4.31 翻译实例
From: Rector
To: All Members of Staff
Date: 28 September,2000
Financial Situation
I have been advised by the Finance Officer that the financial outlook for this session is bleak and could deteriorate still further if we do not exercise extreme care in our spending from now on.This is due to the fact that the money we receive from the company plus other income we generate ourselves during the session, will not match our normal expenditures let alone additional activities.
As a first step, would you please act on this warning by exercising and urging your colleagues of the importance of exercising all those small economies which, cumulatively in a large institution, result in real savings, e.g.shorter telephone calls and in cheap times, less lavish use of photocopying, etc.As a somewhat more substantial measure the use of“temps”as you will know is also being brought to an end.
I am considering further options but at this stage it is not my intention to suggest any changes in this session's budget.These budgets will remain intact until we have a clear picture of the trend, but you must keep within the proportion of the budget appropriate to the first quarter of the year.Shortly after the end of the Autumn Term, I hope to be more precise and consequently suggest further corrective action-if needed.