Building Enterprise JavaScript Applications

Formalizing requirements through documentation

Once everyone has agreed on the requirements for the current phase, it is extremely important that they are formally documented. When everyone involved understands the requirements, it's very tempting to not write them down; after all, it's a boring chore that no one wants to do. One may even argue that it slows down development unnecessarily. However, we must fight against that temptation and be disciplined because of the following reasons:

  • People have bad memories: I once read a tongue-in-cheek comment from an online discussion that said "Good programmers have good minutiae memory. Great programmers have good gestalt memory. Legendary programmers have no memory at all." Don't rely on your memory—write down the requirements!
  • It prevents misinterpretation.
  • A formalized requirement provides a Single Source of Truth (SSoT): In development, change is often the only constant. It is inevitable that requirements will change. 99% of the problems with requirement changes lies in not communicating that change with everyone, resulting in different team members having different, possibly conflicting, snapshots of the requirements. By having a single document that acts as an SSoT, we can ensure everyone has access to the latest, and the same, information.
  • A formalized requirement can be improved: If there are areas of ambiguity, the language of the requirement can be revised to be more explicit. If someone forgot an important point, they can add it as an addendum.

Finally, having a set of formal requirements is only helpful if it is kept up to date. It is very important that a single person is put in sole charge of maintaining the requirements document. Otherwise, everyone may assume someone else will update it, but then no one does. Out-of-date requirements may be worse than no requirements at all, if the old version conflicts with the most up-to-date version.

However, this does not mean the person in charge has to be the one to actually update the document itself; he/she may appoint someone more suitable to do the task. But the point is that, ultimately, it is his/her responsibility to make sure the requirements are up to date.