第36章 26th October,1835
To the Rev.J.Jowett (ENDORSED:recd.Oct.27,1835)OCT.26[1835.]WILLOW LANE,ST.GILES,NORWICH.
REVD.AND DEAR SIR,-Pray excuse the liberty I take in troubling you with these lines,which I write for the purpose of informing you that I am perfectly ready to undertake anything which yourself or Mr.Brandram may deem expedient.I should be most happy to explore -Portugal and Spain,and to report upon the possibility of introducing the Gospel into those countries,provided that plan has not been given up;or to commence the Armenian Testament forthwith,if the types are ready.If you would so far condescend as to return an answer as soon as it suits your convenience,you would confer no slight obligation upon me,for I am weary of doing nothing,and am sighing for employment.
I have the honour to remain,Revd.and Dear Sir,your most obliged and most obedient servant,GEORGE BORROW.