前一信附有致斐云、稼轩信者则尚未接到。吾师所汇两百元,子明兄所汇一百元,均收到。唯该两佰元汇到上海,应先换成人民券,方能汇来北京。又因十一姊亦寄来伍百元,买房之费已有富余,因将吾师之两百元退回,请收到后代存Riggs银行,写C. M. Wang, Nat. Library, Peking, China即可。现存折上只剩几毛钱,再加入两佰元,如有在美零用之处亦方便也。俄文译稿迄未寄上者,实因现在出版书籍,以观点为重,对于帝俄旧史料,更要善于批评,方为有用著作。否则不但无益,而且有害。即于吾师个人方面,亦是如此,即是发表材料有不正确处,于将来亦不好也。生窃念吾师研究工作,颇有兴趣,但研究时应特别注重观点,最好将材料带回,到北京后再继续研究,将来由科学院出版,较在美国出版更好也。现在出版事业极发达,较国民党统治时代,其数量已超过数十倍。国学季刊、燕京学报以及科学院各种专门刊物,已由新华书店承印,即均将恢刊。吾师著述完成后,一定极易出版也。在美寄存善本书,将来再运固好,但如果现在能运,便早日起运更好。即便不能直运天津,不知是否可运抵香港?台湾解放,总在今年之内,惟不知在何月耳。当然,如早早解放,则搬运更容易也。为照顾台湾古物,可能有人与军队同时登陆,而且现在已有人在保护,一定没有损失。故寄美之书,若先期运到香港,更是一件大好事!南京上海两办事处均已撤消,全部图书运回,颂声兄已来馆。馨吾、育伊转在上海古委会作事。但徐森老已被任为文物局文物处处长,日内北上,则李、王二君,或将仍来馆作事也。Faxon去年欠费已开支票,想早已收到。如基金会真补了去年两季的,则1950年份即可继续订阅。唯美国重要杂志,久未收到,殆美政府有意扣留之故欤?若果如此,则订了亦收不到,不知可否在美找一代收处?英国杂志,即可续订(现已请到英镑八百镑外汇)。苏联方面,已订妥期刊220种,月报十几种,因太便宜,故均订双份。其他学术机关,已正式成立交换方式。唯蒙古、新疆等史料之在亚洲苏联者,尚未作正式交换耳。闻子明兄言,L. C.正在印卡片,吾馆新书卡片,现在需用八份,清写太难,在未能正式印卡片之前,在一二年内过渡时代,也想油印。请师调查一下,L. C.该印刷机是否在我国适用,所用底版成本如何?吾师如认为可用,归国时请带来一套。又吾师究竟与L. C.条约何时可满,何时可以回国?请先告知。L. C.善本书目,已印九卷,末一卷及附录俟吾师稿到后,即再付印。又恒先生来信,亦言及此事。北大出版组估单,前未寄出,日内可由李续祖寄去,请先告恒先生。即请旅安!
April 10, 1950
Dear Mr. Yuan:
We enclose a copy of our ticket No. 57196 covering a Kodagraph Film Reader Model C which was shipped by freight via the steamship, S.E. Pacific Transport Lines, to the National Library of Peiping, via Taku Bar and Tientsin.
If any further correspondence becomes necessary for the next shipment, please refer to me about the number.
Yours very truly,
Eastman Kodak Company
Export Sales Department
〔Rockefeller Foundation. Series 601: China; Subseries 601. R: China-Humanities and Arts. Vol. Box 47. Folder 393〕
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, T. H.
April 10, 1950
Dear Dr. Yuan:
Many thanks for your letter of March the 30th. It is perfectly agreeable to me that you will concentrate on titles in less known languages while I do those in English, French and German. It is very good of you to index those journals that are not found in the University of Hawaii library. This saves me a trip to the States.
Fairbank's Bibliography has two parts: one in European languages and the other in Chinese with English annotations. They deal chiefly with political, social, economic and intellectual aspects of modern China since 1898.
With best warm regards,
Yours cordially,
C. W. Taam
(Hobart 1340 extension 27)
12th April
Dear Professor Yuan,
I wonder if you could have supper with me one evening next week at the北京楼. Any evening would suit me, but I suggest Tuesday at 7 p. m. I have got a copy of薛福成's diary and am finding it quite interesting.
Yours sincerely
J. F. Ford.
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
April 14, 1950
Dear Dr. Fahs:
With reference to my previous correspondence regarding the order for a Film Reader out of the balance of your grant, I have just received a letter dated April 10, 1950, from Eastman Kodak Company, copy of which is herewith enclosed.
As you will note, the Reader has been shipped to China via the S. E. Pacific Transport Lines.
May I avail myself of this opportunity to thank your Foundation once more for the great assistance which has been extended to us. We greatly appreciate your valuable help in various ways.
Yours very sincerely,
T. L. Yuan
〔Rockefeller Foundation. Series 601: China; Subseries 601. R: China-Humanities and Arts. Vol. Box 47. Folder 393〕
123 B Street, S. E.
Washington, D. C.
April 14, 1950
Dear Dr. Taam:
Thank you so much for your letter of April 10th. I shall start indexing these journals that are not found in the University of Hawaii library. The lists which you kindly checked have been most useful.
If it would be convenient to you, I shall appreciate it if you could send me a copy of your classification scheme. I shall also send you new titles in English, French and German that come to my attention.
With regard to English translations of Chinese works, I have had the following reply from Mrs. Davidson:
“The work goes on and seems endless. I am now in the process of completing one phase which is in the proof-reading state.
The List is happily confined to translations from the Chinese into French, English and German. It includes all translations of approximately one hundred characters (including all poetry) and is thus extensive in scope. We have followed a subject classification, with some exceptions. The sections now in typescript are Classics, and Language and Literature.
Your friend who is contemplating a Japanese list has my admiration. Tell him courage and persistence, time and funds, are the essential ingredients for that dish. He will also need a good working staff, well mixed. The task of checking through the periodical literature is in itself a vast, time-consuming undertaking.”
Her address is: 6 Glenbrook Avenue, Hamden, Conn. You may write to her for further information. I understand that her work is being supported by the American Council of Learned Societies.
With kindest regards,
Yours sincerely,
按:Mrs. Davidson应指1947年曾与王重民合作尝试重编Encyclopedia Sinica的女士。(5)该件为录副。
Chadbourne Gilpatric致函先生,代法斯表示收到前信。
April 17, 1950
Dear Dr. Yuan:
As Mr. Fahs has just left for an extended trip in the Far East, I will acknowledge your letter of April 14. We are glad to know that the Film Reader has been shipped to China and your report of the fact brings to an end our formal interest in the transaction.
Although the present situation is a little discouraging for immediate expectations, I certainly hope the Reader will be put to good use and serve the important microfilm purposes which you have had in mind.
Sincerely yours,
Chadbourne Gilpatric
〔Rockefeller Foundation. Series 601: China; Subseries 601. R: China-Humanities and Arts. Vol. Box 47. Folder 393〕
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
April 20, 1950
Dear Dr. Yuan:
Your letter of April the 14th was duly received and immediately I went through the Classification scheme again and have just finished typing it this morning. I hope you will run through it carefully and make suggestions and improvement. Its formulation has been based on all the materials on hand. As we go along, we may have some alterations and additional items. As a whole I must admit that the main divisions are rather arbitrary.
When you wrote me saying that Mrs. Davidson has been working on the English translations of Chinese and Japanese titles, I thought that Parts 3 & 4 of our proposed project has been covered by her party. From your last letter, I note that she only confines to translations from the Chinese into French, English and German. I am wondering whether or not she will include in her List much more than that.
What I propose to do in Parts 3 & 4 of our project is as follows: We want to compile a bibliography of Chinese and Japanese titles (books and periodical articles) which deal with Chinese studies. It will be work similar to that attempted by the QUARTERLY BULLETIN OF CHINESE BIBLIOGRAPHY but different from it in the respect that we only list items that have direct bearing on China. For example, we don't include all Chinese books dealing with history but only those having connection with Chinese history. The Harvard-Yenching Institute published two indices called A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ORIENTALOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS IN……JAPANESE PERIODICALS(①日本期刊三十八种中东方学论文篇目,②一百七十五种日本期刊中东方学论文篇目). In our project we want to include also Japanese books on China or Chinese studies and have the authors romanized and the titles translated into English. I am sorry that I did not make it clear to you in my first letter. Such a project is a tremendous job which will need large appropriation of fund and quite large working staff. I wish you will take this up in the coming International Conference on Bibliography.
Enclosed I am sending you my drafted Classification for a Bibliography on China and also some samples for recording books and periodical articles which we have been using for our purpose. I sincerely invite your criticism.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
C. W. Taam
Roma, April 20th 1950
Dear doct. Yüan:
Fr. Fang Hao is writing to me from Formosa(“National” Taiwan University, Taiwan:台湾台北“国立”台湾大学)asking very earnestly to send him a copy of Vol. II and III of my Fonti Ricciane.
I was fortunate enough to have those copies be sent to him by my Editor. But since things are not quiet in the neighboring of Formosa and might get worse in the near future, I thought it better to send them to your own address with the joining prayer to think of the best way of having them shipped to him when you will have an occasion of doing so. I trust you for this and in the mean-time I will write to Fang Hao to let him know. When the two books will reach you, please let me know it.
Your letter of March 23rd announced me that you had received the copies which I had sent you for yourself and the Peiping Central Library, and I am glad you were pleased with them. A great amount of work was requested for the achievement of them, and I hope they may be useful to future historians.
As for the names of authors of works in Italian on China, they are not so many. At random I give you some: Vacca Giovanni, Rosso, Allegra, Cracco, Bortone, Bertuccioli, Musso, Vannicelli. A full list of all my articles from 1912 to 1947 will be given in the coming ANNUARIO per l'anno accademico 1946-1947 of the University of Rome which is not out yet and which I do not know exactly when it will come out. When it comes, I will try to get a copy for you. You will find there even the periodicals where they were published. I do not know whether in Italy there is any periodical Index.
I must thank you very much for your generosity for my further information concerning Ricci. I will surely avail myself of it, since now I should work on Ricci's Correspondence, where may other questions come up. I thank you also for the Bulletin containing Chen's article and the work by Hsiang Ta, which you have asked for me and which I hope will receive in the near future.
I forwarded your letter to Prof. Tucci.
With my best regards.
Yours sincerely
P. D'Elia
美国国会图书馆将举行一百五十周年纪念典礼,本馆应送一小中堂或其他赠品。前已函告,谅在办理之中。兹英国图书馆协会今夏将举行壹百周年纪念,已邀请丁濬君代表本馆出席。敝意本馆或图书馆协会应送一赠品,即希尊酌,径寄丁君转交是荷。(丁君住址:c/o Y. M. C. A., Glasgow. Scotland)。目下西伯利亚铁路想已畅通,寄欧包裹当可于三星期内寄到也。此颂,时祉。
按:1800年4月24日,美国国会图书馆成立。“英国图书馆协会今夏将举行壹百周年纪念”所指之事似应为1850年8月14日英格兰及威尔士通过《公共图书馆法》(Public Libraries Act),规定以地方税收支持公共图书馆服务,并非指英国图书馆协会成立一百周年。Y. M. C. A.即基督教青年会(Young Men's Christian Association)。
先生访胡适,晤谈。〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 7〕
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 7〕
7th May 1950
Dear Prof. Yuan:
In reply to your letter of the 4th April, I am sorry to have to inform you that my attempts to contact Dr. Haenisch-Berlin with a view to obtaining through him the publication required by you (“Die internationalen Beziehungen im Zeitalter des Imperialismus”) have been unsuccessful, since my several letters directed to him have been left unanswered, presumably because as director of the Public Scientific Library, situated in the Russian sector of Berlin, he is not free in his correspondence. I will now try to obtain a copy of this publication by advertising for it in a special periodical and shall inform you of the result as soon as possible.
As to the bibliography, compiled by you, of books and articles on China, I shall be very glad to assist you in the field of German sinology. To begin with I am sending you to-day as printed matter two lists of the writings of German sinologues A. Forke and O. Franke; a photostat-copy of the first part of the bibliography of Franke's writings will soon follow, accompanied by a list of my own articles. The most prolific of all German sinologues is undoubtedly Wolfram Eberhard, residing in America since 1948; his address is now: University of California, Department of Social Researches, Berkeley. You can also write to my old friend Prof. Ferdinand Lessing, attached to the same University of California, Department of Oriental Languages, Berkeley 4; Lessing is originally a German born, but has become an American citizen in 1936. There is a third German sinologue residing now in America: Prof. Helmut Wilhelm at the university of Seattle, who is probably known to you from China.
In regard to the “Combined Indices to Shih Chi” I am much obliged to you that you have written to your office at Peiping to secure a copy of this work which is indispensable for my further research work and to mail it to me direct.
With many thanks for your assistance and kind regards,
Fr. Jäger
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
按:Die internationalen Beziehungen im Zeitalter des Imperialismus通译作《帝国主义时代国际关系》,由苏联历史学家Михаил Николаевич Покровский(Mikhail N. Pokrovsky, 1868-1932)主编,涉及大量沙俄对清朝的外交档案,20世纪30年代在柏林出版德文译本。A. Forke即Alfred Froke(1867-1944),德国汉学家,通译作“佛尔克”,1890年至1893年担任德国驻华使馆翻译生,后长期执教于汉堡大学。Wolfram Eberhard(1909-1989),德国汉学家。Combined Indices to Shih Chi即《史记及注释综合引得》(引得第四十号),1947年12月哈佛燕京学社引得编纂处初版。
奉到赐书,至感至谢!兹将尊处著作简目打好一份,随函附上,以时间匆促,遗漏之处,当必甚多,而在英国发表之论文,尚未加入,容日内再为搜集。敝处所编之书目,以西文发表关于中国者为限已买L. C.印行之卡片一全套,共费四百余元,先生大部分著作,均将收入,其体裁系一种分类书目Classified Bibliography,书末另附著者索引。此函所附之件,即索引之初稿,以发表年月前后为次序,惟一年以内发表之论文,熟先熟后,拟请赐予指示为感!又大著散在各处,检阅诸多不便,往往有极重要之论文,发表于不常见期刊之内,如Harvard Divinity School Bulletin。兹拟代辑为专集第一集属于思想方面者,第二集属于政治方面者。此间有照像设备,搜集成帙毫无困难。如荷同意,当先拟一草目奉上,再请尊酌指示为幸!匆复,敬颂著祺。
May 15, 1950
Dear Mr. Koo:
In his letter of March 4, Mr. Wang complained about the non-receipt of American Periodicals for 1950. I wrote to Faxon and found that subscriptions for 1950 were not received. I now enclose copies of our correspondence.
As the Post Office here accepts printed China for all of China and as the earlier number of certain journals may not be available if we do not place the order now, I have taken the liberty of placing the subscriptions for Mr. Wang. I have also cancelled a number of them as they are already in P. U. M. C.
When I was in New York, I called on the Chase Bank at the Park Ave. at 60th St. They told me that they have been holding the statement, and they have not even sent you the credit note for $2,500 from the C. F.
Faxon has complained in his earlier letters that Chinese libraries do not pay for their subscriptions and they owe him over $20,000. I would therefore suggest that you send Faxon a deposit of $1,000, in view of the $2,500 already in the Bank.
It is time for Mr. Wang to arrange with the authorities to have more exchange foreign in order to be prepared for the subscriptions for 1951 including those of British journals. In one of his letters, he said that $20,000 have been promised, but I wonder whether it has been actually received by the Library.
Have you received the invoices of books which I bought for the Library under your check of $100? They were sent to Mr. Wang from Hong Kong and the books were sent in 7 parcels. There are two books which should not be displayed to the public.
I have a copy of the People's Yearbook published in Hong Kong. Could you send me similar titles, including a recent telephone directory of your city? Have you sent me the scroll for L. C.?
In your next letter, please tell me something about Mr. Sung Lin and the two Wangs who were dismissed last year. Have they joined the Ministry of Education and left our dormitory?
With kind regards,
Yours truly,
按:此时,宋琳已离馆,1951年7月被聘为中央文史研究馆馆员(6);two Wangs应指王祖彝、王访渔,亦已离馆。此件为底稿。
May 15, 1950
①Royal Asiatic Society Journal——North China Branch——有我几篇文字:
(1) Wang Mang(王莽)—长文,似在1929。
(2) The Establishment of Confucianism as State Religion of the Han Empire(长文)似在1929或1930。
(3) Review of John Ferguson's book on “Chinese Painting”(Signed “H. S.”—似在1928. vol. )
②Royal Asiatic Society Journal—London有我最早的一篇“Notes on Lionel Giles's translation of the敦煌录”,似在1915 or 1916——其时我署名“Suh Hu”。
④你此目的最后一类“Articles about Dr. Hu”,其中有几篇是我自己的文字,如Asia所收“A Historian Looks at Chinese Painting”是我的一篇Lecture,如China Review收的“Hu—Marobushi Letters”即是我“告日本国民”二函的译文。以后如有所见,当再奉告。(此时的first impression是:此目所收,应删者多,很少是有关学术的文字。)
又记得我的“说儒”有Franke(儿子)的全译本,在德国发表。四十自述有Hoffmann的全译本,也在德国发表。我的丧礼改革一文,有Werner的英译文。我的短剧“终身大事”英文本全文收在A. E.Zucker's Chinese Drama书里。
你信上说起Princeton的事,昨日星期New York Times & N. Y. Herald Tribune都有Princeton U.校长Dodds发表请我作“Fellow of the Univ. Library and Curator of Gest Oriental Library with rank of professor”的消息。
去年年底,Princeton有信来,说有人nominated我为“Alfred Hodder Fellow”,是一种post doctorate fellowship。当时因为我要谋改换status以便接太太来,故曾覆信允考虑。后来校长知道了,来信提议改请我为“Library Fellow”,并要我作Gest的Curator。当时我曾托人去说,“中国学人在此的,有人比我更胜任此事。”我的意思是预备推荐你(Miss Swann已退休了)。但此人来说,校长特别要请我,如果我为了护照的身份(status)问题,他愿意声明这是一个full professor的rank,虽然我不须教书上课。
我后来想想,我可以先去Princeton打开文史的一条路(Humanities),然后请守和兄来专力整理Gest。我在1943-4,Princeton曾请我去看Gest Collection,要我替他们想想“政策”(policy)。那时Swann在那儿把持不放,一切都谈不到。此时他们自动请我,我有打开门户的机会,故暂时接受了。将来我去Princeton时,一定要使他们明白请专家学者的必要,一定要请老兄来计画商量这一大批中国书如何能发生作用。此意我想老兄定能相信,定能了解。(我的Fellowship stipend是全年$4,500,每月为$375。我可以专作我的研究著作。Curator别无薪俸。因为他们并不期望我每日办公。)
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 7〕
按:A. E. Zucker's Chinese Drama应指A. E. Zucker, The Chinese Theater,1925年波士顿Little, Brown, and Company初版;“Franke(儿子)”即傅吾康,福兰阁之子,1935年《中国学刊》(Sinica-Sonderausgabe)上刊有傅吾康所译《说“儒”》。Werner即Edward Theodore Chalmers Werner(1864-1954),英国外交官、汉学家,他对《丧礼改制》的翻译收录在Autumn Leaves,1928年上海别发洋行初版。“校长Dodds”即Harold W. Dodds(1889-1980),美国学者,1933年至1957年担任普林斯顿大学校长。5月14日,普林斯顿大学公布聘请胡适出任葛斯德专藏负责人的决定。
17th May, 1950
Dear Mr. Yuan:
Thank you very much for your kind letter of March 23rd and for all you say.
I am glad to hear that you are compiling a bibliography on China and that you think I may be of use to you. Herewith enclosed you will find a complete bibliography of my writings.
As regards my Indo-Tibetica, the book is now out of print and only the 4th volumes (3 tomes) is on sale. However, I will ask the publishers whether they can send you a prospectus of the work. The complete set amounts to volumes in 7 tomes.
If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know and I shall be only too pleased to help you.
With kind regards.
Yours sincerely
Giuseppe Tucci
Piazza Vescovio 21, Rome.
P. S. I am also enclosing a prospectus of Indo-Tibetica.
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 3〕
日前奉到十五日赐书,诸承指示,至为心感。此间所藏英国皇家学会N. C. B.学报,适有数期为他人借去,无法检阅。又Zucker及Franke所译之文尚未觅到,俟日后查明再行补入。兹先将近日搜集之论文简目随函奉上,即乞钧阅。至于Hoffmann所译之《四十自述》系分期刊载,似未全译,而该期刊亦在第二次大战时停刊,一俟查明其住址,当与之通讯一询也。关于编辑专集事,先生未免谦虚,敝意仍主张印甲乙两集,仍祈考虑。检阅各方志目录,光绪三年《鄞县志》系最后所编印,以后并无续修之本。普仁斯敦事是一极大荣誉,将来如能打开一条路,亦一大收获,于中美文化促进贡献极大。内人闻尊夫人已抵香港,甚为欣慰,盼不久可以觅到妥便。昨史语所何君(北大毕业)见告,孟麟先生不久可以来美,如能同船来美,实一好伴也。专此,敬颂著祺。
按:“英国皇家学会N. C. B.学报”应指Journal of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society(《皇家亚洲文会北华支会会刊》)。Hoffmann即Alfred Hoffmann(1911-1997),德国汉学家,中文名霍福民,曾向龙榆生学词,1935年《东方舆论》(Ostasiatische Rundschau)连载了其翻译《四十自述》中的一节“‘逼上梁山’——文学革命的开始”(Das Werden der literarischen Revolution)。“何君”,待考。
5.27, 50
Dear Mr. Yuan,
Thanks for your letter. Unfortunately, I was in Washington only for one day and was not able to follow up my first round of unsuccessful calls. I hope I will have more luck next time.
The last I heard from Wolfgang Franke is that he is still in Peking. His bargaining with Hamburg University had not reached any finality.
His translations of Hu Shih's说儒was published in Sinica-Sonderausgabe 1934 and 1935. (This was a special issue of the Sinica in which more scholarly articles were printed. Only four issues appeared altogether).
Dr. Alfred Hoffmann's address is:
Bergrather strasse 70
(22c) Eschweiler, Kr. Aachen, British Zone
and Fuchs might be reached through
Sinologisches Seminar
Universität Hamburg
where he was substituting for Franke when I heard about him.
Unfortunately, I have no contacts in the Russian zone of Germany. But I suppose letters will be forwarded directly.
Our □□□ you will find rather meager. But it costs a lot of money to build up a library and unfortunately, we have completely run out of it.
Yours truly
Hellmut Wilhelm
按:Fuchs即Walter Fuchs (1902-1979),德国汉学家,中文名福克司或福华德,师从福兰阁,博士论文以唐末吐鲁番地区政局为研究对象,1938年来华,长期在辅仁大学任教,1947年回国,时应在汉堡大学执教。该函为其亲笔。
Arlington, le 11 juin 1950
Cher Monsieur Yuan,
Je regrette beaucoup ne pouvoir rien dire concernant ce taiji de Junghar tué par □□□□□. Je ne sais rien de particulier à ce sujet. Je regrette aussi que je n'aie pas de photos de Mongols. J'en ai eu autrefois, mais je les ai distribuées par ci par là à mes amis quand j'étais encore à Pékin.
Je vous envoie par poste un petit livre écrit en chinois sur nos missions en Mongolie. Vous y trouverez les informations que vous demandez.
Autrefois nos missions de Mongolie ont parfois été l'objet de critiques de la part de certaines gens qui ignoraient les conditions propres aux pays situés au nord de la grande muraille. On nous a accusés d'être des impérialistes, etc. Vous me feriez plaisir si, après avoir lu ce petit livre, vous voudriez bien m'écrire en quelques mots votre opinion sur l'œuvre des missionnaires en Mongolie.
Quant à la question que vous me posez sur la manière dont les Mongols regardent les missions, je dois dire que les Mongols se convertissent très difficilement au christianisme, parce qu'ils sont très attachés au lamaïsme, mais en général les relations entre missionnaires et Mongols et entre Mongols catholiques et Mongols non catholiques sont cordiales.
Agréez, cher Monsieur Yuan, l'assurance de ma profonde considération.
Antoine Mostaert
June 12, 1950
Dear Dr. Yuan:
I take pleasure in sending you a letter to Dr. Fisher supporting the project about which you wrote me. I am enclosing a copy for your personal file. We are much interested in what you are doing and will expect to help you in any way we can if you call on us to do it. I am probably not the best person to be the supervisor of your research though there is no reason why you could not give my name as a reference to the Department of State if you would like to do it. You know how these administrative responsibilities eat up a man's time, so I have been obliged to delegate responsibility for supervising research to my colleagues. In addition to the resources of our own Faculty on which we can draw informally, we have, of course, Professor Goodrich's department. It strikes me that this is an area in which you may wish to take counsel with people in both of these departments.
In the paragraph above, I spoke of drawing upon Columbia resources informally. There is some kind of regulation about tuition payment which we wish to avoid in this case. I am not clear just what that regulation says as I write, but I am sure the simple consultation you have in mind will present no problem whatsoever.
Good wishes for the success of this application which I am pleased you let me write to support.
Sincerely yours,
Carl M. White
按:本年早些时候,美国国务院宣布对在美滞留的中国学生、教授和学者提供一项总额为六百万美金的紧急援助计划,提供用以购买开展研究所需要的材料以及在美参加学术活动的经费。此件为打字稿,落款处为其签名,附怀特致Thomas R. Fisher(Division of International Exchange of Persons, U. S. Department of State)信一封。
18th June, 1950
Dear Mr. Yuan,
I am very glad to inform you that through an advertisement an antiquarian of this place has succeeded in finding a complete copy of the German edition of the Russian publication concerning the international relations, ……The edition consists of 16 volumes, the price is 280 DM, which must be considered very moderate. Please let me know as soon as possible (perhaps by cable) if you want me to buy this copy for you. Recently I received a letter from Dr. Haenisch with certain wishes directed to your address. In my next letter I shall inform you about the details.
Hoping that you will kindly reply at your earliest convenience,
Yours sincerely,
Fr. Jäger
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
按:an antiquarian of this place应指名为Doerling的旧书店。
July 16, 1950
Dear Professor Jager:
I am most grateful to you for sending me the bibliography of Professors Forke and Franke. I hope to receive from you soon a photostat copy of the first part of the bibliography of Professor Franke together with a list of your own writings. I shall get in touch with the other three gentlemen you mentioned in your recent letter.
I would like to have a list of the writing of Professor Haenisch now at Munich and of Dr. Haenisch at Berlin. If you have occasion to write to them, will you kindly convey my wishes. I understand that Dr. Fuchs is now at Hamburg. If you see him, will you also ask him to send me a list of his writings and give him my present address? I hope he has resumed his scientific work.
Dr. Haenisch compiled for me a list of German sinological literature covering the years 1939-1944, which was published in our Quarterly Bulletin of Chinese Bibliography for December 1947. If you are able to communicated with Dr. Haenisch, would you be good enough to request him to compile a second list covering the years 1945-1950? I think it would be an extremely useful list and I shall see to it that it is published in China or in the United States. If you write him on my behalf, your letter will not receive much attention from the censors as one from the United States. The firm Otto Harrassowitz at Leipzig is in close touch with him and you may write him in care of that firm which is, of course, also situated in the Russian zone.
I enclose a letter to Dr. Hoffmann and I shall appreciate it if you could forward it for me. I would like to obtain a copy of the Sinica-Sonderausgabe for 1934 and 1935 which contain Wolfgang Franke's translation of Hu Shih's I understand that it is a special edition of the Sinica in which more scholarly works were printed, and only four issues appeared. May I trouble you to buy a copy for me and let me know the cost?
With sincere appreciation for your assistance,
Yours sincerely,
I just received your letter of June 18th and I do wish to thank you for obtaining a copy of the German edition of the Russian documents. I have sent you a cable, asking you to buy the set. Please ask the antiquarian to mail these volumes to Washington and let me know the cost of postage, so that a draft will be sent to you.
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
按:Haenisch now at Munich即海尼士,Dr. Haenisch at Berlin则应指其子Wolf Haenisch。a list of German sinological literature covering the years 1939-1944正式题名为Sinological Literature in German, 1939-1944: a selected bibliography,刊于《图书季刊》英文本New Series Vol. 7 No. 1-4,并未标注编者姓名。Hu Shih's后的空格应填入“说儒”。此件为底稿,右上时间错写为June,笔者自行订正。
Alfred Hoffmann地址:
22c Eschweiler B/Aachen, Bergrather-str. 70, British Germany
按:霍福民之书题名Die Lieder des Li Yü937-978(《李煜》),1950年初版,确由胡适题写书名。撰写此信时,先生的通信地址已变更为108 6th Street N. E., Washington D. C.
先生致信Thomas R. Fisher,正式提交就中国图书馆史研究的资助申请,并附上自己的学术经历和工作履历及怀特的推荐函。
July 24, 1950
Dr. Thomas R. Fisher
Division of International Exchange of Persons
U. S. Department of State
1778 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W.
Washington 25, D. C.
Dear Dr. Fisher:
I understand that Chinese research scholars are eligible for aid under the new program of emergency aid authorized by Congress.
If policies and procedures governing the program have been decided upon, may I take this opportunity to submit my application for your consideration? Enclosed herewith please find a statement of my academic and professional career and a letter of recommendation from Dr. Carl M. White, Dean, School of Library Service, Columbia University, who has consented to serve as my supervisor.
I am now engaged in writing the history of libraries in China. It deals with one important aspect of the cultural history of China which has not yet received adequate attention from Western scholars. In view of the vast field, the gathering of scattered material and the work of interpretation will take at least two years.
If financial assistance can be given under your program of emergency aid, I propose to continue the work at Washington, making full use of the resources of the Library of Congress, but to go to New York occasionally for consultation and advice from Dr. White as well as other faculty members at Columbia. I shall be grateful to you if due consideration could be given to this application.
Very sincerely yours,
Tung-li, Yuan
July 24, 1950
Dear Dr. Yuan:
When I returned from an extensive trip to the West Coast and the University of Chicago, I found your kind letter of June 6 waiting for me. I am indeed sorry to have missed you in Washington. I hope you will visit Dartmouth again someday.
Enclosed please find a list of my publications in English. It does not include book reviews, of which I have published about fifty.
When you see Dr. Hu Shih and when you write Madame Wei Li-huang, kindly give them my kindest regards.
Sincerely yours,
Wing-tsit Chan
British Embassy
August 17th
Dear Dr. Yuan,
As I am leaving for England on the 24th I should be glad if you would return to me any of the manuscript on Feng Lin's diary which you may happen to have. It would also be a great service to me if you could get back from the Library of Congress the Chinese text, which I think you lent to one of the staff. I have received news from Pin Hsi in Peking, together with 2 photographs of his father. I hope that we may meet before I leave, and I would show you the photos. If I had had your telephone number I would have telephoned, instead of writing, and if you will let me have the number, I may still be able to propose a time for a meeting, as I should very much like to see you.
I have continued with Hsueh Fu-ch'eng's diary, but today had to return the book to the Congressional Library. I hope to take it up again (or something of the kind) when I get to Peking.
As I have 3½ months leave due to me in England, I shall not get to Peking till late in the year.
Kindest regards,
J. F. Ford
P. S. Did Dr. Needham come, and did you see him?
按:Pin Hsi待考。该函为其亲笔。
Chen Yu-sheng致函先生,请协助询问国会图书馆有无购入宝礼堂旧藏善本。
August 22, 1950
Dear Mr. Yuan,
First of all, I must ask you to pardon me for my intrusion. I have something which need help and President Fu-Ssu-nien told to write to you. I hope you will render me your kind assistance in the matter.
My relative, the Pan's family(广东南海宝礼堂潘)has the famous collection of antique books. This collection consists of about two thousand volumes of经史子集, all engraved and printed in Sung Dynasty. The late Mr. 潘宗周 started collection sixty years ago and the family had, for the past two generations, spent almost all they had on the collection. All these volumes had been studied and sorted by the most eminent authorities on Chinese literature and history, as well as confirmed by noted authorities on antique printing and engraving. By their combined efforts a catalog in four volumes was drawn up as key to these volumes. It is now considered as one of the best and most complete collections in China.
When Shanghai was in danger in the spring of last year, the British Council authorities in Shanghai approached Mr. Pan and talked about the safety of the books. They also asked about the price. It was hard for Mr. Pan to name it. The family has spent not less than US $500,000-on the collection and asked this sum as compensation. Mr. Pan was glad to place his books in safety and be made use of by the British sinologists. The British authorities then proposed to loan the collection to Bodleian Library for two years and after that buy the collection. This, Mr. Pan declined to accept as the family would like ready payment. Meanwhile situation in Shanghai turned from bad to worse the British authorities helped most kindly in packing and shipping the collection free to Hongkong where it is now under safe-keeping.
As Mr. Pan does not think Hongkong a nice place to keep his books now, he asked me to write the Congress Library to inquire if they would buy the collection. President Fu said you will be able to help us in some way. He had seen the books once himself and claimed they are of priceless value.
Will you please help us to sell the collection to the Congress Library or any other institution in the United States? The Pan's family will accept a price as low as US $400,00-against cash payment. They also offer a commission of 5%. I am sure you will be glad to see the books in safety too. I shall send you the four volumes of catalog if you wish.
Thanking you in anticipation and awaiting your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Chen Yu-sheng, Miss
Taiwan University
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
通讯处108 6th street, N. E., Near East Capital to A Sts. N. E., Washington, D. C.电话Li-4-1638
〔University of California, Berkeley, The Bancroft Library, Yuen Ren Chao papers, carton 10, folder 39, Yuan, Tongli and Yuan, Huixi〕
Arlington, le 2 septembre 1950.
4651 North 25th St.
Cher Monsieur Yuan,
Dans votre dernière lettre vous me demandiez de vous procurer une Histoire des Missions de Scheut en Chine. Comme cette histoire n'a pas été écrite, je n'ai pu vous satisfaire. Mais je viens de mettre la main sur un livre qui traite de l'histoire des missions modernes chez les Mongols. Je viens de vous l'envoyer par poste.
Je ne suis nullement pressé de revoir le livre. Lisez-le tout à votre aise.
J'espère que vous êtes en bonne santé.
Vous souhaitant tout le succès désirable, je vous prie, Cher Monsieur, d'agréer l'assurance de ma profonde considération.
Antoine Mostaert
八月三日手书敬悉。《郑樵校雠略研究》及《人民中国》经于日前挂号上,至在香港出版之周刊则托香港广大中学代订,因香港出版品如未经此间登记者不能进口也。最近政府颁布禁止珍贵文物图书出口,凡寄出图书杂志均须送市政府新闻出版处审查,核准后方能将书送邮局查验放行。L. C.之书报俟审核后方能寄出,《东方杂志》已停刊,但中华书局出版之《新中华》月刊内容颇佳。
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
按:专告,似当作“转告”。1950年春,朱士嘉在美结识记者路易·斯特朗(Anna Louise Strong, 1885-1970),受其影响,并在周鲠生、陈翰笙等人的劝告下决定回国,同年9月在武汉大学历史系任教,兼任该校图书馆馆长。该函由香港蔚林图书公司转投,以航空信方式寄送。
Arlington, le 2 octobre 1950
Cher Monsieur Yuan,
Les lettres de Mgr Bermyn n'ont été préservées qu'en petit nombre. Je suppose qu'une partie en doit être en Belgique, mais il serait assez difficile de trouver quelqu'un qui veuille faire des recherches dans cette correspondance, surtout parce que l'écriture de Mgr Bermyn est très difficile à lire. Je sais que vous vous intéressez à l'histoire de la mort de ce □□ du “□□ Banner”. Je ferai comme ceci. J'écrirai encore aujourd'hui au J. Van Hecken, l'auteur du livre “Les Missions chez les Mongols”, qui est à présent à宁夏. Il s'est occupé beaucoup de l'histoire des Ordres et il pourra peut-être nous donner des informations. Il pourra aussi nous indiquer la voie de trouver cette lettre du 7 mars 1907.
Je vous communiquerai sa réponse.
Veuillez agréer, Cher Monsieur Yuan, l'assurance de ma profonde considération.
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
按:Mgr Bermyn应指闵玉清(Alfonso Bermyn, 1853-1915),圣母圣心会会士,比利时人,1901年4月,教廷任命其为蒙古西南代牧区宗座代牧。J. Van Hecken即贺歌南神父(Jos Van Hecken, 1905-1988),圣母圣心会会士,比利时人,1931来华传教,1952年赴日本后经美国辗转返回比利时。Les Missions chez les Mongols,1949年北京北堂印书馆印行。该函为其亲笔。
October 3, 1950
Dear Prof. Jaeger:
I am most grateful to you for your Chinese letter which you sent to me in August. It was so beautifully written that I showed it to some American sinologues, they feel very much ashamed that they cannot have that accomplishment. I congratulate you for having written in such literary style and beautiful calligraphy.
I was away for the whole month of September and knowing that you also had a nice vacation, I did not try to bother you with further requests. All I want to say is to thank you most sincerely for the bibliographies of Prof. Franke and Prof. Forke which you so kindly sent to me. They are very useful to my work.
Will you also kindly thank Dr. Haenisch for me for sending me a list of books on China since 1947? I have asked our office at Peiping to send similar lists to him at Berlin, as it is very quick for them to write to him via Siberia.
Dr. Haenisch sent me a list of books on China in 1946 in which he included all German sinological works published up to the end of 1945. Now, this list starts with 1947, it does not have titles published in 1946. When writing to him, could you ask him to compile a list for German sinological works published in 1946 and have it sent to me?
I only need a bibliography of your own writings as well as Dr. W. Fuchs. If he is in Hamburg, will you ask him to send me his own list and extend to him my best wishes and kind regards?
If it is not too much trouble to you, could you send me a list of German sinologues and the institutions with which they are connected? There are probably many young scholars whom I have not met and whose writings I have not seen.
I am glad to get the Indexes to Shih-Chi which I ask the Harvard University Press to send to you. If you need other books, please let me know. I shall be most happy to send them to you.
I have received all the volumes of the German translation of Russian documents for which I am most indebted to you. I wrote to Doerling about the safe arrival of the 16 volumes and asked him to inform you about it.
With renewed thanks for your kindness and assistance,
Yours sincerely,
P. S. I hope you will kindly send me the bibliography of Prof. Haenisch's writings. Is it easy to compile a bibliography of the writings of Dr. Arthur von Rosthorn, the Austrian professor of Chinese at Vienna?
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
按:Arthur von Rosthorn(1862-1945),奥地利外交官、汉学家,通译作“讷色恩”。此件为底稿,实发时间似乎应为10月4日。
24th October, 1950.
My dear Director Yuan,
I was very glad to have your letter of 23rd September which I also showed to Professor Edwards. I was glad to have your news and was very interested to hear that you are preparing a supplement to the Bibliotheca Sinica. Is there any hope that this supplement will include an index to the whole work? I am enclosing a new list of Professor Edwards'writings and my own list will follow as soon as ready.
We are all very glad to have Harry back and you are right in supposing that he was far less enthusiastic than Mr. van der Sprenkel. But there are special reasons why I would like you to keep this information confidential. Experience must vary according to the place one happened to be and as you know Harry was in Chengtu.
Re Asia Major, We are just preparing the first number of Volume II. Volume I is complete with two issues which are out.
Thank you for enquiring about Mrs. Liu whose work is indeed very satisfactory. I am afraid, however, that we can do nothing for Mr. Cheng of whom I saw a good deal while in Hongkong. We have no vacancy here at present nor is there any to my knowledge at the B. B. C. You are of course aware of the many Chinese, particularly of diplomatic staffs in Europe, who do not wish to return to China and there are therefore so many applicants for the few posts in existence that frankly speaking it would be unkind to raise Mr. Cheng's hope for a post in this country.
You may be interested to know that a short time ago the School was offered the following 7 volumes of the Yeongleh-dahdean:
807/8, 1036/7, 5244/5245, 13872/3,
13874/5, 15713-15715, 16217/8.
The School of course is not in a position to buy them but do you think the Congress Library or alternatively the Peking Library would? If so, I shall let the owner know. As you will see, none of the volumes concerned is included in your list.
With kindest regards,
Yours very sincerely,
W. Simon
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
按:Professor Edwards应指Evangeline Edwards(1888-1957),伦敦大学亚非学院教授,主讲中国文学。Harry、Mrs. Liu待考。Asia Major,1949年在英国复刊;Yeongleh-dahdean即《永乐大典》,下同。此件为打字稿,落款处为其签名。
October 25, 1950
Dear Dr. White:
You are very kind last June to write to the Department of State in support of my application for a grant-in-aid. As I have not heard from the Department for so long, I called at Dr. Fisher's Office the other day and found that my application had been misplaced, so it has not had the attention of the Department.
I was told that I have to make a new application and to fill a form which has to be endorsed by the official supervisor. I am sending it to you and hope you will put your signature on application. Please note various items listed in the announcement, a copy of which is enclosed for your information.
I also enclose a tentative outline which has to be approved by the supervisor. If you find it satisfactory, please mail my application and the various documents direct to Dr. Thomas R. Fisher, Division of Exchange of Persons, Room 534, Department of State, Washington 25, D. C.
Thanking you once more for your interest and assistance,
Yours sincerely,
T. L. Yuan
按:该件为录副,并附Tentative Outline for the History of Books and Libraries in China两页。
先生致信Thomas R. Fisher,告知已联系怀特请其在新的申请书中签字并寄送国务院审查。
October 25, 1950
Dear Dr. Fisher:
On July 24, 1950, I submitted an application for a research grant under your program of emergency aid to Chinese student and Scholars. As I have not heard from you, I made inquiry at your office and found that my application had been misplaced.
Since you have issued new forms to be filled out by every applicant, I am asking Dean White of the School of Library Service, Columbia University, to put his signature on my application. I also enclose a tentative outline and a vita.
The book which I propose to write deals with one important aspect of the cultural history of China which has not received adequate attention from Western scholars. I shall be grateful to you if due consideration could be given to this application, so that the work will be initiated at an early date.
Very sincerely yours,
Tung-li, Yuan
孟治致函先生,告知Thesis and Dissertations by Chinese Students in America早已绝版,如实在需用可以短期借用,并谈因印刷成本高涨,华美协进社早已无力刊印公告。
October 25th, 1950
Dear Dr. Yuan:
The booklets “Thesis and Dissertations by Chinese Students in America” have been out of print for some time. We do have our reference copies in the Library in case you would want to make use of them for a short while.
Because of the present high cost of printing the Institute has been unable to do much in the way of putting out printed material. The China Institute Bulletin and the Journal were also discontinued a couple of years ago.
Your letter was given to Dr. Y. C. Mei who comes to this office several times each week.
With kind regards,
Sincerely yours,
Chih Meng
October 27, 1950
Dear Mr. Yuan:
It is very good to hear from you and I am happy to send separately copies of our China Papers, Vol. IV, and of a draft volume of Western Bibliography with annotations for our students.
Your list of my articles arrived just at time when I had to compile such a list and I am happy to return two copies of the final product. You will note that many items are of course of little scholarly value for your purposes.
With best regards in which Mrs. Fairbank joins,
John K. Fairbank
按:此件为打字稿,落款处为其签名,并附三页List of Publications。
October 30, 1950
Dear Dr. Yuan:
I make prompt acknowledgment of your letter of October 25 in order that you may tell me how I may best assist the discussions you are having with the officers of the State Department. According to the instructions which reached Columbia this fall, this might take either of two forms. One would be for you to submit a project to Columbia. Such an application could be sent to me, but all applications of this kind are approved by a single officer in the University. Some officer in the School of Library Service or in the Libraries would undoubtedly be called upon to supervise any Columbia project in your field. So far as I am aware, the University has had only a few applications, and the applicant has in every case planned to do his work in residence. Non residence would pose a new problem, and I doubt whether the University would undertake to supervise a project unless it were in a position to give effective supervision. The reason for supposing that this might be so lies in the fact that the University must give a report of progress, I understand, from time to time on how the work is progressing. I have to date not talked with my colleagues in the School about this kind of undertaking. Knowing how hard-pressed everyone feels he is, this would be another problem which would have to come up for consideration. I think it would depend a good deal on what the proposal was in detail.
The other way I might be of some help would be for you to apply to some other institution of your own choice and, in so doing, list my name as a reference. I should be pleased to list my name if I may assist best in that way.
With kind personal regards, I am,
Yours sincerely,
Carl M. White
November 2, 1950
Dear Dr. White:
Thank you so much for your letter of October 30.
Since I consider the School of Library Service as my Alma Mater, I prefer very much to have the School sponsoring my project in writing a book on the history of books and libraries in China. I enclose therefore a formal application which you may like to have for transmission to the officer in charge of these applications at Columbia.
If non-residence would pose a new problem, I wonder whether this problem could not be solved by delegating a part of supervision to some scholar here in Washington. Dr. Arthur W. Hummel, Chief, Division of Orientalia, Library of Congress, would be glad to supervise a research project of this kind if you would write to him officially. In talking with him the other day, he gave me to understand that he strongly endorsed this project.
The Library of Congress would be ready to sponsor such projects as bibliographical compilations and the making of indexes. As to the writing of a monograph on the history of Chinese books and libraries, they feel that it should more logically be sponsored by a library school.
If you do not find it possible to sponsor this project because of non-residence limitations, I shall fully understand your position. In any case, I shall be glad to hear your decision at your convenience.
With sincere thanks,
Yours sincerely,
T. L. Yuan
November 2, 1950
Dear Dr. White:
In connection with my application for a research grant from the Division of Exchange of Persons, Department of State, I beg to submit the following project for your consideration and approval.
I have been gathering material for a book to be published in English and entitled: History of Books and Libraries in China. The purpose of this study is to survey the history of books and libraries in the growth of Chinese civilization. It will include the evolution of Chinese characters, writing materials, the manuscripts, paper-making, invention and spread of printing, famous presses and the traditional method of book production. It will also deal with the history of ancient, mediaeval and modern libraries and the role of books and libraries in the development of Chinese scholarship. Emphasis will be placed on the relationship between the successive stages of book and library development to the social and cultural conditions of the various periods. A tentative outline is herewith enclosed.
It is my desire that the School of Library Service will sponsor and endorse this project. I shall come to New York occasionally for consultation and advice and I shall keep in close touch with the supervisor or supervisors whom you may appoint to supervise the work.
If this application is approved by the University, will you write to the State Department (Dr. Thomas R. Fisher) enclosing my application and various documents in accordance with regulations as noted in the Announcement, copy of which was sent to you in my recent letter.
Yours sincerely,
T. L. Yuan
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
November 6, 1950
Dear Dr. Yuan:
I have received your letter of November 2, have placed the application and the supporting documents in the hands of the Assistant Provost in order to secure a ruling on the question of non-residence and will await word from that quarter before taking the next step. I know you would like to have our decision as soon as possible, and we are working to that end.
With kind personal regards, I am
Yours sincerely,
Carl M. White
Dorothea Scott夫人覆函先生,告前请留意澳门出版书籍已由葡萄牙驻香港领事馆在澳门搜集,而战后香港报刊、公报相关目录则由一位避难在此的女教授负责,并代丈夫询问在北平时提及的京剧图谱类书籍的题名。
20th November, 1950
Dear Dr. Yuan:
I have delayed a little in answering your second letter of October 30th because it has taken me some time to find out about the books published in Macao. However, the Portuguese Consulate-General here in Hongkong have promised to get the required information from Macao for me. They have not mentioned anything about a search fee and I hope they will simply supply a copy of the list issued by the Imprensa Nacional. If this has to be purchased, I will let you know.
While I have been finding out about the Macao publications, I have had a search made through the post-war Hongkong Gazettes for you and now enclose a list of the relevant publications. The headings are self-explanatory and as the number of books in category (1) is so small only one list has been made. I think there will be no difficulty in sorting out the titles for the bibliographical headings you require.
The work was done by a refugee Chinese professor who was very glad of the opportunity to do a small temporary job as she has no permanent job here and very little money.
She spent five hours searching here in the University and another hour in typing and arranging the list. I don't really like being a financial “go between” and can only suggest that the more or less standard rate for private teaching here in Hongkong be applied, i. e., HK $12 an hour, making a total of HK $72 or US $12. I think she would be very satisfied with that.
I haven't met Mr. Fitzgerald yet but Mr. Scott has met him casually several times. I hope he will dine with us this week.
Mr. Scott is spending all his spare time doing a series of oil paintings from his existing drawings and notes of Chinese drama characters, and completing his graphic records whenever opportunity offers. Until now these have been few in Hongkong but张君秋is now giving a season every Saturday afternoon at a big theatre in Kowloon, so once a week at least “China proper” comes to Hongkong!
My husband has also always regretted that he did not ask you for the Chinese titles of the illustrated books on the Drama you mentioned were in the library in Peking. If it is possible for you to remember any of them, I know he would be very grateful to have a note of them in Chinese and English.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Dorothea Scott
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
按:Mrs. Dorothea Scott(1890-1960),英国人,1950年8月出任香港大学第二任图书馆馆长,1958年4月3日,她推动成立了香港图书馆协会,并被选为该协会主席。Mr. Scott即其丈夫Adolphe C. Scott(1909-1985),戏剧学家,对京剧及日本传统戏剧有较为深入的研究。Mr. Fitzgerald即Charles P. Fitzgerald (1902-1992),英国历史学家,中文名费知乐,伦敦大学毕业,1923年来华,1950年受澳大利亚公使Douglas Copland邀请,前往堪培拉澳大利亚国立大学任教。张君秋(1920—1997),原名滕家鸣,字玉隐,祖籍江苏丹徒,出生于北京,京剧演员。
November 21, 1950
Dear Dr. Yuan:
Your kind note of Nov. 20 reached me today. By the same mail I am sending you a copy of my bibliography from FEQ. 1937/47. A supplement for the Oriental countries (outside of the Far East & Central Asia) was submitted two years ago to the Bull. Of the New York Public Lib., but they have as yet not published it. A suppl. to the bibliography in FEQ, but for the years 1931/36 was publ. in mimeographed form by the Russian Research Center, Harvard. Unfortunately, I have no spare copies left. But you could get a copy through Prof. John K. Fairbank, 127 Littauer Ceutes, Cambridge, Mass., whose auspices it was published.
Regarding German Sinological journals, there is Oriens, publ. by Brill in Leiden; Artibus Asiae, Ascona (Switzerland); Sinologica, Basel; Archiv für Ostasien, Düsseldorf (diseon-Aimred after the first issue); Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Ges, has resumed publication in Wiesbaden; Saeculum, a new quarterly, started publication this year, it contains a number of good articles in the Far Eastern field, esp. China.
A note on German sinology 1949/50 is going to appear in the next issue of FEQ. I hope that this information may be of use to you.
Kindest regards,
Yours Sincerely,
Rudolf Löewenthal
按:罗文达通讯地址为310 Stewart Avenue, Ithaca, New York。该函为其亲笔。
24th November, 1950.
My dear Director Yuan,
Thank you for your letter of 3rd November and for your kind enquiry about my health. I am in fact almost all right and hope that my illness will have‘fizzled out’by the end of the year. Enclosed please find the list of my writings. I shall also be writing to Haloun about your request.
Re the Yeongleh-dahdean, I understand that the owner has meanwhile offered the 7 volumes to the Bodleian Library but he has also been told about your interest in this matter.
A copy of the Quarterly Bulletin of Chinese Bibliography, English edition 1947 will follow as soon as I can get hold of it.
Meanwhile, I remain, with very kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
W. Simon
〔伦敦大学亚非学院(School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London)信纸。University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
按:Haloun应指Gustav Haloun(1898-1951),捷克汉学家,曾长期执掌剑桥大学中国语言和历史教席。此件为打字稿,落款处为其签名。
先生致信怀特,根据国务院Thomas R. Fisher建议,请将此前申请退回以便改由国会图书馆作为支持方再次提交。
November 25, 1950
Dear Dr. White:
Dr. Fisher of the State Department sent me a copy of his letter to Provost Gentzler dated November 17th. From that communication I was given to understand that I should do the writing at the Library of Congress under the sponsorship of Dr. Hummel.
May I request you to return to me the application forms, so that I can take up the matter here?
May I avail myself of this opportunity to express to you and also to Mr. Gentzler my sincere appreciation for your interest and assistance. I am sure that I can count upon your further aid whenever necessary.
With warmest personal regards,
Yours sincerely,
T. L. Yuan
〔Columbia University Library, New York State Library School Collection, Series 2 Student Records, Box 65, Folder Yuan, T. L.〕
按:“雷士德研究所”全称应为“雷士德医学研究院”(Henry Lester Institute for Medical Research),以英国旅沪著名建筑师、地产商和慈善家亨利·雷士德(Henry Lester)命名,1932年在上海建成,位于爱文义路(今北京西路)。
北大代L. C.所印善本书目,恒先生好像没有看明白我那封中文信,说所以长钱的原故,不是因为别的,是因为篇数增多了!最好找出那封信,向他解释一下,增加的篇幅,我那信上都写明白了!
November 28, 1950
Dear Dr. Yuan:
The assistant Provost wrote Mr. Fisher in regard to your application. His reply of November 17 indicates the procedure required by the legislation governing the fund appropriated for the program. The letter clarified matters for us here at Columbia. The purpose of my writing is to be sure that a copy reached you. The letter states that a copy of it was mailed to you at your Washington address, which I take to mean your residence.
With kind personal regards, I am,
Very sincerely yours,
Carl M. White
P. S. Your kind letter has just came. We have telephoned the Ass. Provost office regarding the application and assumed it will be returned.
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
按:“韩慕义”即恒慕义。落款处左侧注有“中国新地图,寄十元”、“十二,廿二”字样。该函非何多源亲笔,且由香港广大中学Dr. W. H. Tam转寄先生,W. H. Tam待考,似为此函誊缮之人。
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
2.拙着Otto Franke行述一份。
3.中国建筑学研究之首创人Ernst Boerschmann之着作书目一份。No. 1 and 2 will be sent by ordinary post。Erich Haenisch之完备着作书目,容觅得寄上。Fuchs曾在汉堡充当代理教授二学期,弟早已将尊愿转达。渠现在明兴充当代理教授,如渠尚未寄上彼之着作书目,则弟将代为收集寄呈。
阁下果能再与弟二月时间,则感激甚矣。汉堡方面,弟之后继任乃Otto Franke之子Wolfgang Franke,曾居中国十三年,在北京中德文化学院任务,并充北京大学、成都大学教授,其夫人为中国女士。关于寄上德国最近出版汉学研究书籍之事,弟当向Doerling书局接洽不误。
弟颜复礼Fritz Jäger顿首
〔University of Chicago Library, Yuan T'ung-li Papers, Box 2〕
按:“拙着”当作“拙著”,“着作”当作“著作”。Ernst Boerschmann(1873-1949),德国建筑师,二十世纪初来华,行程数万里,对中国各省古建筑均有考察,拍摄了大量照片,回国后出版了一系列有关中国的专著。Doerling似为古旧书店,待考。
先生加入美国远东学会(Far Eastern Association),成为正式会员。