Lesson 2 My Mother’s Grave
It was 13 years since my mother’s death, when, after a long absence from my native village, I stood beside the sacred[1] mound[2]beneath which I had seen her buried. Since that mournful period,a great change had come over me. My childish years had passed away, and with them my youthful character. The world was altered,too; and as I stood at my mother’s grave, I could hardly realize that I was the same thoughtless, happy creature, whose cheeks she so often kissed in an excess of tenderness.
But the varied events of thirteen years had not affected the remembrance of that mother’s smile. It seemed as if I had seen her but yesterday—as if the blessed[3] sound of her well-remembered voice was ringing in my ear. The gay dreams of my infancy and childhood were brought back so distinctly to my mind that, had it not been for one bitter recollection[4], the tears I shed would have been gentle and refreshing.
The circumstance[5] may seem a trifling[6] one, but the thought of it now pains[7]my heart; and I relate it, that those children who have parents to love them may learn to value them as they ought. My mother had been ill a long time, and I had become so accustomed to her pale face and weak voice, that I was not frightened at them, as children usually are. At first, it is true, I sobbed violently; but when, day after day, I returned from school, and found her the same, I began to believe she would always be spared to me; but they told me she would die.
One day when I had lost my place in the class, I came home discouraged and badtempered.I went to my mother’s chamber. She was paler than usual, but she met me with the same affectionate smile that always welcomed my return. Alas! When I look back through the lapse of 13 years, I think my heart must have been stone not to have been melted by it. She requested me to go downstairs and bring her a glass of water.I impatiently asked her why she did not call a domestic to do it. With a look of mild reproach[8], which I shall never forget if I live to be a hundred years old, she said, “Will not my daughter bring a glass of water for her poor, sick mother?”
I went and brought her the water, but I did not do it kindly. Instead of smiling, and kissing her as I usually did, I set the glass down very quickly, and left the room. After playing a short time, I went to bed without bidding my mother good night; but when alone in my room, in darkness and silence, I remembered how pale she looked, and how her voice trembled when she said, “Will not my daughter bring a glass of water for her poor, sick mother?” I could not sleep. I stole into her chamber to ask forgiveness.She had sunk into an easy slumber, and they told me I must not waken her.
I did not tell anyone what troubled me, but stole back to my bed, resolved to rise early in the morning and tell her how sorry I was for my conduct[9]. The sun was shining brightly when I awoke, and, hurrying on my clothes, I hastened to my mother’s chamber. She was dead! She never spoke more—never smiled upon me again; and when I touched the hand that used to rest upon my head in blessing, it was so cold that it gave me a start.
I bowed down by her side, and sobbed in the bitterness of my heart. I then wished that I might die, and be buried with her; and, old as I now am, I would give worlds,were they mine to give, could my mother but have lived to tell me she forgave my childish ingratitude. But I can’t call her back; and when I stand by her grave, and whenever I think of her manifold kindness, the memory of that reproachful look she gave me will bite like a serpent and sting[10] like an adder.
(714 words)
How well did you read?
1. [Note the setting] The article was written___________ .
A. just after her mother’ death
B. many years after her mother’s death
C. after leaving her native village
2. [Read between the lines] The writer was full of___________ when she was writing the article.
A. guilt and regret
B. sympathy and gratitude
C. fear and sorrow
3. [Note the reason] The writer didn’t feel frightened at her mother’s pale face and weak voice because___________ .
A. she was very brave
B. she didn’t care
C. she was young and got used to them
4. [Note the reason] The writer came home bad-tempered because___________ .
A. she didn’t have a nice school day
B. she found her mother’s face even paler
C. her mother didn’t welcome her as usual
5. [See the fact] Her mother requested the writer to___________ .
A. go upstairs B. keep silent C. fetch her some water
6. [Check the details] The writer did as her mother requested very___________ .
A. readily B. unwillingly C. patiently
7. [Find the purpose] The writer stole into her mother’s room at night in order to___________ .
A. check if her mother was OK
B. ask for her mother’s forgiveness
C. bid her mother good night
8. [Understand the purpose] The writer wrote the article to___________ .
A. remind readers to value their parent’s love
B. tell one of her childhood experiences
C. prove how much her mother loved her
Ⅱ. Read for words:
1. Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words.
(1) Since that mournful period, a great change had come over me. (Para. 1)
A. pleasant B. scary C. sad
(2) My childish years had passed away, and with them my youthful character. The world was altered, too. (Para. 1)
A. changed B. conquered C. recreated
(3) The gay dreams of my infancy[1] and childhood were brought back so distinctly[2]to my mind that, had it not been for one bitter recollection, the tears I shed would have been gentle and refreshing. (Para. 2)
[1] A. 成年期 B. 婴儿期 C. 青年期[2] A. 迅速地 B. 痛苦地 C. 清晰地
(4) She was paler than usual, but she met me with the same affectionate smile that always welcomed my return. (Para. 4)
A. painful B. loving C. forced
2. Choose one best paraphrase for the underlined expressions.
(1) She had sunk into an easy slumber, and they told me I must not waken her.
(Para. 5)
A. fallen asleep B. lost consciousness C. got seriously ill 10常春藤英语 七级· 一
(2) The sun was shining brightly when I awoke, and, hurrying on my clothes, I hastened to my mother’s chamber. She was dead! (Para. 6)A. hurried to B. stole into C. dragged myself to (3) …and when I touched the hand that used to rest upon my head in blessing, it was so cold that it gave me a start. (Para. 6)A. surprised me B. made me jump C. touched me Ⅲ. Writing practice:In not more than 200 words describe the writer’s bitter recollection about her childhood. Do not include anything that is not in the passage.
Answer these questions in note form to get your points:1. Why did the girl begin to think her mother wouldn’t leave her?
2. One day, why did the girl get home very bad-tempered?
3. What did her mother ask her to do?
4. How did she respond to her mother? What did she do?
5. When she realized her ingratitude, what did she do?
6. Did she make it? Why or why not?
7. The next morning what happened to her mother?
8. How does the incident affect the girl?
My Mother’s Grave Lesson 2
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