Spring 5.0 Cookbook

How it works...

Java 1.8 and Java 1.9 together with Spring 5.0 support HTTP/2 for the advancement of the JEE servlet container. This improvement is part of their JSR 369 specification which highlights the Servlet 4.0 specification. This Spring version is after Java 1.8's advance concurrency and stream support to run its functional and reactive modules. And since the core platform of Spring 5 is reactive, non-blocking and asynchronous, it needs NIO 2.0 threads of Tomcat 9.x's HTTP/2 for its project execution.

Since enabling HTTP/2 requires configuring TLS, browsers such as Firefox and Chrome will be restricted a bit by this TLS when it comes to running applications. These client browsers do not support clear text TCP; thus there is a need for secured HTTP (or HTTPS) which is the only way these browsers can utilize HTTP/2. And since TLS is enabled, there is a need for a keystore certificate that must be recognized by the application servers and accepted by the browsers in order to execute the request URLs.

OpenSSL for Windows is chosen as our certificate generator in creating TLS certificates. The book will use a self-signed certificate only, which is the easiest and most appropriate method so far in order to secure Apache Tomcat 9. This method no longer needs the certificate to be signed by a Certificate Authority (CA).

After generating the certificate, the certificate must be registered to both the keystore of the JRE and the custom keystore (for example, spring5keystore.keystore) of the application server. Keystores are used in the context of setting up the SSL connection in Java applications between client and server. They provide credentials, store private keys and certificates corresponding to the public keys of the applications and browsers. They are also required to access the secured server which usually triggers client authentication. The installed Java has its own keystore, which is <installation_folder>\Java1.8.112\jre\lib\security\cacerts. Always provide the official passwords in adding your certificates to these keystores. JRE has a default changeit password for its keystore.

The advantage of the TLS-enabled Tomcat 9 server is its support to JSR-369, which is the implementation of the Servlet 4.0 container. Moreover, the virtual hosting and multiple certificates are supported for a single connector, with each virtual host able to support multiple certificates. When the request-response transaction happens with HTTP/2, a session with multiple streams or threads of connections is created, as shown in the following code:

MetaData.Request metaData = new MetaData.Request("GET", HttpScheme.HTTP, new HostPortHttpField("spring5server: 8443" + server.getLocalport()), "/", HttpVersion.HTTP_2, new HttpFields()); 
HeadersFrame headersFrame = new HeadersFrame(1, metaData, null, 
session.newStream(headersFrame, new Promise.Adapter<Stream>(), new PrintingFramesHandler()); 
session.newStream(headersFrame, new Promise.Adapter<Stream>(), new PrintingFramesHandler()); 
session.newStream(headersFrame, new Promise.Adapter<Stream>(), new PrintingFramesHandler()); 

The whole concept of HTTP/2 transporting requests from client to server and responding back to its clients is depicted with the conceptual model as follows: