“So, here is a brief in what I need to do. I have to go to the restaurant called Monroe once a week. Then I need you to organize my interviews. I have a full mail box of them. Do some research on the organization, only selection the ones that is valuable. it will be a lot of work. If you need any assistance, feel free to ask.“(所以,这就是我们要做的事情的简介。我一周需要去一家Monroe的餐厅一次。然后,你需要帮我整理一下我的采访。我有一个邮箱的采访请求。你需要对采访我的单位做一些研究,然后之接对我来说有价值的采访。这需要很多的时间,需要帮助的话,我可以帮你。)
“Okay, sure. Can I get your log ins for your email?“(好的,我能拿你的电子邮箱的账号和密码吗?)
“Okay, if you think it's a waste of time, you can package it to someone else.“(好的,如果你觉得这是浪费时间,你可以外包给别人。)
“Okay, I understand.“(好的,我明白了。)
“Yeah, and then I need to find something to do. Any recommendations?“(好的,然后我需要找一点事情做。你有什么建议?)
“On a personal perspective, I don't know because I don't know you too well. But judging on what Nathan has told me, you need to find a girlfriend, it will also greatly fill up your time. However on the business recommendations, I recommend investing in real estate in Shanghai.”(如果是以个人的角度,我不是很清楚你都在干嘛。但是根据Nathan给的信息,你应该找个女朋友。如果站在商业角度上来讲,我觉得在上海投资房产很好。)
“Oh, why?“(为什么?)
“The population is massive but there lacks a suburb. So the demand for renting apartment is high. Further because of the fluidity of the population, renting is a great option for a lot of people.“(上海的人口很大但是没有市郊区(市区郊区之间,一般都是单独的不贵的小别墅,里市区一般30-40分钟车程),所以房产的需要租的情况很多。然后人口流动性很大。很多人来五六年就走了,所以租房是一个好的选择。)
“Look, I don't need money.“(看,我不需要钱。)
“Nathan's company gives me around 100,000 dollars a month. Plus, my step dad and my mom is really rich, my dad is sort of rich. They are all willing to give me everything including their company which is private but is worth approximately as much as two third's the value of Google.“(Nathan给我一个月大概10万美金。然后我的继父和母亲很有钱,我爸也很有钱。他们愿意给我所有的东西,包括他们的私有公司,大概是谷歌的2/3市价。)
“Wow, never did I realize.“(从来也没有想到你这么有钱。)
袁子杰笑了笑,“Haha, yeah, what I am looking for is something meaningful. I have a brief idea of what I want to do, but I need your thoughts.“(我需要做一件有意义的事情。我有一个大概的概念,但是我需要你的想法。)
“Okay, I am willing to listen.“(好的,我很愿意听。)
“Great, I want to open a place to trade information for money and vice versa.“(很好,我想开一个信息交易的地方。)
“Let me think it through.“(让我想想清楚。)
“Another question, it's about my personal life. Can you give me some opinions?“(还有一个问题,是关于我个人生活的问题。你能给我一些建议吗?)
“Sure, I am your personal assistance anyways.“(是的,我是你的个人助理)
“What do you think of me?“(你觉得我怎么样?)