1. 基数词

2. 基数词与序数词比较

3. 基数词的常见使用场景

4. 序数词的常见使用场景

① 语中没有“万”这个单位,那么10000在英语中需要用thousand(千)作单位,读作ten thousand。
② 百、几千在hundred, thousand后都不要加s,但是在介词短语中需要加s,如hundreds of(好几百的),thousands of(好几千的),millions of(好几百万的)。
③ 年用基数词,但是某月几日,日期在口语中使用序数词。例如June 4, 2009读作June the fourth, two thousand and nine。
④ 分数中,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,序数词后加“s”。如2/5读作 two fifths; 7/10读作seven tenths。Seven tenths of his work is done with computer. 他的7/10的工作是用电脑完成的。
⑤ 序数词前是否需要加定冠词the的情况:

⑥ 序数词和基数词有时可替换。

知识拓展 对于大数字,写成阿拉伯数字时,从个位开始,每三位数字一个单位,用逗号间隔。分别读作thousand(千)、million(百万)、billion(十亿)。例如,1,000读作a thousand;1,000,000读作a million;1,000,000,000读作a billion.
(1) Who was ______ woman to win Nobel Prize for Physics?
A. one
B. the one
C. first
D. the first
(2) It took me ______ hours to get here.
A. one
B. two
C. second
D. the second
(3) My birthday is ______
A. June one, two thousand.
B. One of June, two thousand
C. June first, two thousandth
D. June the first, two thousand.
(4) The accident happened in 1980s. 读作:______.
A. One thousand eighty.
B. One thousand eighteen.
C. Nineteen eighty.
D. Nineteen eighties.
(5) ______ of students here are from the countryside.
A. twenty percents
B. twenty percent
C. the twenty percents
D. the twenty percent