第84章 10th May,1837
To the Rev.A.Brandram (ENDORSED:recd.May 23,1837)MADRID,MAY 10TH,1837.
REVD.AND DEAR SIR,-I herewith send the long promised account of my private expenses,which I hope will be found correct.I start to-morrow for Salamanca,at which place I should now be,but for the misconduct of my servant,whom I have been compelled to turn away.I have experienced great difficulty in obtaining another;my present one is a Greek,who formerly waited on Mr.O'Shea;I hope he will turn out well.Mr.O'Shea has given me a general letter of credit to his correspondents in various parts of Spain.You will receive my draft in a few days.I shall write from Salamanca,and various other places,detailing all my proceedings and adventures.
I hope you received my last letter.
I remain,etc.,GEORGE BORROW.