中国非营利评论(第20卷 2017 No.2)

Public Fundraising System Reform and Its Influence

—An Empirical Study Based on the Practices of Guangzhou

Hu Xiaojun

[Abstract] Public fundraising system is a key element in establishing modern philanthropy system. Charity Law of the People's Republic of China officially builds up a management mode, combing administrative licensing of public fundraising qualification and fundraising plan record. After the Charity Law takes effect, a problem worthy of paying close attention to is how this management mode will affect philanthropic ecology. Taking the practices of Guangzhou, the earliest explorer in fundraising system reform and opening of public fundraising qualification, as example, this paper analyzes the influence the opening of public fundraising qualification exerts on breaking public fundraising monopoly, reform on government-based philanthropic organizations, resource structure change of non-profit organizations and philanthropic supervision system construction. Accordingly, countermeasures and suggestions are proposed to effectively promote the implementation of public fundraising.

[Key words] Public Fundraising; Qualification of Public Fundraising;Charity Law; Guangzhou

(责任编辑 羌洲)