Brig.-Gen'l R.B.Mitchell.
FIRST BRIGADE.--Col.A.P.Campbell: 1st E.Tenn.Cav., 2d Mich.
Cav., 9th Penn.Cav.SECOND BRIGADE.--Col.E.McCook: 2d E.Tenn.
Cav., 3d E.Tenn.Cav., 2d Ind.Cav., 4th Ind.Cav., 1st Wis.Cav.
THIRD BRIGADE.--Col.L.D.Watkins: 4th Ky.Cav., 5th Ky.Cav., 6th Ky.Cav., 7th Ky.Cav.ARTILLERY.--Sec.1, O.Art., Co."D."SECOND DIVISION CAVALRY.
Brig-Gen'l Geo.Crook.
FIRST BRIGADE.--Col.R.L.Minty: 3d Ind.Cav.(Detachm't), 4th Mich.Cav., 7th Penn.Cav., 4th U.S.Cav.SECOND BRIGADE.--Col E.Long: 2d Ky.Cav., 1st O.Cav., 3d O.Cav., 4th O.Cav.THIRDBRIGADE.--Col.W.W.Lowe: 5th Ia.Cav., 1st Mid.Tenn.Cav., 19th O.Cav., Capt.Stokes' Ill Batt'y, 15th Pa.Vol.Cav., Col.W.J.
Palmer.MILLER'S BRIG.MTD.INFTY.--Col.A.O.Miller: 92d Ill., 98th Ill., 123d Ill., 17th Ind., 72d Ind., 18th Ind.Batt'y.U.S.
FORCES, FT.DONELSON.--Lt.Col.E.C.Brott: 83d Ill.(Detachm't), 2d Ill.Art., Co."C." UNASSIGNED INFANTRY.--34th Ill., 80th Ill, 102d Ill, 39th Ind., 51st Ind., 73d Ind., 21st Ky., 28th Ky., 3d O., 102d O., 108th O., 10th Tenn., 31st Wis.
Brigade Commanders not given.
Appendix C.
Organization of the Confederate Army at the Battle of Chickamauga, GA.
Lieut.-Gen'l.Leonidas Polk.
Cheatham's Division.
Maj.-Gen'l B.F.Cheatham.
JACKSON'S BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l J.K.Jackson: 1st Confed.Bat., 5th Ga., 2d Ga.Bat., 5th Miss., 8th Miss., Scogin's (Ga.) Batt'y.
MANEY'S BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l Geo.Maney: 1st Tenn., 27th Tenn., 4th Tenn., 6th Tenn., 9th Tenn., Maney's (Tenn.) Batt., Smith's (Miss.) Batt'y.SMITH'S BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l Preston Smith, Col.A.
J.Vaughan: 11th Tenn., 12th Tenn., 47th Tenn., 13th Tenn., 29th Tenn., 154th Tenn., Scott's (Tenn.) Batt'y.WRIGHT'S BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l M.J.Wright: 8th Tenn., 16th Tenn., 28th Tenn., 38th Tenn., 51st Tenn., 52d Tenn., Carnes' (Tenn.) Batt'y.STRAHL'S BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l O.F.Strahl: 4th Tenn., 5th Tenn., 19th Tenn., 24th Tenn., 31st Tenn., 33d Tenn., Stanford's (Miss.) Batt'y.
Cleburne's Division.
Maj.-Gen'l P.R.Cleburne.
POLK'S BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l L.E.Polk: 1st Ark., 2d Confed., 5th Confed., 2d Tenn., 35th Tenn., 48th Tenn., Calvert's (Tenn.)Batt'y.WOOD'S BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l S.A.M.Wood: 16th Ala., 33d Ala., 45th Ala., 32d Miss., 45th Miss., Hankin's Batt., Semple's (Ala.) Batt'y.DESHLER'S BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l James Deshler, Col.R.Q.Mills: 19th Ark., 24th Ark., 6th Tex., 10th Tex, 15th Tex., 17th Tex., 18th Tex., 24th Tex., 25th Tex., Douglas' (Tex.)Batt'y.
Breckinridge's Division.
HELM'S BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l B.H.Helms, Col.J.H.Lewis, 41st Ala., 2d Ky., 4th Ky., 6th Ky., 9th Ky., Cobb's (Ky.) Battery.
ADAMS' BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l Dan'l Adams, Col.R.L.Gibson, 32d Ala., 13th La., 20th La., 16th La., 25th La., 19th La., Austin's (La.) Batt., Slocomb's (La.) Battery.STOVALL'S BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l M.A.Stovall, 1st Fla., 3d Fla., 4th Fla., 47th Ga., 60th No.
Car., Mebane's (Tenn.) Battery.
Walker's Division.[Walker's and Liddel's divisions constituted a "reserve corps," under Walker's command, Gist commanding Walker's division.]
Maj.-Gen'l W.H.T.Walker.
Brig.-Gen'l S.R.Gist.
GIST'S BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l S.R.Gist, Col.P.H.Colquitt, 46th Ga., 8th Ga.Batt., 16th So.Car., 24th So.Car., Ferguson's (So.Car.) Battery.ECTOR'S BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l M.D.Ector, Ala.Batt.(Stone's), Miss.Batt.(Pound's), 9th Tex., 10th Tex.
Cav.[dismounted], 14th Tex.Cav.[dismounted], 32d Tex.Cav.
[dismounted], Battery [Gen'l Walker reports five batteries, but those of Ector's and Wilson's brigades are not named in reports].
WILSON'S BRIGADE.--Col.C.C.Wilson, 25th Ga., 29th Ga., 30th Ga., 1st Ga.Batt., 4th La.Batt., Battery [Gen'l Walker reports five batteries, but those of Ector's and Wilson's brigades are not named in reports].
Liddell's Division.[Walker's and Liddel's divisions constituted a "reserve corps," under Walker's command, Gist commanding Walker's division.]
Birg.-Gen'l S.J.R.Lidell.
LIDELL'S BRIGADE.--Col.D.C.Govan, 2d Ark., 15th Ark., 5th Ark., 13th Ark., 6th Ark., 7th Ark., 1st La., Swett's (Miss.) Batt.
WALTHALL'S BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l E.C.Walthall, 24th Miss., 27th Miss., 29th Miss., 30th Miss., 34th Miss., Fowler's (Ala.) Battery.
LEFT WING.[Longstreet's corps, organization of the divisions, and of the artillery battalion taken from Return of the Army of Northern Virginia, for August 31, 1863; the artillery is not mentioned in the reports.]
Lieut.-Gen'l James Longstreet.
McLaw's Division.
Maj.-Gen'l Lafayette McLaw.
Brig.-Gen'l J.B.Kershaw.
KERSHAW'S BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l J.B.Kershaw, 2d So.Car., 7th So.Car., 8th So.Car., 15th So.Car., 3d So.Car.Batt.WOFFORD'SBRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l W.T.Wofford, 16th Ga., 18th Ga., 24th Ga., 3d Ga.Batt., Cobb's (Ga.) Legion, Phillip's (Ga.) Legion.