About the Author
Ashok Kumar S is an Android developer residing in Bangalore, India. A gadget enthusiast, he thrives on innovating and exploring the latest gizmos in the tech space.
He has been developing Android applications for all Google-related technologies. He is a Google certified Udacity Nano degree holder.
A strong believer in spirituality, he heavily contributes to the open source community as a e-spiritual ritual to improve his e-karma. He regularly conducts workshops about Android application development in local engineering colleges and schools. He also organizes multiple tech events at his organization and is a regular attendee of all the conferences that happen on Android in the silicon valley of India.
He also has a YouTube channel, called AndroidABCD, where he discusses all aspects of Android development, including quick tutorials.
I would like to thank my colleagues at Dunst Technologies Pvt. Ltd for supporting me and for encouraging me to write this book. Dunst has always been a great place to learn and implement everything I learned in the real world. It is a privilege to be a part of an outstanding organisation such as Dunst.
I would like to thank my family for all their support, especially my mother Lalitha, sister-in-law Sumithra, and Krishna for constantly pushing me to do my best and making sure that I would never go hungry to bed.
I would like to thank all the people who have supported me at every stage of this book, especially Vinod S Nair and Ashwin R Nair.
I would like to thank the Packt Publishing team for this opportunity and for supporting me throughout my journey to complete this book.