YARN Essentials


In a short span of time, YARN has attained a great deal of momentum and acceptance in the big data world.

YARN essentials is about YARN—the modern operating system for Hadoop. This book contains all that you need to know about YARN, right from its inception to the present and future.

In the first part of the book, you will be introduced to the motivation behind the development of YARN and learn about its core architecture, installation, and administration. This part also talks about the architectural differences that YARN brings to Hadoop 2 with respect to Hadoop 1 and why this redesign was needed.

In the second part, you will learn how to write a YARN application, how to submit an application to YARN, and how to monitor the application. Next, you will learn about the various emerging open source frameworks that are developed to run on top of YARN. You will learn to develop and deploy some use case examples using Apache Samza and Storm YARN.

Finally, we will talk about the failures in YARN, some alternative solutions available on the market, and the future and support for YARN in the big data world.