According to the requirements of Document Jian Biao[2005]No.124 issued by Ministry of Construction(MOC),Notice on Issuing the Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards in 2005(the second batch),this standard is prepared jointly by Shanghai BAOYE Group Corporation Limited and relevant organizations.
During development,the development group of the code has learnt relevant national laws,regulations and standards,conducted studies,summarized experience of installation acceptance of metallurgical machinery ironmaking equipment engineering,discussed the provisions of the code for many times,widely solicited comments from relevant organizations and experts and finalized the draft after review.
The code comprises of 19 chapters,including general,basic provisions,equipment foundation,anchor bolt and padding plate,mobilization of equipments and materials,process structural steelwork,installation engineering of blast furnace body equipment,installation engineering of blast furnace bell-less top equipment,installation engineering of feeding equipment,installation engineering charging equipment,installation engineering of tuyere platform and cast house equipment,installation engineering of hot-blast stove equipment,installation engineering of blast furnace air-blowing equipment,installation engineering of gas purification equipment,installation engineering of blast furnace pulverized coal injection(PCI)equipment,installation engineering of slag treatment equipment,installation engineering of iron treatment equipment,installation engineering of milling equipment,installation engineering of water treatment equipment,leakage test for blast furnace system and 6 appendices.The divisional works for metallurgical machinery ironmaking equipment engineering is included in Chapter 5 to Chapter 18,the sub-individual works are included in the provisions in Chapter 3-Equipment,anchor bolt and padding plate of equipment and Chapter 4-Mobilization of equipments and materials and common quality control elements for all subdivisional works,therefore,these two are developed individually as a chapter.
The provision(s)printed in bold type is(are)compulsory one(ones)and must be enforced strictly.
The Ministry of Construction is in charge of the administration of this standard and Shanghai BAOYE Group Corporation Limited is in charge of the explanation of the compulsory provisions.Please combine with the actual engineering conditions and summarize experience during execution of the code,and please submit your comments and suggestions to Technical Center of Shanghai BAOYE Group Corporation Limited(Address:Science Building,No.168,Siyuan Road,Yuepu,Baoshan District,Shanghai;Zip code:200941;email:zyl429@sbc-mcc.com;Fax:021-56646913)for reference of subsequent development when it needs modification and addition.
Chief Development Organization,Participating Development Organizations and Chief Drafting Staff are as follows.
Chief Development Organization:
Shanghai BAOYE Group Corporation Limited
Participating Development Organizations:
China First Metallurgical Group Co.,Ltd
BaoSteel Construction Quality Supervision Substation,Quality Supervision Station of
Metallurgical Engineering
Chief Drafting Staff:
Tang Yan Liu Hongliang Ding Mingfu Xu Liqing Song Maoxiang
Chen Ronglin You Tai Jin Hong