第1章 More Praise for Stepping Up
“John Izzo's book turns a simple idea into a powerful practice. Drawing on a lifetime of wise work with people who were rethinking their purpose in life, he shows how to step up to your own life. Be warned: stepping up changes everything. But I think you'll like how you turn out!”
—Richard Leider, bestselling author of The Power of Purpose and Repacking Your Bags
“Here's a book for all managers, leaders, parents, and pals who want to challenge themselves and others to grow, change, and make a mark on this earth. Izzo's warm, engaging style and compelling storytelling make this an easy read.”
—Beverly Kaye, founder and CEO, Career Systems International, and coauthor of Love 'Em or Lose 'Em and Love It, Don't Leave It
“Stepping Up is not a lecture but an inspiration! It is that rare book that will help your personal life, help you in your career, improve your business, and help change the world. This empowering book shows how, by taking responsibility for the major areas of our lives—family, work, community—we release tremendous energy and creativity to work for positive change.”
—Duane Elgin, author of Voluntary Simplicity and The Living Universe
“This book compels us all to step up and draw on our courage to help realize positive change—either within our immediate circle of influence or in a wide-reaching manner. Once again, Dr. Izzo's research, unparalleled storytelling, and actionable advice present a gift that can significantly enrich our personal and professional lives.”
—Josh Blair, Executive Vice President, Human Resources, TELUS
“The fastest ticket to success in career and life is to do something worth doing! That won't happen if you play it safe, point fingers at others, or act like a victim. As a senior HR executive, I have always found that you have to take a stand to make a difference. Stepping Up is filled with stories of people who stepped up, spoke up, took initiative, and made their companies (and the world) better. If you want to get ahead in your career then read this book and follow its advice.”
—Brigid Pelino, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Tim Hortons Inc.
“Stepping Up is an insightful and timely read. John Izzo has delicately woven inspirational stories with practical examples of how any leader who chooses to step up and make a difference can truly make the world a better place.”
—Ferio Pugliese, Executive Vice President, People and Culture, WestJet Airlines
“Stepping Up is an empowering, immensely freeing book based on an exquisitely simple concept. Izzo combines evidence-based insights with action-provoking stories of hope, reminding us of the game-changing power that quietly lies within reach of every person.”
—Susan Biali, MD, author of Live a Life You Love
“John Izzo's Stepping Up is a remarkable book. It shows how each of us can do what needs doing, no matter how big and intractable the problem. Reading it is sure to propel anyone into meaningful action.”
—Mark Levy, founder of Levy Innovation and author of Accidental Genius
“John Izzo has ‘stepped up’ in writing this book to engage all of us in making the world a better place. It begins with a very simple premise: we must each take responsibility for the fixing. Izzo understands the concept of scale and shows us, through stories, the many levels of influence each one of us has access to. Doing our part, at whatever level we can, makes the world a better place even as it makes us feel empowered and enriched. This is a guidebook for making a difference written by a wonderful guide.”
—Joel Barker, futurist, filmmaker, and author
“Stepping Up makes a timely and important contribution to leadership thinking and practice. Dr. Izzo shows how all of us are capable of stepping up and making a difference in our work and personal lives. This book is a must-read for all managers and supervisors.”
—Bob Peter, President and CEO, LCBO