Kubernetes and cloud providers
A lot of people believe that Kubernetes is the future of infrastructure, and there are some people who believe that everything will end up on the cloud. However, this doesn't mean you have to run Kubernetes on the cloud, but it does work really well with the cloud.
Kubernetes as a service
Containerization makes applications more portable so that locking down with a specific cloud provider becomes unlikely. Although there are some great open source tools, such as kubeadm and kops, that can help DevOps create Kubernetes clusters, Kubernetes as a service offered by a cloud provider still sounds attractive. As the original creator of Kubernetes, Google has offered Kubernetes as a service since 2014. It is called Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). In 2017, Microsoft offered its own Kubernetes service, called Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). AWS offered Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) in 2018.
Kubedex (https://kubedex.com/google-gke-vs-microsoft-aks-vs-amazon-eks/) have carried out a great comparison of the cloud Kubernetes services. Some of the differences between the three are listed in the following table:

Some highlights worth emphasizing from the preceding list are as follows:
- Scalability: GKE supports up to 5,000 nodes per cluster, while AKS and EKS only support a few hundred nodes or less.
- Advanced security options: GKE supports Istio service meshes, Sandbox, Binary Authorization, and ingress-managed secure sockets layer (SSL), while AKS and EKS cannot.
If the plan is to deploy and manage microservices in a Kubernetes cluster provisioned by cloud providers, you need to consider the scalability capability as well as security options available with the cloud provider. There are certain limitations if you use a cluster managed by a cloud provider:
- Some of the cluster configuration and hardenings are done by the cloud provider by default and may not be subject to change.
- You lose the flexibility of managing the Kubernetes cluster. For example, if you want to enable Kubernetes' audit policy and export audit logs to splunk, you might want to make some configuration changes to the kube-apiserver manifest.
- There is limited access to the master node where kube-apiserver is running. The limitation totally makes sense if you are focused on deploying and managing microservices. In some cases, you need to enable some admission controllers, then you will have to make changes to the kube-apiserver manifest as well. These operations require access to the master node.
If you want to have a Kubernetes cluster with access to the cluster node, an open source tool—kops—can help you.
Kubernetes Operations (kops), helps in creating, destroying, upgrading, and maintaining production-grade, highly available Kubernetes clusters from the command line. It officially supports AWS and supports GCE and OpenStack in the beta version. The major difference from provisioning a Kubernetes cluster on a cloud Kubernetes service is that the provisioning starts from the VM layer. This means that with kops you can control what OS image you want to use and set up your own admin SSH key to access both the master nodes and the worker nodes. An example of creating a Kubernetes cluster in AWS is as follows:
# Create a cluster in AWS that has HA masters. This cluster
# will be setup with an internal networking in a private VPC.
# A bastion instance will be setup to provide instance access.
export NODE_SIZE=${NODE_SIZE:-m4.large}
export MASTER_SIZE=${MASTER_SIZE:-m4.large}
export ZONES=${ZONES:-'us-east-1d,us-east-1b,us-east-1c'}
export KOPS_STATE_STORE='s3://my-state-store'
kops create cluster k8s-clusters.example.com \
--node-count 3 \
--zones $ZONES \
--node-size $NODE_SIZE \
--master-size $MASTER_SIZE \
--master-zones $ZONES \
--networking weave \
--topology private \
--bastion='true' \
With the preceding kops command, a three-worker-nodes Kubernetes cluster is created. The user can choose the size of the master node and the CNI plugin.
Why worry about Kubernetes' security?
Kubernetes was in general availability in 2018 and is still evolving very fast. There are features that are still under development and are not in a GA state (either alpha or beta). This is an indication that Kubernetes itself is far from mature, at least from a security standpoint. But this is not the main reason that we need to be concerned with Kubernetes security.
Bruce Schneier summed this up best in 1999 when he said 'Complexity is the worst enemy of security' in an essay titled A Plea for Simplicity, correctly predicting the cybersecurity problems we encounter today (https://www.schneier.com/essays/archives/1999/11/a_plea_for_simplicit.html). In order to address all the major orchestration requirements of stability, scalability, flexibility, and security, Kubernetes has been designed in a complex but cohesive way. This complexity no doubt brings with it some security concerns.
Configurability is one of the top benefits of the Kubernetes platform for developers. Developers and cloud providers are free to configure their clusters to suit their needs. This trait of Kubernetes is one of the major reasons for increasing security concerns among enterprises. The ever-growing Kubernetes code and components of a Kubernetes cluster make it challenging for DevOps to understand the correct configuration. The default configurations are usually not secure (the openness does bring advantages to DevOps to try out new features).
With the increase in the usage of Kubernetes, it has been in the news for various security breaches and flaws:
- Researchers at Palo Alto Networks found 40,000 Docker and Kubernetes containers exposed to the internet. This was the result of misconfigured deployments.
- Attackers used Tesla's unsecured administrative console to run a crypto-mining rig.
- A privilege escalation vulnerability was found in a Kubernetes version, which allowed a specially crafted request to establish a connection through the API server to the backend and send an arbitrary request.
- The use of a Kubernetes metadata beta feature in a production environment led to an Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) attack on the popular e-commerce platform Shopify. The vulnerability exposed the Kubernetes metadata, which revealed Google service account tokens and the kube-env details, which allowed the attacker to compromise the cluster.
A recent survey by The New Stack (https://thenewstack.io/top-challenges-kubernetes-users-face-deployment/) shows that security is the primary concern of enterprises running Kubernetes:

Figure 1.3 – Top concerns for Kubernetes users
Kubernetes is not secure by default. We will explain more about this in later chapters. Security becoming one of the primary concerns of users totally makes sense. It is a problem that needs to be addressed properly just like other infrastructure or platform.