OpenStack Networking Essentials

The initial network configuration

To understand how networking within the all-in-one virtual machine node hosting OpenStack will work, refer to the following diagram:

In the preceding diagram, three virtual interfaces are cabled to the All-In-One Node. The eth0 interface will serve as the management interface for OpenStack services and API access while eth1 will be used for interfacing with virtual machine instances over Neutron networks, including using floating IPs. The eth2 interface will serve as the gateway interface for Internet access from the All-In-One Node and will not be utilized by OpenStack itself. By configuring host-only networks within VirtualBox and associating them with the All-In-One Node, you will be able to interface with the OpenStack API, dashboard, and certain Neutron networks from your workstation.

For instructions on how to configure VirtualBox to support the aforementioned networking configuration, refer to Appendix, Configuring VirtualBox.

Example networks

Throughout the book, there will be examples of configuring and using various OpenStack services. The following table provides the networks used for those services:

Interface configuration

CentOS uses a configuration file for each inpidual network interface. These files can be found in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory. Interface names may vary between systems, depending on the operating system version, the underlying hardware, and the type of network interface used. Within my VirtualBox instance, the following interface mappings can be observed:

Using a text editor, update the network interface files on your host as follows:

  • Management interface (ifcfg-enp0s3):
  • Gateway interface (ifcfg-enp0s9):

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The enp0s8 interface will be connected to a network bridge and used for VM traffic and will be configured automatically during the installation of OpenStack. Packstack should automatically configure the interface and connect it to the bridge, which means you do not need to configure the file beforehand.

To activate the changes, cycle the interfaces using the following ifdown and ifup commands from the virtual machine console:

$ sudo ifdown enp0s3; sudo ifdown enp0s9;
$ sudo ifup enp0s3; sudo ifup enp0s9;

Connect to the host

From your workstation, connect to the host using the management address configured on the eth0 (enp0s3) interface, as shown in the following screenshot:

The host will utilize the DHCP interface as its default gateway interface, allowing it to access the Internet using the NAT established by VirtualBox. The management interface will be used to interact with the host using SSH as well as the OpenStack API and the Horizon dashboard. Once connected, proceed with installing OpenStack using the procedure outlined in the following sections.