Part Two:Sample Speeches with Commentary
Understanding China(excerpted)
Speech at the English Speaking Union(ESU)
By Fu Ying Chinese Ambassador to the UK 10 December 2009
Lord Hunt,
Ladies and Gentlemen:
It is a great honor for me to be invited to speak at the Churchill Lecture.And it is a special honor to have Lady Soames with us in the audience.
Sir Winston Churchill was a man of many great accomplishments.The fact that he was the first Chairman of the ESU,is a clear indication of his commitment to promoting peace and understanding across the world through the use of the English language.
When I was a student in the UK 24 years ago,I bought a copy of his autobiography when visiting Chartwell House.Buying books was luxury for me at that time and I valued it so much that I literally read it from cover to cover.
I was deeply struck by Sir Winston's devotion to learning.When he was still a backbencher,he had already distinguished himself as a bright young man in the Commons.He explained that no one can be bright,without learning and disclosed how he devoted hours and even days finding the background facts from bookshelves in the corridors of Westminster,before asking the two-minute question.
This inspired me greatly,especially as my studies got harder.To this day,I still work very hard on every speech or interview I do,including this one and I thank the English Speaking Union for giving me a unique opportunity to attend a training course in Oxford for speaking and debating skill during my study in the UK in the 1980s.I hope the training worked for me,but if you judge me to be a poor speaker today,at least you know where some of the blame lies.(Laughter)
Today,I have titled my speech“Understanding China.”
According to Global Language Monitor,an American research body,on its list of the Top News Stories of the Decade,the rise of China came as the first,well ahead of 9/11 and the war in Iraq.
But I think 2009 will probably be remembered in our history as the year when China starts to play a major role in the world.Here in London,I could clearly sense China's emergence onto the central stage of the world.During the G20 London Summit held last April,for example,the close cooperation between China,the US,the UK and other countries shows that China has joined the handling of major global issues.
During his recent visit to China,President Obama referred to China's larger role in global affairs as one of the most important developments over the last two decades.He welcomed it and said that US looked forward to being an effective partner with China.
However,many people in the Western world find it difficult to understand China.And there is also wariness on the part of the Chinese people about the Western world's intention on China.
So how can one define China?I'm afraid it defies a simple answer.China is too big,too diverse and too fast-changing to be characterized easily.I would say that China is a multi-faceted major country.
Let me explain what I mean.
First of all,China is a country that has enjoyed fast growth over the past 30 years.In 1986,China's GDP was RMB one trillion—that was about 100 billion Pounds.In 2008,it grew to RMB 30 trillion or three trillion Pounds.This means that in a span of 23 years,the Chinese economy has grown 30 times into the 3rd largest economy in the world.
The national wealth created in one day in 2008 was larger than the total annual output of 1952,and with the newly gained wealth,China has lifted 250 million people out of poverty in the past 30 years.
So when I read the UN report on hunger,I do feel proud for what China has achieved—feeding 20% of the world's population with only 7% of the world's arable land.
Naturally,China is still learning and adjusting to its new global role,as it lacks historical experience of operating on the global stage and also it is still very much preoccupied by domestic issues.
That lead to my second point:China is still a developing country.We in China are more conscious of our weaknesses and the challenges facing our country.
People tend to forget that China's GDP in per capita term is only a little more than 3,000 dollars,ranking us as 104th in the world.We are behind countries like Jamaica and Namibia.
UK's per capita GDP is 13 times higher that China.I wonder if you remember when in history the United Kingdom was at this income level?According to British Economist Angus Maddison,it was as far back as 1913.
China's manufacturing sector is at a fairly low value added level and most of the“Made in China”products are made with the world,as the design and key parts are often imported.We may have to export a container full of shoes and socks to pay for a tiny computer chip.
China also faces the serious challenge of uneven development.Many foreigners come to vibrant Beijing or Shanghai and think they have seen China.But those who have visited China's far west,will have a different experience and understanding.
China is still in the early stage of industrialization and urbanization,with 65% of its people living in the rural areas.You may be surprised to know that 135 million Chinese people live on less than one dollar a day.
We can't be conceited with what we have achieved.This is why Chinese leaders often say that we need to be aware of the difficulties and risks,even when we are enjoying stability and prosperity.
That is not to say that China should ignore the growing expectations in the world for China to take on global responsibilities.
So my third point is about China learning to undertake new international responsibilities.As the Chinese President Hu Jintao remarked,China's destiny has never been so closely linked with the destiny of the world.
One of the reasons why the rise of China is such a hot topic is that many people,especially scholars,can't be certain how China is going to exert its influence as a new world power and whether China,too,will fall into the track of military expansion of the previous powers.
What I want to say is that China being an economic power is not new to the world.It was the most important economic powerhouse for hundreds of years before the 18th century.Its manufacturing was at times more than half of the world's total.However,expansionism was not in China's cultural genes.In dynasty after dynasty,we Chinese built up the Great Wall to fend off the nomadic tribes.
Coming into the 21 century,China gained economic growth mainly through active trading with the world and by benefiting from a relatively peaceful world environment.
Today,we live in a globalized world with an unprecedented degree of interdependences among countries and the convergence of their interests.That is why China set the tone for its relationship with the world as:peace,development and cooperation.
Secretary Hillary Clinton,when visiting China,captured this spirit of the times with a Chinese idiom“fighting the storm in the same boat.”This accurately depicts the nature of China's relationship with the United States,Europe and all other countries amidst the financial crisis.
In 1992,when I was serving with a UN peace keeping mission,I was always asked,“Are you from Korea or Philippines?”Now,among the P5,China is the largest troop contributing country to the UN peace keeping missions worldwide,totaling 14,000.
China has also been a serious contributor to global poverty reduction and development efforts.China-Africa relationship is a good case in point.Premier Wen Jiabao announced at the recent China-Africa Cooperation Forum a series of assistance to African countries.Apart from offering concessional loans and removing debts,China will also build 50 new schools,train 1,500 headmasters and teachers,and give 5,500 scholarships.China and the UK are also exploring possibilities working together on some of the African projects.
China's relationship with the world is still evolving.Greater mutual knowledge between China and the outside world is essential to greater understanding and cooperation.
Now,the world needs to know China better.I would like to see the ESU play an even bigger role in this new era as an indispensable bridge for the partnership between China and the UK,and between China and the world.
Thank you.
Questions of Culture Commencement Address at the University of Richmond
By Sajjid Zahir Chinoy May 12,1996
1.Distinguished guests,faculty,staff,students,ladies and gentlemen,and most of all,the class of 1996:
2.I can visualize the scene again and again:11:30 p.m.,Saturday night,the fifteenth of August,1992,Bombay International Airport,India.I was leaving home for the University of Richmond.And as I said that final goodbye to my parents,my family,and my friends;and as I saw hope,expectation,even a tinge of sadness,in their eyes;and as I stepped aboard the Boeing 747 in front,I knew my life had changed forever.
3.The next 36 hours on board the aircraft were a time of questions,of concerns,of tremendous uncertainty.
4.Had I made the right choice in leaving my parents,my family,my home?Had I made the right choice in leaving my country,my culture,my background?Had I made the right choice in choosing the University of Richmond?
5.And then,of course,there was that one nagging question,that one overriding concern:As one of only three Indian students on a Richmond campus of 3,000,would I ever fit in?
6.My country was different.My culture was different.My experiences were different.My background was different.My language was different.My accent was different.Would I ever fit in?
7.And so here I was,high above the clouds,grappling with questions of culture,of interaction,of ethnicity.However,what I didn't know was that 30,000 feet below,on the ground,the world was faced with these very questions—the question of culture,the question of interaction,the question of ethnicity.
8.And so whether my aircraft took off from Bombay,where the Hindus and the Muslims lived together in a most fragile peace;or whether my aircraft was over Africa,where the Hutus and Tutsis of Rwanda and Burundi had long-standing animosity;or whether my aircraft was over Bosnia,where the Serbs,the Croats,the Muslims,and the Bosnians had broken yet another truce,the question was the same—could different cultures ever come together to reinforce one another?
9.Ladies and gentlemen,four years after that bumpy aircraft ride,this young Indian student had found his answer.He had been witness to the four most spectacular years of his life.The academics were great;the extracurriculars were great;his graduate school plan was great.
10.But what left an indelible impact on his mind was none of this.Not the GPA,not Stanford.No,instead it was those special moments,those moments of human interaction,those human relationships that can never quite be translated into words:
11.The time this young Indian student spent his first thanksgiving dinner with his debate team coach.That thanksgiving evening when I ate my first American turkey and saw my first American football game,not knowing the difference between a tackle and a touchdown.And yet,all of a sudden,just like this,this very different Indian student had become an inherent part of the great American tradition of giving thanks.
12.The time I spent my first Christmas eve with my journalism professor.That Christmas evening when the relationship wasn't of a faculty member and a student anymore,but of two buddies who fought fiercely over every point in ping-pong.
13.The time I had a long and honest talk with an American friend on the eve of a calculus exam.I didn't learn much calculus that night,but what I did learn was that as different as we are—different countries,different cultures,different continents—we are still the same.
14.The time in December 1992 when India was hit by communal riots,when violence and bloodshed were but a few hundred yards from my family and my home,and when my fantastic roommate from my freshman year sat up the entire night,giving me hope,strength,and courage at every step.
15.Yes,four years after that bumpy aircraft ride,I have found the answer to the question of culture.
16.I have found that it has taken just a little understanding,just a little sensitivity,just a little open-mindedness,just a little empathy on the part of this community—this University of Richmond community—to change my life like never before.
17.I have found that it makes no difference what culture you follow,what your background is,what your experiences are,what language you speak,what accent you have.The commonality of the human bond far transcends these superficial differences.
18.And yet look around at the world today.Look around at the very regions that were faced with the same question of culture that I was faced with four years ago.
19.Look at Bosnia,where,between 1992 and 1996,300,000 people had been slaughtered to death—Bosnians,Serbs,Croats,Muslims—all because they came from a slightly different heritage or culture or history.
20.Look at Bombay,India,where in one maddening week in 1992,2,000 Indians—Hindus and Muslims—lost their lives fighting with one another.They fought over the mosque;they fought over the structure made of bricks and mortar.Two thousand human beings lost their lives.
21.Look at Africa,where,between 1992 and 1996,1 million Hutus and Tutsis lost their lives.Just comprehend that for one small second.Between the time you were a freshman and a senior,1 million lost their lives fighting over culture,over history,over background.
22.Yes,just look at the madness around.The world has fought hard to highlight its differences.We have forgotten our inherent similarities.Why?All because what was missing was a little understanding.Just a little sensitivity.Just a little open-mindedness.Just a little empathy.
23.Two similar questions of culture in 1992.Two diametrically opposite results in 1996.
24.And so,to the class of 1996,I say go and distinguish yourselves like never before.Go and get the best of jobs,the most rewarding of careers.Go to the best of graduate programs.Go and make a real difference in your communities.
25.But not for one moment,not for one moment,ever forget the memory of these four years—the memory that just a little understanding,just a little sensitivity,just a little open-mindedness,just a little empathy on your part can mean the difference between complete despair for one young boy in Bosnia and remarkable hope for another young boy here at Richmond.
26.Thank you.
这篇是里士满大学1996届的印度籍毕业生Sajjid Chinoy在毕业典礼上做的演讲,该演讲获得了极大的成功。演讲者首先描述了他从异国他乡到美国上大学时复杂的情绪,接着谈到了他在里士满大学读书时受到了友好与热情的招待,最后提出理解可以克服文化的差异。现在我们来学习一下这篇演讲是如何成功使用例证和数据来支撑观点的。