6 离职与应聘原因
Reasons for Dimission & Application

My employment contract is almost up. 我的合同期快满了。
The job is out of my major. 那个工作和我的专业不对口。
I need more opportunities for career growth. 我想有更多的职业发展机会。
My former company has been bankrupt. 我以前的公司倒闭了。
I left the office on account of the discontinuance of the business. 由于公司倒闭,我只好离职。
I don’t like the rigid culture of that company. 我不喜欢那家公司死板的企业文化。
I’m being discriminated against. 我受到了歧视。
The stress is too much for me. 对我来说压力太大了。

A: Why did you leave your last job? 你为什么辞去上一份工作?
B: I feel there is no opportunity for advancement. 我感觉没有升迁机会。
A: Why do you want to leave your current job? 为什么你想辞去现在的工作呢?
B: I feel it is time to move on to a new challenge. 我认为现在应该是开始接受新的挑战的时候了。

Your company is a leader in the industry. 贵公司是产业龙头。
Your company has a good reputation. 贵公司的声誉不错。
The opportunity you provide attracted me. 你们提供的机会吸引了我。
To be frank, I applied for the position not only for the high salary, but also for the good working environment. 坦白来讲,我应聘该职位不仅为了高薪,还因为这里有良好的工作环境。
I think this company will give me the chance to use what I’ve learned at university. 我认为贵公司会给我机会应用我在大学所学的知识。
Because my major was computer programming. I hope to have the opportunity to apply my knowledge here. 因为我的专业是计算机编程。我希望有机会在这里应用我的知识。
I am qualified for this position. 我适合这个职位。
Needless to say, my first choice is your company. 不用说,我的第一选择就是你们公司。

A: What about our company attracted you most? 我们公司最吸引你的是什么?
B: The opportunity you provide. What I really want is the chance to continue my personal development. 是你们提供的机会。我真正想得到的是自我发展的机会。
A: Why do you feel interest in applying our firm? 你为什么有兴趣来本公司应聘?
B: Your company is a multinational corporation. And what I really want is the chance to apply the experience I’ve had abroad. 贵公司是跨国公司。而我真正想得到的是应用我在国外获得的经验的机会。