How to do it...
Let's perform the following steps:
- Launch the PartsUnlimited web portal and select the Search work items control:

- In the work item search box, type add. The keyword add is searched across all work items in the team project. The search results are summarized in the left-hand side panel. The search results are ordered by relevance, and can be reordered using a different field:

- The work item search understands the work item schema, which allows it to support complex work item search queries. For example, by changing the search query to add and s:active and t:feature, we can filter the results down to the work item type feature and set the work item status to Active:

- To search for work items that need review, change the search query to a new tag: needs review. The new follow functionality allows you to subscribe to work items and be notified when changes are made to them. Click on the Follow button to follow one or more work items:

- Double-click the first work item in the search result and navigate to the Discussion section in the work item form. Here, you can add a comment, use # to link a work item, or use @ to mention a person:

- Click Save to persist the changes. The linked work item is automatically linked to the work item as a related work item. This mention triggers a notification workflow, and an email is sent out to the mentioned individual, in addition to others who are following this work item. You can click Maximize Discussion to enter an expanded discussion view:

- My favorite feature is being able to paste images into the work item form without having to save them and attach them manually. In your discussions, you can use rich formatting, links, images, and more: