Kou gong
口弓又称“口弦”“口簧”,黎语称“代”。有竹制口弓(dai lou)、铁制口弓(dai lai)和铜制口弓(dai weng)之分。其中竹制口弓产生时间最早,流传最广,最具有代表性。口弓演奏时,左手拇指跟食指夹住竹柄,将前端掀起部分衔在两唇之间,然后用右手食指来回拨动簧片尖端,口腔共鸣以发声,拨片时可用拇指食指交替、食指中指交替、食指中指无名指交替等。口弓可发出八度、九度,甚至更宽的音域。口弓可独奏、伴奏或合奏,在黎族地区是青年男女谈情说爱的工具。
Kougong (“kou” means mouth) is also called Kouxian, Kouhuang, or “Dai” in Li language. It can be divided into three types, namely the “Dailou” (bamboo-made), the “Dailai” (iron-made) and the “Daiweng” (brass-made). Among them the Dailou has the longest history and is most widespread and representative. When playing this instrument, hold the bamboo handle with your left thumb and index fingers and have the lifted tip between lips, then pluck the reed back and forth with the right index finger and make a sound with oral resonance. The plucking process can be completed by two or three fingers (the thumb and index fingers, the index and middle fingers or together with the ring finger) alternatively. Kougong’s playing range can be as wide as an octave, a ninth or even wider. It can be used in solo, accompaniment or ensemble, and it’s often used as a communication tool by young men and women in their dating.