4 其他房间
六级 sitting room

[ˈsɪtɪŋ][ru:m] 客厅,起居室
eg. They decorated the sitting room for the Spring Festival.
同义词 living room客厅;
drawing room客厅;
salon [ˈsælɒn] n 沙龙,客厅;
parlor [ˈpɑ:lə] n 起居室,客厅
六级 air conditioner

[eə(r)][kənˈdɪʃənə(r)] 空调
eg. All rooms are equipped with air conditioners and computers.
相关词 air conditioning空气调节系统;
air-conditioned [ˈeəkənˌdɪʃnd] adj 装有空调的;
compressor [kəmˈpresə(r)] n 压缩机;
condenser [kənˈdensə(r)] n 冷凝器
托福 heating

[ˈhi:tɪŋ] n 供暖,供暖系统
eg. We have to take measures to make the heating system more efficiently.
相关词 radiator [ˈreɪdɪeɪtə(r)] n 散热器,暖气片;
central heating中央暖气系统;
storage heater蓄热电暖气;
heater [ˈhi:tə(r)] n 加热器
托福 fireplace

[ˈfaɪəpleɪs] n 壁炉
eg. My fireplace is better than my neighbors'.
相关词 mantelpiece [ˈmæntlˌpi:s] n 壁炉台;
hearth [hɑ:θ] n 壁炉前的地面;
inglenook [ˈɪŋglnʊk] n 壁炉边;
firewood [ˈfaɪəˌwʊd] n 木柴,柴火
六级 furniture

[ˈfɜ:nɪtʃə(r)] n 家具
eg. We scouted around for some unique furniture to furnish our new apartment.
相关词 furnish [ˈfɜ:nɪʃ] v 在房屋内布置家具;
furnishings [ˈfɜ:nɪʃɪŋz] n 家具陈设;
wooden [ˈwʊdn] adj 木质的,木头的;
firewood [ˈfaɪəˌwʊd] n 木柴,柴火
同义词 fitment [ˈfɪtmənt] n 家具,设备
四级 sofa

[ˈsəʊfə] n 沙发
eg. Sitting on the sofa, the man was blissfully exhaling his first puff.
相关词 sofa bed沙发床;
settee [seˈti:] n 长沙发;
couch [kaʊtʃ] n 长沙发,长榻;
couch potato老泡在电视机前的人
四级 chair

[tʃeə(r)] n 椅子
eg. Why did you scratch the glaze of the chair?
相关词 armchair [ˈɑ:mˌtʃeə] n 扶手椅;
rocking chair摇椅;
recliner [rɪˈklaɪnə(r)] n (可调式)躺椅
六级 stool

[stu:l] n 凳子
eg. When the mother came home, her little daughter was standing on a stool to reach for the cup on the table.
相关词 bar stool高脚圆凳;bench [bentʃ] n 长凳;
footstool [ˈfʊtstu:l] n 脚凳;taboret [ˈtæbərɪt] n 小凳子
四级 television

[ˈtelɪvɪʒn] n (缩写为TV) 电视,电视机
eg. I don't want to miss seeing that star on television tonight.
相关词 televise [ˈtelɪvaɪz] v 用电视播送;
colour TV彩色电视机;
remote control遥控,遥控器;
remote controlled可遥控的
六级 balcony

[ˈbælkənɪ] n 阳台
eg. I do love sitting on the big balcony and reading detective novels.
相关词 veranda [vəˈrændə] n 阳台,游廊;
terrace [ˈterəs] n 阳台,平台
GRE transom

[ˈtrænsəm] n 横梁,气窗
eg. I saw a light appearing thought the transom overhead.
相关词 curtain [ˈkɜ:tn] n 窗帘;windowsill [ˈwɪndəʊsɪl] n 窗台;
lace curtain挑花窗帘
托福 clothes horse

[kləʊðz][hɔ:s] 晾衣架,晒衣架
eg. The clothes horse on the balcony has broken, so I have to look for somebody to repair it.
相关词 clothes line晒衣绳;
hanger [ˈhæŋə(r)] n 衣架;
clothes-hanger [kləʊðzˈhæŋə(r)] n 衣架;
coat hook衣钩
四级 bed

[bed] n 床
eg. The patient lay quietly on his bed in the medical ward.
相关词 bedside [ˈbedsaɪd] n 床边;
bedside table床头柜;
bedhead [ˈbedhed] n 床头;
headboard [ˈhedbɔ:d] n 床头板
托福 bunk bed

[bʌŋk][bed] 双层床
eg. Twenty bunk beds are enough for our dormitory.
相关词 divan [dɪˈvæn] n (无床头板的)床;
camp bed折叠床;
bedspread [ˈbedspred] n 床罩;
canopy [ˈkænəpɪ] n 罩篷;
bedpost [ˈbedpəʊst] n (四帏柱床的)床柱
四级 closet

[ˈklɒzɪt] n 壁橱
eg. There's still damp in the closet.
相关词 drawer [drɔ:(r)] n 抽屉;
shelf [ʃelf] n 架子,搁板;
alcove [ˈælkəʊv] n 壁龛
同义词 wardrobe [ˈwɔ:drəʊb] n 衣橱;
cabinet [ˈkæbɪnət] n 贮藏室,陈列柜
四级 light

[laɪt] n 光,电灯
eg. Could you give me a hand to switch the light on?
相关词 lighted [ˈlaɪtɪd] adj 灯火通明的;
lighting [ˈlaɪtɪŋ] n 照明,灯光;
lighting engineer灯光师;
light year光年
四级 lamp

[læmp] n 灯
eg. How about you buying a lamp for me when you go shopping?
相关词 desk lamp台灯;
lamplight [ˈlæmplaɪt] n 灯光;
lamp post路灯柱,灯杆;
gaslamp [ˈgæslæmp] n 煤气灯
四级 bulb

[bʌlb] n 电灯泡
eg. The invention of the bulb marked a new epoch in history.
相关词 filament [ˈfɪləmənt] n (电灯泡的)灯丝;
fluorescent lamp荧光灯;
incandescent lamp白炽灯;
gaslight [ˈɡæslaɪt] n 煤气灯
GRE chandelier

[ˌʃændəˈlɪə(r)] n 吊灯
eg. The hat is being dangled on a chandelier.
相关词 fluorescent lamp日光灯;
desk lamp台灯;
bedside lamp床头灯;
floor lamp落地灯;
wall lamp壁灯
托福 lampshade

[ˈlæmpʃeɪd] n 灯罩
eg. The appearance of this red lampshade is rather beautiful.
相关词 bulb holder灯头;
screw-type bulb螺口灯泡;
bayonet-type bulb卡口灯泡;
frosted bulb磨砂灯泡;
opal bulb乳白灯泡
四级 clock

[klɒk] n 钟,时钟
eg. The clock in my room is always slow; it needs to be regulated.
相关词 clockwise [ˈklɒkwaɪz] adj & adv 顺时针方向的(地);
anticlockwise [ˌæntɪˈklɒkwaɪz] adj & adv 逆时针方向的(地);
counterclockwise [ˌkaʊntəˈklɒkwaɪz] adj & adv 逆时针方向的(地)
托福 timepiece

[ˈtaɪmpi:s] n 钟,表
eg. People will not know the exact time if there is no timepiece.
相关词 pendulum [ˈpendjələm] n 钟摆;
pendulous [ˈpendjələs] adj悬垂摆动的;
watchmaker [ˈwɒtʃmeɪkə(r)] n 钟表匠;
stopwatch [ˈstɒpwɒtʃ] n 秒表,跑表;
timer [ˈtaɪmə(r)] n 计时器
GRE analogue

[ˈænəlɒg] adj (钟表)指针式的
eg. My grandfather loves analogue clocks, but I do not.
相关词 minute hand(钟表的)分针;
second hand(钟表的)秒针;
hour hand(钟表的)时针;
digital clock数字钟
四级 toilet

[ˈtɔɪlət] n 厕所,抽水马桶
eg. It's quite easy to find a toilet in this tourist city.
相关词 commode [kəˈməʊd] n 座椅式便桶
同义词 lavatory [ˈlævətrɪ] n 厕所;
restroom [ˈrestru:m] n 厕所;
washroom [ˈwɒʃru:m] n 洗手间,厕所
四级 bath

[bɑ:θ] n 浴缸,浴盆
eg. The mother stripped the kid and put her in the bath.
相关词 bath mat浴室脚垫;
bathwater [ˈbɑːθwɒːtə(r)] n 洗澡水;
plughole [ˈplʌghəʊl] n 排水孔;
shower [ˈʃaʊə(r)] n 淋浴器;nozzle [ˈnɒzəl] n 喷头
同义词 bathtub [ˈbɑ:θtʌb] n 浴缸
四级 basin

[ˈbeɪsn] n 盆
eg. Robert took off the dirty clothes and placed them in the basin.
相关词 washbasin [ˈwɒʃbeɪsn] n (固定在墙上有水龙头的)洗脸盆;
tub [tʌb] n 盆,桶;bucket [ˈbʌkɪt] n 桶;
barrel [ˈbærəl] n 桶
六级 washing machine

[ˈwɒʃɪŋ][məˈʃi:n] 洗衣机
eg. In the center hall, one salesperson is demonstrating the functions of a new washing machine.
相关词 laundry [ˈlɔ:ndrɪ] n 要洗的衣物,洗衣房;
spin drier甩干机;
tumble-dryer [ˈtʌmbldrˈaɪər] n 滚筒式干衣机;
dryer [ˈdraɪə(r)] n 烘干机
四级 iron

[ˈaɪən] n 熨斗
eg. Mrs. Green borrowed my iron yesterday, and she hasn't returned it back yet.
相关词 ironing board烫衣板;
ironing [ˈaɪənɪŋ] n 熨烫;
steam iron蒸汽熨斗;
electric iron电熨斗
四级 mirror

[ˈmɪrə(r)] n 镜子
eg. The baby felt curious when she saw her own reflection in the mirror.
相关词 mirrored [ˈmɪrəd] adj有镜子的;
mirror image镜像;
reflect [rɪˈflekt] v 反映,映出;
reflection [rɪˈflekʃn] n 映像,映照出的影像
四级 door

[dɔ:(r)] n 门
eg. I hear somebody knocking at the door.
相关词 doorknocker [ˈdɔ:nɒkə] n 门环;
doormat [ˈdɔ:mæt] n 门口擦鞋垫;
knob [nɒb] n 球形把手;
handle [ˈhændl] n 把手,拉手;
bolt [bəʊlt] n 门闩,插销
四级 lock

[lɒk] v (用锁)锁上,被锁住;n 锁
eg. The shopkeeper forgot to lock his motorbike and it was stolen.
相关词 lockable [ˈlɒkəbl] adj 可锁定的,能锁的;
locksmith [ˈlɒksmɪθ] n 锁匠,修锁工;
locker [ˈlɒkə(r)] n 寄物柜;
locker room(学校、体育馆等)更衣室,衣物间
四级 key

[ki:] n 钥匙
eg. I left my key in the office, now I can't enter my house.
相关词 keyhole [ˈki:həʊl] n 锁眼,钥匙孔;
key ring钥匙圈,钥匙环