There is one pain l often feel, which you will never know. lt's caused by your absence.
For you
Deep in the heart, there is a space left for someone forever. Yet he can not understand the loving heart. There is one pain in the heart, which is caused by the absence of him.内心深处有个地方,永远为某个人保留,可是他却感受不到那颗爱他的心。心里时常隐隐地痛,只是因为少了那个人。

Words and Phrases
cause[kɔ:z] v.引起;给……带来
give cause for 引起;成为……的原因
in the cause of 为……而……
(a) lost cause 已注定的败局;没希望的事
plead one's cause 辩护;分辩;声援
first cause 原动力;主要原因
internal cause 内因