The Army of the Cumberland By Henry M.Cist, Brevet Brigadier-General U.S.V.; A.A.G.on the staff of Major-General Rosecrans, and the staff of Major-General Thomas; Secretary of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland.
Preface The scope of this work precluded the entering into details as to the minor operations of the troops in the commands named.It has even been impossible to give the movements of troops on the battlefields in lesser organizations than brigades.The rosters of the several armies given in full in the appendices will enable those interested to trace the movements of the minor commands.
The subject is too great a one to be fully and justly treated within the limitations, both of time and space, which have necessarily been imposed here.Still, with the hope that the future student of history may glean something of value in this volume not found elsewhere, it is sent forth for the favorable consideration of its readers.
To the many friends who have kindly aided me in various ways, Ireturn my sincere thanks.To Col.R.N.Scott, U.S.A., I am under special obligations for data furnished.
The maps for this volume were prepared by permission from those of Captain Ruger in Van Horne's "History of the Army of the Cumberland,"published by Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati.