Internet of Things Programming with JavaScript

How to install the wireless tools

Use the following command to configure the wireless network:

sudo apt-get install wireless-tools

In the following screenshot, we can see the result of the ifconfig command:

How to install the wireless tools

After executing the command, we will see the result of installing wireless-tools:

How to install the wireless tools

Configuring IP address and wireless network

To have a networking configuration, we need to assign an IP address to our device in order to be involved in the network.

Enter the following command:

sudo nano etc/network/interfaces
Configuring IP address and wireless network

In the following configuration file, called interface, we explain what we need to add to the file so that we can connect our Raspberry Pi Zero to the Wi-Fi network for the Wlan0 connection.

We start the file configuration; it means the beginning of the file:

auto lo 

We configure the Ethernet device loopback for the local host and start up the DHCP server:

iface lo inet loopback 
iface eth0 inet dhcp 

Allow the configuration of the wlan0 for Wi-Fi connection:

allow-hotplug wlan0 
auto wlan0

We start up the DHCP server for the Wi-Fi connection and input the name of your ssid and the password. We need to type ssid and password parameters of your Wi-Fi network:

iface wlan0 inet dhcp 
        wpa-ssid "ssid" 
        wpa-psk "password"