Once I lost a small dictionary only a few days after I bought it.A short time later I got a letter from a friend informing me of his being jilted by his sweetheart.[1] In reply I remember I wrote something like this:
I am very sorry to learn that you have lost your sweetheart.I also have a loss to tell you of; that is,[2] I have recently lost a small dictionary,which I bought but a fortnight ago.[3]
You want me to console[4]you? Well,losing things is common enough,and losing a sweetheart is no exception.[5]So far as I can see,[6] the only way not to lose a thing is not to get it.If I had not bought the small dictionary,I could not possibly have lost it.I have never had a sweetheart,and so[7] I have never had the sad experience of losing one.
What do you think of my opinion,reader? Don't think that I wrote the letter in jest.[8] I was perfectly serious.[9]I meant what I said.[10] All we have may be lost at any moment - and for ever.[11]One may lose one's life when one least expects it.[12] A clerk may lose his position when he counts on[13] promotion.A girl may lose her chastity[14]when she thinks she has most force of character[15] among her friends.
As soon as you come into possession of [16] something,you begin to run the risk of [17]losing it.By something I mean everything; it may be a dictionary,a fountain-pen,[18] a reputation,[19] a friendship,a love,and so forth.[20]
A student of mine lost an umbrella in a tram-car[21] the other day.[22] I am glad that he does not seem to have lost the few rhetorical principles[23]that I had explained to him only two or three days before he lost his umbrella.
[1]jilted by his sweetheart:为其爱人所弃
[2]that is:即谓
[3]but a fortnight ago:仅两星期以前
[6]So far as I can see:就我所知
[8]in jest:嬉戏
[10]meant what I said:意与言合
[11]for ever:永远
[12]least expects it:最不期望之;以为决不临到此事
[13]counts on:预冀
[15]force of character:品性之力量;自持之力
[16]come into possession of:得到
[17]run the risk of...:冒……之险
[20]and so forth:以及其他
[22]the other day:数日前
[23]rhetorical principles:修辞学原理