36 attend to; clear up; cope with; deal with; reckon with
● 除clear up是动副型外,其余均为动介型,均表示“解决” “处理”之意。可用被动形式。
● attend to多用于较正式文体。如:I’ll attend to that.(那事我来办。)He offered to go and attend to the matter.(他主动提出来办理这件事。)The chairman must personally attend to this work.(主席要亲自抓这项工作。)The mayor himself is attending to the matter.(市长正在亲自处理这件事。)
● clear up多用于非正式文体。常指“解决”问题。往往会有“澄清” “处理” “了解”之义。如:I had my doubts, but now they are cleared up.(我原来也有怀疑,但现在已经弄清楚了。)The police hope to clear the matter up quickly.(警察希望迅速把这事弄清楚。)They hope to clear up the matter.(他们希望把这个问题弄个水落石出。)The mystery hasn’t been cleared up yet.(这个谜现在还未解开。)
● cope with也是非正式用语,多指设法或成功地“处理”难以处理的事。词组及物,可用被动语态,with后接名词、代词或ing分词等。如:I don’t know how she copes with looking after her family and doing a full-time job.(我不知道她怎样做到既照管家庭又全天上班工作。)A few extra people for the weekend? Well, that’s something that’s easily coped with.(还要再有几个人来度周末?唔,这很容易安排。)We can use some software to cope with junk mail.(我们可以使用某种软件来处理垃圾邮件。)We are sure Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government is fully capable of coping with complex situations.(我们确信香港特区政府完全有能力应对各种复杂局面。)
● deal with意为“处理”某事,在本组词组中较常用。如:I will soon deal with the problem.(我会很快处理这问题的。)Such problems may prove fatal if not properly dealt with.(这类问题如果处理不当,会造成极为严重的后果。)We must deal with these properly in their order of urgency. (对于这些,我们必须分轻重缓急,适当加以处理。)In spite of his illness, he continued to deal with a variety of problems. (尽管生病,他还继续处理各种各样的问题。)
● reckon with属一般用语,与deal with可换用。如:We have to reckon [deal] with many problems every day.(我们每天都得处理许多问题。)Barcelona will be a strong team to be reckoned with this season.(巴塞罗那队将是本赛季要应对的一支强队。)I know how to reckon with the troublesome Peter this morning.(我知道今天上午如何对付调皮捣蛋的彼得。)Anyone not obeying the decrees of the new military junta could expect to be reckoned with.(违反现军事当局法令的人都将受到严惩。)