Samuel opened the door to Gabriel and Rodin.
The latter said to the Jew, "You, sir, are the keeper of this house?"
"Yes, sir," replied Samuel.
"This is Abbe Gabriel de Rennepont," said Rodin, as he introduced his companion, "one of the descendants of the family of the Renneponts."
"Happy to hear it, sir," said the Jew, almost involuntarily, struck with the angelic countenance of Gabriel--for nobleness and serenity of soul were visible in the glance of the young priest, and were written upon his pure, white brow, already crowned with the halo of martyrdom.Samuel looked at Gabriel with curiosity and benevolent interest; but feeling that this silent contemplation must cause some embarrassment to his guest, he said to him, "M.Abbe, the notary will not be here before ten o'clock."
Gabriel looked at him in turn, with an air of surprise, and answered, "What notary, sir?"
"Father d'Aigrigny will explain all this to you," said Rodin, hastily.
Then addressing Samuel, he added, "We are a little before the time.Will you allow us to wait for the arrival of the notary?"
"Certainly," said Samuel, "if you please to walk into my house."
"I thank you, sir," answered Rodin, "and accept your offer."
"Follow me, then, gentlemen," said the old man.
A few moments after, the young priest and the socius, preceded by Samuel, entered one of the rooms occupied by the latter, on the ground-floor of the building, looking out upon the court-yard.
"The Abbe d'Aigrigny, who has been the guardian of M.Gabriel, will soon be coming to ask for us," added Rodin; "will you have the kindness, sir to show him into this room?"
"I will not fail to do so, sir," said Samuel, as he went out.
The socius and Gabriel were left alone.To the adorable gentleness which usually gave to the fine features of the missionary so touching a charm, there had succeeded in this moment a remarkable expression of sadness, resolution, and severity.Rodin not having seen Gabriel for some days, was greatly struck by the change he remarked in him.He had watched him silently all the way from the Rue des Postes to the Rue Saint-Francois.
The young priest wore, as usual, a long black cassock, which made still more visible the transparent paleness of his countenance.When the Jew had left the room, Gabriel said to Rodin, in a firm voice, "Will you at length inform me, sir, why, for some days past, I have been prevented from speaking to his reverence Father d'Aigrigny? Why has he chosen this house to grant me an interview?"
"It is impossible for me to answer these questions," replied Rodin, coldly."His reverence will soon arrive, and will listen to you.All I can tell you is, that the reverend father lays as much stress upon this meeting as you do.If he has chosen this house for the interview, it is because you have an interest to be here.You know it well--though you affected astonishment on hearing the guardian speak of a notary."
So saying, Rodin fixed a scrutinizing, anxious look upon Gabriel, whose countenance expressed only surprise.
"I do not understand you," said he, in reply to Rodin."What have I to do with this house?"
"It is impossible that you should not know it," answered Rodin, still looking at him with attention.
"I have told you, sir, that I do not know it," replied the other, almost offended by the pertinacity of the socius.
"What, then, did your adopted mother come to tell you yesterday? Why did you presume to receive her without permission from Father d'Aigrigny, as I have heard this morning? Did she not speak with you of certain family papers, found upon you when she took you in?"
"No, sir," said Gabriel; "those papers were delivered at the time to my adopted mother's confessor, and they afterwards passed into Father d'Aigrigny's hands.This is the first I hear for a long time of these papers."
"So you affirm that Frances Baudoin did not come to speak to you on this subject?" resumed Rodin, obstinately, laying great emphasis on his words.
"This is the second time, sir, that you seem to doubt my affirmation,"
said the young priest, mildly, while he repressed a movement of impatience, "I assure you that I speak the truth."
"He knows nothing," thought Rodin; for he was too well convinced of Gabriel's sincerity to retain the least doubt after so positive a declaration."I believe you," went on he."The idea only occurred to me in reflecting what could be the reason of sufficient weight to induce you to transgress Father d'Aigrigny's orders with regard to the absolute retirement he had commanded, which was to exclude all communication with those without.Much more, contrary to all the rules of our house, you ventured to shut the door of your room, whereas it ought to remain half-
open, that the mutual inspection enjoined us might be the more easily practiced.I could only explain these sins against discipline, by the necessity of some very important conversation with your adopted mother."
"It was to a priest, and not to her adopted son, that Madame Baudoin wished to speak," replied Gabriel, in a tone of deep seriousness."I closed my door because I was to hear a confession."
"And what had Frances Baudoin of such importance to confess?"
"You will know that by-and-bye, when I speak to his reverence--if it be his pleasure that you should hear me."
These words were so firmly spoken, that a long silence ensued.Let us remind the reader that Gabriel had hitherto been kept by his superiors in the most complete ignorance of the importance of the family interests which required his presence in the Rue Saint-Francois.The day before, Frances Baudoin, absorbed in her own grief, had forgotten to tell him that the two orphans also should be present at this meeting, and had she even thought of it, Dagobert would have prevented her mentioning this circumstance to the young priest.
Gabriel was therefore quite ignorant of the family ties which united him with the daughters of Marshal Simon, with Mdlle.de Cardoville, with M.