主语 + 述语 + 宾语 + 补语
He made his parents happy.
句中的he是主语,made是述语,his parents是宾语,happy是补语。因为这个述语是不完全他动词,所以单有宾语不够,还得加上补语。这种动词英文又称Factitive Verb(作为动词)。这个factitive意为making因为它是有所作为的。照普通的话说,它能使人做什么,使人变得怎样,比方说“人们选举他为市长”,就是使他做市长。“儿子使父母快乐”,就是使父母变得快乐。“我们叫他傻瓜”,就是使他成为傻瓜。诸如此类,都是表示作为、使成、变得等的意思。
We named him John.( = He was named John.)
They call him Jack.( = He is usually called Jack.)
They appointed him governor.( = He was appointed governor.)
They elected Washington president.( = Washington was elected president.)
They crowned William king.( = William was crowned king.)
由于上面的这些例子,可见在“作为动词”后的宾语,都含有被动的意思,这就是“作为”的结果。使动是可以包括在被动中的,如云He made his parents happy. = His parents were made happy. 意即他的父母被使快乐,被儿子使他们快乐。
She became(was made)his wife.
She became(was made)happy.
He made her his wife.
He made her happy.
1. They appointed Nelson admiral.(Noun)
2. I believed it him.(Pronoun)
3. He painted the house green.(Adjective)
4. What time do you expect her back?(Adverb)
5. I have always found him to be a true friend.(Infinitive)
6. I kept him waiting.(Present Participle)
7. We call such a way of life “eating the bread of idleness”.(Gerund)
8. I found everything in good condition.(Phrase)
9. We have made him what he is.(Clause)
To enable = to make able
To enfeeble = to make feeble
To weaken = to make weak
To strengthen = to make strong
To lengthen = to make longer
To shorten = to make shorter
To widen = to make wider
To harden = to make hard
To soften = to make soft
To broaden = to make broad or broader
上举的“作为动词”中有些字如find,think,show,prove等,实际原来是不定词构造(Infinitive Construction)的省略形,即:
We supposed him 〔to be〕 dead.
We found him 〔to be〕 alive.
You must show yourself 〔to be〕 a gentleman.
He has proved himself 〔to be〕 worthy of confidence.
在这种句型中有时因声调的关系,常要在宾语地位上用“it”来代替不定词,而将不定词移到别处去,因为to be作补语用固可,作宾语用就有些拗口,应加用一个代名词的“it”进去,才合乎惯用语法,如
一句,如译为I think to do so my duty. 则不顺口,应改为
I think it my duty to do so.
一句,如译为I found to put it in practice very difficult则不顺口,应译为
I found it very difficult to put it in practice.
(a)I found the book easily.
(b)I found the book easy.
在(a)句中的found为完全他动词,easily为修饰动词的副词,全句意为“很容易地找到了那本书”。在(b)句中的found为不完全他动词,在宾语外,还得加一个补语,意念才能完全。第二句意为“这本书我读了觉得很容易”,即容易读懂的意思。easy是修饰book的,原是说I found the book was easy,略去了was便成此型,而那主格补语便成为宾格补语了。比较:
(a)I believed the untrue report.(完全他动词)
(b)I believed the report untrue.(不完全他动词)
(a)I make a point of siding with the weaker party.(完全)
(b)I make it a rule to side with the weaker party.(不完全)
(a)I made a workbox out of it.(完全)
(b)I made it into a workbox.(不完全)
英文还可以说成这样的妙语:She made him a good husband because she made him a good wife.(因为她成为他的好妻子,所以也把他做成了好丈夫)。前面一个made是作为动词,后面一个made是授与动词。
1.认识动词,即有心灵感觉(mental perception)的动词,其宾格补语主要是表示性质的,如think,consider,call,believe,imagine,find,prove等。在那宾格与补语之间,有时可以加上“to be”的字眼,例如:
I have always thought him honest.
The troops found it almost impossible to march in the great heat.
When he leaves school and enters the world,the boy is not disposed to consider rule absurd and authority ridiculous.
Vicious he could assuredly not be,but one easily imagined him weak in character.
Such a form of pastime seems to prove him sincere.
2. 感觉动词,即有身体感觉(physical perception)的动词,有see,hear,feel,want,wish,like,hold,keep,leave,have,wear等。
Now I feel my life unspeakably empty.
They all want me dead,and are hankering for my money.(Thackeray,Vanity Fair)
She replied that she was quite contented and wished nothing different.
She wore her hair loose.
The news left me vaguely uneasy.
She had her eyes examined by the doctor.
3. 有些作为动词,在宾格补语之前,有加上一个“as”的必要。这个“as”是专为那动词而添附的,并无特殊意义。
She regarded it as extraordinary that anything good could come from that source.(Gissing,Life’s Morning)
They gave him up as hopeless.
I esteem him as a very honest man.
Some persons understood this as an imputation on Mrs Ducker.
These were selected,from among many essayists and miscellaneous writers,as most typical of the Victorian Age.
The Boxendales were not wrong in discussing her as shy.(Gissing,Life’s Morning)
I will set all his troubles right.
I was struck dumb with astonishment at the sight of her in such a place.
That fellow Hughs could make himself quite nasty.(Galsworthy,Fraternity)
He decided to throw open his own beautiful gardens to the people.
Your gratitude should have rendered you incapable of such conduct towards your benefactor.
5. 反身自动词如要宾格补语时,也像作为动词时一样,那补语是表示动作的结果所产生的状态的。
He talked himself hoarse.
Most people in that state can’t stop—they drank themselves dead drunk.(Galsworthy,Motley)
They talked themselves asleep.
We have got to shake ourselves free of the old sentimental notions.
“Why,this is what I want—and just shake yourself sober and listen,will you?”(Eliot,Silas Marner)
6. 在采取宾格补语的他动词中,如see,原是指“看到的状态”,现在却变成指“看到的时候”,而在状态上加有时间的意味了。
Shall I see him again alive?
I remember him young.(Lawrence,White Peacock)
She saw him young,and proud,and strong,and now he was old,and worn,and horrible,and dead.(Bennett,Old Wives’ Tale)
1. S. + Vt. + Noun(Pronoun) + Noun(Pronoun):
I thought him an honest man.
I thought your brother you.
2. S. + Vt. + Noun(Pronoun) + Adjective:
Her words made the man(him)angry.
3. S. + Vt. + Noun(Pronoun) + -ing:
I saw John(him)entering the room.
4. S. + Vt. + Noun(Pronoun) + -ed:
This word made his master(him)very pleased.
5. S. + Vt. + Noun(Pronoun) + to-Infinitive:
I want John(him)to come here at once.
6. S. + Vt. + Noun(Pronoun) + zero-Infinitive:
No one can make John(him)do the work.
Will you please let me go in his place?
I did not see anyone(him)enter the room.
7. S. + Vt. + Noun(Pronoun) + as + Adjective(Noun):
They represented him as reliable.
We will consider Hamlet as an example of a Shakespearian tragedy.
8. S. + Vt. + Noun(Pronoun) + Prep. + Noun:
He put his affairs in order.
I found him in good health.
We consider this of the essence of the English character.
I thought it of no use.
He has set a new scheme on foot.
I mistook him for my brother.
Please make yourself at home.
9. S. + Vt. + Noun(Pronoun) + Clause:
He has made the company what it is today.
Call it what you will.
(1st pattern)Our business has suffered not a little through the war.
(2nd pattern)The effect upon our business of the war has been striking.
(3rd pattern)The war has affected our buisiness to a remarkable extent.
(4th pattern)The war has done our business much harm.
(5th pattern)The war has rendered our business dull.
1. 美国人民决不会选举一个黑人做总统的。
2. 他们选举王君为议员。
3. 户外运动使我们心身强健。
4. 世人都以为他正直,实则他是一个骗子。
5. 我吃过晚饭照例出去散步一回。
6. 在别人没有注意的时候,他走出那房间去了。
7. 我换了一张新牌照,又有三年好用。
8. 我们发现他躺在马路边上。
9. 他们正在我园里偷水果,我把他们抓住了。
10. 我们的身体和衣服都要保持清洁,以免生病。
11. 那叫作所答非所问。
11. 我认为他说的不适切。
13. 我感觉到那问题很难解决。
14. 我认为把那件事情守秘密是贤明的。
15. 荀爽以御李(膺)为荣。
16. 我把他看做我的恩人。
17. 他把国家的情形说得十分令人慨叹。
18. 他们把她描写成天仙一般的美女。
19. 他的英文极好。
20. 我国向来尊重学问。