What this book covers
Chapter 1, The Essence of Big Data in the Cloud, introduces the motivation of using the cloud computing paradigm in big-data management. The chapter will focus on the need of a different way to resolve big-data analysis complexity by looking at the Sahara project and its internal architectural design.
Chapter 2, Integrating OpenStack Sahara, walks through all the necessary steps for installing a multi-node OpenStack environment and integrating Sahara, and it shows you how to run it successfully along with the existing OpenStack environment.
Chapter 3, Using OpenStack Sahara, describes the workflow of Hadoop cluster creation using Sahara. The chapter shows you how to speed up launching clusters using templates through Horizon and via the command line in OpenStack.
Chapter 4, Executing Jobs with Sahara, focuses on executing sample jobs for elastic data processing based on the example in the previous chapter using Sahara. It also gives you the opportunity to execute jobs using the Sahara REST API and shows what is going on under the hood from the API's call level in OpenStack.
Chapter 5, Discovering Advanced Features with Sahara, dives into more advanced Sahara functionalities, such as anti-affinity and data-locality concepts. This chapter also covers the different supported plugins existing in Sahara and tells you why you need each of them. In addition, you will learn how to customize the Sahara setup based on several storage and network configurations in the OpenStack environment.
Chapter 6, Hadoop High Availability Using Sahara, discusses building a highly available Hadoop cluster using Sahara. This option is available at the time of writing this book only for HDP and CDH clusters, which the chapter focuses on. It provides for each plugin a sample example by highlighting the requirements for each setup.
Chapter 7, Troubleshooting, provides best practices for troubleshooting Sahara when it generates errors during its setup and utilization. It starts by tackling major issues present in OpenStack that reflect many other components and how to escalate problem resolution using debugging tools and on-hand tips.