With the increasing popularity of violin playing and teaching, more young people have the opportunity to learn and play the violin, with many children starting at very young age. Choosing the appropriate violin teaching material can therefore be a challenge for many teachers. With over half a century of teaching experience, I have concluded that the Zhang Multimedia Violin Method for Young Children(briefed as Zhang Multimedia Violin below) is a wonderful teaching material for children in their early stages of violin learning. The content is pedagogically and scientificallysound.
In my view, the objective of many contemporary violin tutor books can be divided into two categories. The former category of violin tutor books is written to encourage children’s interest in learning the violin for leisure and to promote their appreciation of music. These tutor books often contain children’s songs and piano pieces. In my view, these violin tutor books are appropriate for their teaching objectives. The latter category of violin tutor books is written with a strong pedagogical approach in sequencing the development of both the left and right hand techniques in violin playing. The objective of these tutor books is to build a solid technical foundation, selecting age-appropriate teaching materials for future more advanced work. I have compiled the Zhang Multimedia Violin with the latter in mind. The materials selected are short. Each unit is pedagogically arranged with scales and etudes preceding the pieces. This tutor book provides a solid foundation for children who wish to pursue advanced violinstudies.
在这本教程中,我们采用了一些示范演奏的照片,我认为这对于孩子们的学习非常有用。多角度的照片清晰直观,能够达到很多文字解说所不能达到的效果。为进一步提高教材的实用性,我们还根据孩子练琴时应使用的速度,录制了全部内容的示范演奏和动作讲解。这样孩子们就可以独立地跟着视频进行练习,并有意识地纠正演奏时出现的问题。孩子们下课回家后的练琴也有了视频作为参照。所有视频都可以在网站zviolin.com(中文)和zhangviolin. org(英文)上查看到。实践证明这种教学及学习方法既可以使孩子学琴兴趣盎然,又可以让他们的学习变得更加容易和规范。同时,也可以极为有效地减轻教师大量日常的重复劳动,帮助教师取得更好的教学成果,成为教师最好的教学助手。
This tutor book includes many photos demonstrating various violin playing positions, which are valuable in assisting the children’s violin learning. These photos clearly demonstrate the various basic hand positions from different angles, many of these are difficult to explain with words. In order to enhance the teaching materials provided in the tutor books, we also recorded videos playing all pieces at a reasonable performance tempo for children, along with demonstration and explanation of the hand motions required. In this way, the children can independently practice by playing along with the video, and consciously correct performance mistakes by matching those on the screen. These become home practice aids and assist in eliminating mistakes during home practice. All these tutorial videos are provided on the website zviolin.com (Chinese version) and zhangviolin.org(English version). This teaching and learning method has proven to stimulate the children's violin learning interest, as well as assisting children to learn more easily and in a methodical way. It can be used as a teaching aid, preventing simple practice, thus enhancing the teachingresult.
In my opinion, it is of utmost important to instill in children good playing habits at the beginning stages of learning violin. I always remind my students the following, "hold up the violin, move the bow parallel to the bridge, play in tune and maintain a steady pulse." These are my basic requirements for children learning the violin at the elementary level. These are more important than progressing quickly through more and harder pieces. Mastering these basic skills well will smooth the pathway for future advanced stages of violin learning.
It is my sincere hope that this publication will offer young violinist the wonderful pathway in their violin learning journey, as well as providing some useful assistance to violin teachers and violin parents.

2 017年8月4日于悉尼
4 August 2017