The advice is briefly this:Before taking the first step on the highway that leads there you must be firmly grounded in the truths of the Catholic faith.Moreover,whatever sins you find sullying your conscience you must cleanse by hearty penance and absolution according to the laws of the Church.Having done so begin your journey in God's name;but be sure to have with you two necessary instruments,Humility and Charity.These are contained in the words above mentioned,which must always be present to your mind,"I am naught,I have naught,I desire only one thing and that is our Lord Jesus,and to be with Him at peace in Jerusalem."The meaning and power of these words you must have continually,at least in your thoughts either expressly or virtually.Humility says,"I am nothing,I have nothing."
Charity says,"I desire nothing but Jesus."You must never lose these two companions,neither will they consent to be separated from each other,for they agree lovingly together,and the deeper you establish yourself in humility the higher you will advance in charity,for the more you see and feel yourself to be nothing the more ardently you will see and love Jesus,that by Him who is All you may become something.
This humility is to be exercised not so much in considering your own vileness and sinfulness,though in the beginning this consideration is good and beneficial,but rather in a quiet consideration of the infinite being and goodness of Jesus.You are to behold Him either through grace in sensible devotional knowledge of Him,or,at least,in a full and firm faith in Him.And such a contemplation of the infinite sanctity and goodness of Jesus will operate in your mind a much more pure,spiritual,solid and perfect humility,than the reflecting on your own nothingness,which produces a humility much more gross,boisterous and imperfect.In this mirror of sanctity you will behold yourself to be not only the most wretched,filthy creature in the world,but also,in the very substance of your soul,setting aside the foulness of sin,to be a mere nothing;for really,in comparison with Jesus who is All,you are nothing.And until you have and feel that you have the love of Jesus,although you think you have done ever so many good deeds,spiritually and worldly,you have nothing,for nothing but the love of Jesus will abide in and fill your soul.Therefore cast aside and forget all other things in order that you may have that which is the best of all.If you do this you will become a true pilgrim,who leaves behind him house,wife,children,friends,and goods,and denies himself all things in order that he may go on his journey lightly and without hindrance.
If your desire for Jesus still continues and grows stronger,so that you go on your way courageously,they will then tell you that you may become ill,and perhaps with such a disease as will bring frightful dreads into your mind;or perhaps you will become very poor and you will find no charitable person to help you.Do not heed what they say,but if you should happen to fall into sickness or poverty,still have faith in Jesus and say,"I am naught,I have naught,I care for naught in this world,and I desire naught but the love of Jesus,that I may see Him at peace in Jerusalem."
If it should ever happen that through some of these temptations and your own weakness,you waver and perhaps fall into sin,and thus lose the way for a time,return as soon as possible to the right path by using such remedies as the Church ordains.Do not think of your past sins,for that will harm you and favour your enemies;but make haste to go on your way as if nothing happened.Think only of Jesus,and of your desire to gain His love,and nothing will harm you.
Finally,when your enemies see that you are so determined that neither sickness,fancies,poverty,life,death,nor sins discourage you,but that you will continue to seek the love of Jesus and nothing else,by continuing your prayer and other spiritual works,they will grow enraged and will not spare you the most cruel abuse.They will make their most dangerous assault by bringing before you all your good deeds and virtues,showing that all men praise,love,and honour you for your sanctity.This they will do to make you vain and proud.But if you offer your life to Jesus you will consider all this flattery and falsehood as deadly poison to your soul,and will cast it from you.
In order to shun such temptations renounce all vain thoughts and think of Jesus only,resolving to know and love Him.After you have accustomed yourself to think of Him alone,any thoughts not relating to Him will be unwelcome and painful to you.
If there is any work you are obliged to do for yourself or neighbour fail not to do it as soon and as well as you can,lest by delay it may distract your thoughts from Jesus.If it is unnecessary work do not think about it,but dismiss it from your thoughts saying,"I am naught,I can do naught,I have naught,and I desire naught but Jesus and His love."
It will be necessary for you,as for all other pilgrims,to take,on the way,sleep and refreshments and sometimes innocent recreation;but if you use discretion in these things,although they seem to delay you,they will give you strength and courage to continue on your journey.
To conclude,remember that your principal aim,and indeed only business,is to give your thoughts to the desire of Jesus,and to strengthen this desire by daily prayer and other spiritual works.And whatever you find suitable to increase that desire,be it praying or reading,speaking or being silent,working or resting,make use of it as long as your soul finds delight in it,and as long as it increases the desire of having and enjoying nothing but the love of Jesus and the blessed sight of Jesus in true peace in Jerusalem.Be assured that this good desire,thus cherished and continually increased,will bring you safely to the end of your pilgrimage.
Observing these instructions,you are in the right path to Jerusalem.