[词语]to let the cat out of the bag
[趣释]【物事喻指】几个世纪以前,在英国发达的乡村贸易集市上,猪崽交易一直十分兴旺。一些唯利是图的人经常趁人多混乱,买主购买心切而不想挑拣,就将小猫装入口袋冒充猪崽。如果遇上细心认真的买主要查看猪崽的毛色、样子,让卖主将口袋打开,把猫从口袋里放出来,便会使他们当众出丑。后来,人们就用“把猫从口袋里放出来”(to let the cat out of the bag)喻指泄露秘密、露出马脚、说漏了嘴。以自然主义流派著称的美国作家弗兰克·诺里斯(Frank Norris)在其小说《深渊》(The pit)中就用了这个成语。
[运用]I have let the cat of the bag already, Mr. Corthell, and I might as well tell the whole thing now.我已无意泄露了秘密,可塞尔先生,干脆就把全部情况都告诉你吧。
From the warmth of her embrace, he probably divined that he had let the cat out of the bag. 可能从她的热烈拥抱中,他推测自己已经泄露了内心的秘密。
We wanted to surprise Delia with a birthday gift, but Juliet let the cat out of the bag by asking her what she would like. 我们本来打算送给迪莉娅一件生日礼物,给她来个惊喜,可是朱丽叶问她喜欢什么而泄露了天机。