第77章 PART THIRD(8)
I'm a-going to look after that book a little myself.""You'll kill yourself,Jacob,"said his wife,"tryin'to do so many things.And what is it all fur?I don't see as we're better off,any,for all the money.It's just as much care as it used to be when we was all there on the farm together.I wisht we could go back,Ja--""We can't go back!"shouted the old man,fiercely."There's no farm any more to go back to.The fields is full of gas-wells and oil-wells and hell-holes generally;the house is tore down,and the barn's goin'--""The barn!"gasped the old woman."Oh,my!""If I was to give all I'm worth this minute,we couldn't go back to the farm,any more than them girls in there could go back and be little children.I don't say we're any better off,for the money.I've got more of it now than I ever had;and there's no end to the luck;it pours in.But I feel like I was tied hand and foot.I don't know which way to move;I don't know what's best to do about anything.The money don't seem to buy anything but more and more care and trouble.We got a big house that we ain't at home in;and we got a lot of hired girls round under our feet that hinder and don't help.Our children don't mind us,and we got no friends or neighbors.But it had to be.I couldn't help but sell the farm,and we can't go back to it,for it ain't there.So don't you say anything more about it,'Liz'beth.""Pore Jacob!"said his wife."Well,I woon't,dear."
It was clear to Beaton that Dryfoos distrusted him;and the fact heightened his pleasure in Christine's liking for him.He was as sure of this as he was of the other,though he was not so sure of any reason for his pleasure in it.She had her charm;the charm of wildness to which a certain wildness in himself responded;and there were times when his fancy contrived a common future for them,which would have a prosperity forced from the old fellow's love of the girl.Beaton liked the idea of this compulsion better than he liked the idea of the money;there was something a little repulsive in that;he imagined himself rejecting it;he almost wished he was enough in love with the girl to marry her without it;that would be fine.He was taken with her in a certain'measure,in a certain way;the question was in what measure,in what way.
It was partly to escape from this question that he hurried down-town,and decided to spend with the Leightons the hour remaining on his hands before it was time to go to the reception for which he was dressed.
It seemed to him important that he should see Alma Leighton.After all,it was her charm that was most abiding with him;perhaps it was to be final.He found himself very happy in his present relations with her.
She had dropped that barrier of pretences and ironical surprise.It seemed to him that they had gone back to the old ground of common artistic interest which he had found so pleasant the summer before.
Apparently she and her mother had both forgiven his neglect of them in the first months of their stay in New York;he was sure that Mrs.
Leighton liked him as well as ever,and,if there was still something a little provisional in Alma's manner at times,it was something that piqued more than it discouraged;it made him curious,not anxious.
He found the young ladies with Fulkerson when he rang.He seemed to be amusing them both,and they were both amused beyond the merit of so small a pleasantry,Beaton thought,when Fulkerson said:"Introduce myself,Mr.Beaton:Mr.Fulkerson of 'Every Other Week.'Think I've met you at our place."The girls laughed,and Alma explained that her mother was not very well,and would be sorry not to see him.Then she turned,as he felt,perversely,and went on talking with Fulkerson and left him to Miss Woodburn.
She finally recognized his disappointment:"Ah don't often get a chance at you,Mr.Beaton,and Ah'm just goin'to toak yo'to death.Yo'have been Soath yo'self,and yo'know ho'we do toak.""I've survived to say yes,"Beaton admitted.
"Oh,now,do you think we toak so much mo'than you do in the No'th?"the young lady deprecated.
"I don't know.I only know you can't talk too much for me.I should like to hear you say Soath and house and about for the rest of my life.""That's what Ah call raght personal,Mr.Beaton.Now Ah'm goin'to be personal,too."Miss Woodburn flung out over her lap the square of cloth she was embroidering,and asked him:"Don't you think that's beautiful?
Now,as an awtust--a great awtust?"
"As a great awtust,yes,"said Beaton,mimicking her accent."If I were less than great I might have something to say about the arrangement of colors.You're as bold and original as Nature.""Really?Oh,now,do tell me yo'favo'ite colo',Mr.Beaton.""My favorite color?Bless my soul,why should I prefer any?Is blue good,or red wicked?Do people have favorite colors?"Beaton found himself suddenly interested.
"Of co'se they do,"answered the girl."Don't awtusts?""I never heard of one that had--consciously.""Is it possible?I supposed they all had.Now mah favo'ite colo'is gawnet.Don't you think it's a pretty colo'?""It depends upon how it's used.Do you mean in neckties?"Beaton stole a glance at the one Fulkerson was wearing.
Miss Woodburn laughed with her face bowed upon her wrist."Ah do think you gentlemen in the No'th awe ten tahms as lahvely as the ladies.""Strange,"said Beaton."In the South--Soath,excuse me!I made the observation that the ladies were ten times as lively as the gentlemen.
What is that you're working?"
"This?"Miss Woodburn gave it another flirt,and looked at it with a glance of dawning recognition."Oh,this is a table-covah.Wouldn't you lahke to see where it's to go?""Why,certainly."