第9章 California Institute of Technology: The truth shal
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The California Institute of Technology, commonly referred to as Caltech, is a private research university located in Pasadena, California, United States. Caltech was founded as a vocational school in Pasadena in 1891 by local businessman and politician Amos G. Throop. The school was known successively as Throop University, Throop Polytechnic Institute and Throop College of Technology, before acquiring its current name in 1920.California Institute of Technology is the home of NASA"s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This university is highly regarded as one of the top science schools in the world. Caltech"s mission is to "expand human knowledge and benef it society through research integrated with education."
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System: The university has six divisions in the physical sciences, including biology; chemistry and chemical engineering; engineering and applied science; geological and planetary sciences; physics; mathematics and astronomy; and interdisciplinary programs. The seventh division is humanities and social sciences. Several of these divisions house multiple disciplines; for example, within the engineering and applied science division are aerospace and bioengineering.The school boasts a 1-to-3 faculty-to-student ratio.There are 32 Nobel Prizes recipients that have been won from Caltech alumni and faculty in the areas of chemistry and physics and more.
Student: Caltech is a small four-year, highly residential research university with a slight majority in graduate programs.Its students hail from 49 states and 62 different countries, and 98% of our students placed in the top tenth of their graduating classes.Caltech is a very diverse school with nearly half its enrollment qualifying as minorities, although two-thirds of the students are male.Undergraduate degrees are awarded in 24 majors, with many classes providing shared enrollment between undergraduate and postgraduate students.
vocational [vukeinl] adj. 职业的;行业的
integrate [intiɡreit] vt. 使……完整;使……成整体
geological [dildikl] adj. 地质的;地质学的
planetary [plnitri] adj. 行星的
multiple [mltipl] adj. 多重的;多样的;许多的
aerospace [ruspeis] n. 航空宇宙;(航)航空航天空间
bioengineering [baiuendiniri] n. 生物工程;生物工程学
boast [bust] vt. 自夸;有(值得自豪的东西)
recipient [risipint] n. 容器;接受者;容纳者
residential [rezidenl] adj. 住宅的;与居住有关的
hail [heil] v. 赞扬;招手;向……喊
加州理工学院是美国的一所久负盛名的大学,于1891年由地方商人和政治家Amos G. Throop在帕萨蒂纳创建的一所职业学校发展而来,好莱坞等娱乐胜地以及洛杉矶都近在咫尺。在1920年该校获得现在这个名字以前,该校以Throop大学、Throop工艺学院、和Throop技术学院而知名。该校是美国乃至全世界最"牛"的研究型大学之一。
Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it.
If you want knowledge, you must toil for it.
Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.