- What does the acronym PID stand for? Is this considered an AI software method?
- What is the Turing test? Do you feel this is a valid method of assessing an artificial intelligence system?
- Why do you think robots have a problem in general with negative obstacles, such as stairs and potholes?
- In the OODA loop, what does the "orient" step do?
- From the discussion of Python advantages, compute the following. You have a program that needs 50 changes tested. Assuming each change requires one run and a recompile step to test. A "C" Make step takes 450 seconds and a Python "run" command takes 3 seconds. How much time do you sit idle waiting for the C compiler?
- What does RTOS stand for?
- Your robot has the following scheduled tasks: telemetry: 10 Hz GPS 5 Hz Inertial 50 Hz Motors 20 Hz. What base frame rate would you use to schedule these tasks? (Hz or hertz means times per second. 3 Hz = three times per second)
- Given that a frame rate scheduler has the fastest task at 20 frames per second, how would you schedule a task that needs to run at seven frames per second? How about one that runs at 3.5 frames per second?
- What is a blocking call function? Why is it bad to use blocking calls in a real-time system like a robot?