第67章 CRESSY(4)
Walter's conduct at the battle of Cressy gained him still further the favour of the Black Prince.The valour with which he had fought was conspicuous even on a field where all fought gallantly, and the prince felt that more than once he would have been smitten down had not Walter's sword interposed.Ralph too had fought with reckless bravery, and many French knights and gentlemen had gone down before the tremendous blows of his heavy mace, against which the stoutest armour availed nothing.After the battle the prince offered to make him an esquire in spite of the absence of gentle blood in his veins, but Ralph declined the honour.
"An it please you, Sir Prince," he said, "but I should feel more comfortable among the men-at-arms, my fellows.In the day of battle Itrust that I should do no discredit to my squirehood, but at other times Ishould feel woefully out of my element, and should find nought for my hands to do, therefore if it so pleases your Royal Highness, I would far rather remain a simple man-at-arms.
Ralph did not, however, refuse the heavy purse which the prince gave him, although indeed he, as well as all the soldiers, was well supplied with money, so great were the spoils which the army had gathered in its march before Cressy, and which they now swept off in their raids among the northern provinces of France.
One evening Walter was returning from a banquet at the pavilion of the Prince of Wales, with Ralph as usual following at a little distance, when from a corner of the street a man darted suddenly out and struck a dagger with all his force between his shoulders.Well was it for Walter that he had taken Geoffrey's advice, and had never laid aside the shirt of mail, night or day.Fine as was its temper, two or three links of the outer fold were broken, but the point did not penetrate the second fold, and the dagger snapped in the hand of the striker.The force of the sudden blow, however, hurled Walter to the ground.With a loud cry Ralph rushed forward.The man instantly fled.Ralph pursued him but a short distance and then hastened back to Walter.
"Are you hurt, Sir Walter?" he exclaimed.