Bligh House
To the West, in riding past the walls of Bligh, I remembered an incident in the well-known siege of that house, during the Civil Wars: How, among Waller’s invading Roundhead troops,there happened to be a young scholar, a poet, and lover of the Muses, fighting for the cause, as he thought, of ancient Freedom,who, one day, when the siege was being more hotly urged,pressing forward and climbing a wall, suddenly found himself in a quiet garden by the house. And here, for a time forgetting, as it would seem, the battle, and heedless of the bullets that now and then flew past him like peevish wasps, the young Officer stayed,gathering roses—old-fashioned damask roses, streaked with red and white—which, for the sake of a Court Beauty, there besieged with her father, he carried to the house; falling, however, struck by a chance bullet, or shot perhaps by one of his own party. A few of the young Officer’s verses, written in the stilted fashion of the time, and almost unreadable now, have been preserved.The lady’s portrait hangs in the white drawing-room at Bligh;a simpering, faded figure, with ringlets and drop-pearls, and a dress of amber-coloured silk.