3.2 Inspection and Acceptance of Equipment Foundation
Ⅰ Main Control Items
3.2.1 The strength of equipment foundation shall meet the requirements of design.
Number of examination:Total inspection.
Method of inspection:To examine the data of foundation that are handed over and taken over.
3.2.2 The central line and elevation datum point of machine set equipment foundation shall meet the requirements of design.
Number of examination:Total inspection.
Method of inspection:To examinee the measurement result table,and carry out the examination by observation.
Ⅱ General Items
3.2.3 The axes location,elevation and size of equipment foundation and the location of anchor bolt shall meet the requirements of design or conform to the relevant specifications of national standard in effect General code for construction and acceptance of mechanical equipment installation engineering(GB 50231).The location,elevation and size of laid-in-advance base plate of equipment foundation shall meet the requirements of design.
Number of examination:Total inspection.
Method of inspection:To examine the re-examination record.
3.2.4 The foreign bodies on the surface of equipment foundation and in the reserved hole of anchor bolt,such as the greasy dirt,crushed stone,dirt,accumulated water and so on,shall be cleared away fully.The thread of built-in anchor bolt and nut shall be applied with the grease and protected in good condition.
Number of examination:Total inspection.
Method of inspection:Carry out the examination by observation.