ear·nest [ˈɜ:nɪst] ...........................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS GRE
名 认真;订金
形 认真的;热心的
参考句型 I don't think / suppose / believe that...
▶名 I don't think he sent the present in earnest.
▶形 I don't think he was earnest when he said he would come.
ear·phone [ˈɪəfəʊn] ................ CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 耳机
参考句型 why not...?
▶Why not put on your earphone and try the equipment?
ec·o·nom·ic [ˌi:kəˈnɒmɪk] ................. CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
形 经济上的
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶China is striding(大步走)ahead in her economic construction;don't you think so?
ec·o·nom·i·cal [ˌi:kəˈnɒmɪkl]..........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
形 节俭的,节省的
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶It is no wonder that this car is economical to drive because it doesn't use much fuel.
ec·o·nom·ics [ˌi:kəˈnɒmɪks] ........................CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 经济学
参考句型 how about / what about...?
▶I majored in economics at college; what about you?
e·con·o·mist [ɪˈkɒnəmɪst] ..........................CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 经济学家
参考句型 what do you think of / about...?
▶What do you think of inviting the famous economist to give us a speech?
e·con·o·my [ɪˈkɒnəmɪ] ..................... CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 经济
参考句型 I'm afraid (that)...
▶I'm afraid that the economy has to be improved; what do you think of that?
efficiency [ɪˈfɪʃnsɪ] ..................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 效率
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶They have a good general manager; it is no wonder that their working efficiency is so high.
e·las·tic [ɪˈlæstɪk] .......................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 橡皮筋
形 有弹性的
参考句型 比较级+than...
▶名 The elastic is springier(有弹力的)than the rope, so you'd better use the former one.
▶形 I don't think this job is more elastic than that one.
e·lec·tri·cian [ɪˌlekˈtrɪʃn] ..................CET6 考研 IELTS
名 电气工程师
参考句型 will / would you (please)...?
▶Would you please send me an electrician? There is something wrong with my electric meter.
e·lec·tron·ics [ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪks] .....................CET4 CET6 IELTS
名 电子学;电子业
参考句型 how about / what about...?
▶I work for a small electronics firm; what about you?
el·e·gant [ˈelɪgənt] .................CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
形 优雅的
参考句型 it is obvious / clear that...
▶It is obvious that his elegant clothes contrasted with his rough speech.
el·e·men·ta·ry [ˌelɪˈmentrɪ] ............................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
形 基本的
参考句型 not both / all / every...
▶Not everyone knows that the elementary school is affiliated(隶属于)to that university.
e·lim·i·nate [ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt] .........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
动 消除
参考句型 let's / let us...
▶Let us eliminate all uncertainty(不确定)on thought, will you?
else·where [ˌelsˈweə(r)] ....................CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
副 在别处
参考句型 there+be 动词+(not)...
▶Do you know if there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?
e-mail/email [ˈi:meɪl] ...........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 电子邮件
动 发电子邮件
参考句型 it+be动词+adj.+of/for sb+to+v....
▶名 It's really interesting for me to read your email.
▶动 I think it's better for you to email us instead of sending a letter.
em·bar·rass [ɪmˈbærəs] ......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
动 使困窘
参考句型 it is obvious / clear that...
▶It is obvious that Arthur was embarrassed by the question.
em·bar·rass·ment [ɪmˈbærəsmənt] ........................... CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 困窘
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶A boy wanted to go out with Susan; it is no wonder that she flushed with embarrassment.
em·bas·sy [ˈembəsɪ]........................CET6 考研 IELTS
名 大使馆
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶The embassy has been an obvious target for terrorist(恐怖分子) attacks; don't you think so?
e·merge [ɪˈmɜ:dʒ] .....................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
动 浮现
参考句型 it+be动词+adj.+of/for sb+to+v....
▶It's still hard for me to tell who will emerge victorious(胜利的).
e·mo·tion·al [ɪˈməʊʃənl] ................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
形 情感的
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶Her mother is sick; it is no wonder that she had a major emotional upset.
em·pha·sis [ˈemfəsɪs] ........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 重点;强调
参考句型 there+be 动词+(not)...
▶There is an acknowledged(承认)emphasis on equality for all.
em·pire [ˈempaɪə (r)] ................CET4 CET6 考研
名 帝国
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶Rome was a mighty(强大的)country; it is no wonder that the Roman Empire existed for several centuries.
en·close [ɪnˈkləʊz] ....................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
动 包围
参考句型 will / would you (please)...?
▶Would you please enclose the address proof dated within the latest three months?
en·coun·ter [ɪnˈkaʊntə(r)] .....................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 意外的相遇,遭遇
动 遭遇,遇到
参考句型 I'm afraid (that)...
▶名 I'm afraid it was a strange encounter that brought us together.
▶动 I'm afraid that you will encounter such problems in the future.
en·dan·ger [ɪnˈdeɪndʒə(r)] ....................... CET6 TOEFL IELTS
动 使陷入危险
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶You will endanger your health if you work so hard; don't you think so?
en·dure [ɪnˈdjʊə(r)] ........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
动 忍受
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶They are deeply in love with each other; it is no wonder that they can endure the proof of time.
en·force [ɪnˈfɔ:s] ........................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
动 实施;强迫
参考句型 it+be动词+adj.+of/for sb+to+v....
▶It is necessary for soldiers to enforce discipline in the army.
en·force·ment [ɪnˈfɔ:smənt] .....................CET6 考研 IELTS
名 施行
参考句型 I don't think / suppose / believe that...
▶I don't think that weak law enforcement is the main problem.
en·gi·neer·ing [ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ]....................CET4 CET6 考研
名 工程学
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶He loves being a doctor. It is no wonder that he gave up engineering and took to medicine.
en·large [ɪnˈlɑ:dʒ] .....................CET4 CET6 考研
动 扩大;详述
参考句型 would you like...?
▶Would you like to enlarge on what has already been said?
en·large·ment [ɪnˈlɑ:dʒmənt] ....................CET4 CET6 考研
名 扩张;放大
参考句型 what do you think of / about...?
▶What do you think of sending my mother an enlargement of our baby's photo?你觉得给我母亲寄张我们小宝宝的放大照片怎么样?
e·nor·mous [ɪˈnɔ:məs] .........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
形 巨大的
同 vast 巨大的
参考句型 it is / was...that / who...
▶It is his good name that brings him enormous success.
en·ter·tain [ˌentəˈteɪn] .......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
动 招待;娱乐;接受
参考句型 too...+(for sb / sth)+to...
▶We are too heavily committed to be able to entertain new orders.
en·ter·tain·ment [ˌentəˈteɪnmənt] ......................CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 款待;娱乐
参考句型 would you like...?
▶Would you like to play the piano for our entertainment?
en·thu·si·asm [ɪnˈθju:zɪæzəm] ...................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 热衷;热情
同 zeal 热心
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶Tom suggested having a party on the weekend at his house; it is no wonder that the proposal was greeted with great enthusiasm.
en·vi·ous [ˈenvɪəs] ......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
形 羡慕的,嫉妒的
同 jealous 妒忌的
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶Don't you think that she is envious of Mary's slim figure?
e·qual·i·ty [ɪˈkwɒlətɪ]..........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 平等
参考句型 I don't think / suppose / believe that...
▶I don't believe in equality of capacity, but I do believe in equality of opportunity.
e·quip [ɪˈkwɪp] ................CET4 CET6 考研
动 装备
参考句型 why not...?
▶Why not equip yourself with a sharp pencil and an eraser for the exam?
e·quip·ment [ɪˈkwɪpmənt] ................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 装备;设备
参考句型 will / would you (please)...?
▶Would you tell me why the government has an interest in importing scientific equipment?
e·ra [ˈɪərə].........................CET4 CET6 考研
名 时代
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶He was a great emperor. It is no wonder that his death marked the end of an era.他是个伟大的皇帝。难怪他的死标志着一个时代的结束。
er·rand [ˈerənd] .......................CET6 IELTS GRE
名 任务
参考句型 would you like...?
▶Would you like to tell me how many errands you will do in the
business trip?你能告诉我你这次出差要完成几项任务吗?
es·ca·la·tor [ˈeskəleɪtə(r)] ......................TOEFL IELTS
名 手扶梯
参考句型 let's / let us...
▶I don't want to walk anymore; let's take the escalator.
es·say [ˈeseɪ] ..................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 短文;随笔;论说文
参考句型 would you like...?
▶Would you like to help me write an essay in English?
es·tab·lish [ɪˈstæblɪʃ] .......................... CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
动 建立
同 found 建立
参考句型 how (what / when...)+to do...?
▶How to establish a good credit policy? That's a problem.
es·tab·lish·ment [ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt].........................CET4 CET6 考研
名 组织;建立
参考句型 it takes (sb)+一段时间+to+v. ...
▶It took us six years to finish the establishment of that school.
es·sen·tial [ɪˈsenʃl] .....................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 基本要素
形 本质的;必要的;基本的
同 basic 基本的
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶名 The course only deals with the essentials of management;don't you make it out?
▶形 Her most essential quality is kindness; don't you think so?
es·ti·mate [ˈestɪmət] ............................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 评估
动 评估
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶名 We are not sure about the number of survivors; it is no wonder that his estimate of the situation is not so optimistic.
▶动 He is a very friendly person; it is no wonder that he is highly estimated among his colleagues.
e·val·u·ate [ɪˈvæljʊeɪt] ........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
动 估计;评价
参考句型 will / would you (please)...?
▶Would you let me know how you evaluate success?
e·val·u·a·tion [ɪˌvæljʊˈeɪʃn] ..................GRE
名 评价;估价
参考句型 would you like...?
▶Would you like to do a quick evaluation for me?
e·ve [i:v] ............................CET4 CET6 考研
名 前夕
参考句型 how about / what about...?
▶How about holding a party on Christmas(圣诞节)Eve?
e·ven·tu·al [ɪˈventʃʊəl] ..........................TOEFL
形 最后的
同 final 最后的
参考句型 it is / was...that / who...
▶It was his foolish behavior that led to his eventual failure.
ev·i·dence [ˈevɪdəns] .........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 证据
动 证明
参考句型 (not)+...+enough+(...)+to do sth
▶名 There wasn't enough evidence to prove his guilt.
▶动 I don't think he can evidence his innocence.
ev·i·dent [ˈevɪdənt] .................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
形 明显的
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶This truth seems to be self-evident; don't you think so?
ex·ag·ger·ate [ɪgˈzædʒəreɪt] ..........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
动 夸大
参考句型 if...
▶If you always exaggerate, people will no longer believe you.
ex·am·i·nee [ɪgˌzæmɪˈni:] .................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 应试者
参考句型 there+be 动词+(not)...
▶There are ten of the examinees failing in the examination.
ex·am·in·er [ɪgˈzæmɪnə(r)] ............................ CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 主考官;审查员
参考句型 it is+the+序数词+time+that 从句
▶It is my first time that I become an examiner.
ex·cep·tion [ɪkˈsepʃn] ........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 反对;例外
参考句型 there+be 动词+(not)...
▶There is always an exception to any rule.
ex·haust [ɪgˈzɔ:st] ....................... CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 排气;排气装置
动 耗尽
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶名 The air condition is getting worse; it is no wonder that they have taken measures to prevent exhaust pollution.
▶动 We have exhausted all our food.
ex·hib·it [ɪgˈzɪbɪt] ....................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 展示品;展览
动 展示
参考句型 why not...?
▶名 This week there's a painting exhibit at the art gallery; why not go see it with us?
▶动 Why not exhibit your paintings? They are so wonderful!
ex·pand [ɪkˈspænd] .......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
动 扩大;延长
参考句型 would you like...?
▶Would you like to expand your business in China?
ex·pan·sion [ɪkˈspænʃn] ....................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 扩张
参考句型 it's time (for sb) to do sth...
▶It's time for the company to consolidate(整顿)after several years of rapid expansion.
ex·per·i·men·tal [ɪkˌsperɪˈmentl] .........................CET4 CET6 考研
形 实验性的
参考句型 there+be 动词+(not)...
▶There is no experimental evidence for the theory.
ex·pla·na·tion [ˌekspləˈneɪʃn] ....................CET4 CET6 考研
名 说明,解释
参考句型 比较级+than...
▶For all your explanation, I understand no better than before.
ex·plore [ɪkˈsplɔ:(r)] ..................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
动 探查;探险;探究
参考句型 will / would you (please)...?
▶Would you explore the market possibility for us?
ex·plo·sion [ɪkˈspləʊʒn] ..................... CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 爆炸
参考句型 more than...
▶More than 40 people were wounded in the explosion.
ex·plo·sive [ɪkˈspləʊsɪv] .........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 炸药;爆炸物
形 爆炸的,爆炸性的
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶名 Dynamite is a powerful explosive; don't you think so?
▶形 Unemployment(失业)has become an explosive issue; don't you agree?
ex·pose [ɪkˈspəʊz] .....................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
动 暴露;揭发
参考句型 how about / what about...?
▶I don't like to expose myself in public; what about you?
ex·po·sure [ɪkˈspəʊʒə(r)] .....................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL GRE
名 显露
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶Exposure of the body to strong sunlight(阳光)can be harmful;don't you know that?
ex·tend [ɪkˈstend] ..........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
动 延长
参考句型 will / would you (please)...?
▶Would you please extend your visit for a few days?
ex·tent [ɪkˈstent] ........................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 范围
参考句型 get+V-ed...
▶I got surprised at the extent of his knowledge.